The Digital Evolution of News, Technology and Social Networking in Times of Crisis

Digital evolution in times of crisis

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The evolution of news technology and social networking in times of crisis

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Page 1: Digital evolution in times of crisis

The Digital Evolution of News, Technology and Social Networking in Times of Crisis

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The days of waiting for the newspaper headlines to be lofted onto the lawn by the paperboy in the morning, or nestling into the easy chair to catch the nightly news at five are becoming memories of a fading era of traditional news distribution.

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Over the last decade, advancements in internet and device technology and the connectivity of social networking applications has changed how and where people consume their news and those technologies now play a substantial role in assisting humanitarian efforts during times of emergency response aid.

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The growth in mobile device users allows more people to access and create more news articles and videos virtually anywhere.

A report by comScore Inc. titled “2013 U.S. Digital Future in Focus” found “that smartphones hit 50% market

penetration and 52.4 million people in the U.S. owned tablets as of December


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When significant news occurs or disaster strikes people are there and they can now capture photos, videos and document firsthand experience with the devices they have in their hands and instantly send news stories, share content, and contribute to emergency response efforts quicker than ever before.

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The Pew Research Center report “The State of the Media” found “73% of American adults are now online”, and that “news plays a varying role across the social networking sites because of those people 64% or roughly half of both Facebook and Twitter users get news on those sites”.

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Social media can play an important role in news distribution and

emergency response.

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One of many examples that showed the important role of social media in the digital news landscape took place in China in 2008, when the Sichuan province experienced a monumental earthquake (7.9 on the Richter scale). At same time the buildings were shaking and the devastation was taking place, the people on the scene were letting the world know what was happening in real time through videos, photos, and text being uploaded to websites in real time.

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In this case it was posts on Twitter that actually broke the story. Clay Shirky points out in his 2010 TED Talk conference, “The BBC got their first wind of the Chinese quake from Twitter” (Shirky). He explains that “Twitter announced the existence of the quake several minutes before the US Geological Survey had anything up online for anybody to read” and “within half a day donation sites were up, and donations were pouring in from all around the world”.

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Social media, in combination with its supporting technologies is the future of news and information distribution and the capability for the public to interact can help more people to come together to aid humanitarian efforts in times of need, and emergency response.

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