JINGOISM CHAUVINISM Written & Edited by Prashant Das (VOJAKIZ)


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Chauvinism is a social weed which must be removed as soon as possible.

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Page 1: Chauvinism



Written & Edited by

Prashant Das (VOJAKIZ)

Page 2: Chauvinism


1. CHAUVINISM…………………………………………........ 2

2. HISTORICAL……………………………………………….. 2

3. INDIAN SOCIETY’S TAKE……………………………….. 2

4. MISOGYNIST’S VIEWPOINT……………………………... 5



a. PROTECTION ORDERS...................................................... 9

7. PREVENTING RACISM…………………………………….. 10

Page 3: Chauvinism


I was 16 when I first came across the phrase “CHAUVINIST MALE

PIG.” I don’t remember where I read it, but it roused my curiosity & I

went to seek help from the most trusted source of our generation ‘google.’

Google defines Chauvinism as “excessive or prejudiced support for one's

own cause, group, or sex.” It is a belligerent belief that you are superior.

Chauvinism, in its original meaning, is an exaggerated patriotism.


French soldier Nicolas Chauvin, who was badly wounded in

the Napoleonic wars. He received a pension for his injuries but it was not

enough to live on. After Napoleon abdicated, Chauvin was a fanatical

Bonapartist despite the unpopularity of this view in Bourbon Restoration

France. His single-minded blind devotion to his cause, despite neglect by

his faction and harassment by its enemies, started the use of the term.

By extension, it has come to include an extreme and

unreasoning partisanship on behalf of any group to which one belongs,

especially when the partisanship includes malice and hatred towards rival

groups. Jingoism is the British parallel form of this French word, but its

meaning has not expanded beyond nationalism in the same way that the

word chauvinism has.


Chauvinism is a characteristic which reflects ignorance. Remember

Devdas and his modern version in Dev D! Dev’s chauvinism gave him the

liberty of having all the fun with females around him and the same

chauvinism led to his break up when he got suspicious about the loyalty of

his girlfriend. Frankly, I had not witnessed male chauvinism till I was

secure in my house. I had seen my father prepare morning tea for my

mother at ties when she overslept. My father knew more about our

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medication and vaccinations than my mother. My father would not hesitate

in going for shopping with my mother. In fact, I can easily say that he can

make the best choice of clothes in our family. But as I grew up and went

out for studies, I came across a variety of people who could be easily

categorized as being highly male chauvinistic. Many of my friends say

they want to marry a home-maker girl. I can never understand the irony of

this. Why would a guy want to make someone sacrifice her career for an

orthodox bent of mind? Before marriage we teach our daughters that men

and women are equal. There is no difference in their rights. But as soon as

a female is married, her own parents tell her to be the sacrificing, the

submissive, the non-expecting, the giving kind of a wife. In fact, so strong

is the impact of this façade that I’m sure I would also be giving the same

advice to my daughter once she is about to get married. After all, all

parents want their daughters to have a trouble free married life. But why is

our society affected by male chauvinism the most? I don’t know the right

answer to this but I personally feel that this characteristic creeps into every

Indian male right from his birth. Right from female foeticide to

distribution of sweets only on a male’s birth to extra pampering of a male

child to first right to education and job; it’s all for a male child in India. I

think we ourselves are to be blamed for polluting the minds of males and

making them believe that they are the boss.

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This is a common scene in many households across the globe. Though,

with growing literacy the scenario is changing but it is not at a sufficient


People ask psychiatrists about conditions such as Narcissistic Personality

Disorder, Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, and Antisocial Personality

Disorder which do not have great treatment records via therapy in and of

itself. While chauvinism is not a DSM-IV disorder per se, it remains a

social problem that is not easily ameliorated.

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Below is an excerpt of interview of Dick Matherson, author of

“Menarebetterthanwomen.com” (believe me there is a site by this name &

only men are allowed on it) by Rob Dobrenski, Ph.D. here he gives us an

insight of the mindset of a misogynist.

Rob: While MenAreBetterThanWomen.com does not allow women on its

site, I both allow and encourage women to read ShrinkTalk.Net. Is this a

problem for the purposes of this interview?

Dick: I have no problems with women reading this interview and I

have no problem catering to the female mind. Sometimes, I talk to

as many as three or four women a day. Just expect my answers to

be slightly less profound than they would be at a man-brain packed

sausage-party like MenAreBetterThanWomen.com. Swear words

and The Truth melt women’s pretty little brains.

2) (Mental Note: Subject believes women’s brains are not only small, but

attractive as well). Dick, isn’t it true that you wanted to speak to me as a

form of therapy, as a way to purge yourself of your hateful ways?

As I kept insisting on Dr. Phil, I don’t hate women. I’m just aware

of the mountain of evidence throughout history and science which

concludes that men are better than women. Who invented the V8

engine? A man. Who discovered the teachings of Jesus? A man.

Sure, I’ve said that women are whores, but what’s wrong with a whore? A

whore is a woman who provides sex in exchange for money. A trash

collector collects your trash for money. A magician blows your mind for

money. Women will collect and blow anything you want for a free car. I

have no idea why a man would hate a whore. I suppose he might if he was


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3) I see. In my practice, approximately 60% of those without a diagnosed

psychological problem are female, and many of my colleagues report a

similar statistic. I suspect that this is because women tend to be more open

to self-exploration and communication. What are your thoughts on this?

I’ve written about this in my book Men Are Better Than Women in an

article titled Television, Syphilis, and Cats. In it, I ask how

psychologists can even successfully test a woman for mental

illness. How do you tell if someone spilled paint on a Jackson

Pollack? 60% of the time, you can’t.

4) Okay, so in addition to not hating whores, you enjoy discussing STD’s,

felines and fine art. Good. Moving on, you recently appeared on the Dr.

Phil Show. Many see him as a wise and helpful man, despite a formal

reprimand from the state of Texas for having a dual relationship, as well as

portraying himself as an authority in specialties that are outside his area of

study. What “Man Advice” would you give to such a charlatan and poor

excuse for a man?

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, I don’t take advice from

tampon salesmen. As soon as I put a tampon ad between the words

“are” and “better” in MenAreBetterThanWomen.com, you can

officially reject everything I say.

While I was on Dr. Phil, I saw a form of worship and fervor that I have not

seen outside of a Pentecostal church. Not worship over Dr. Phil’s advice or

teachings, but over the general gestalt of his empire. You might want to

include a definition of that fancy word for your female audience.

I’m not sure Dr. Phil is even selling psychological advice. I think he’s

selling a religion, and I have no problem with that. You can see the

tampon ad a mile away.

5) I think all of us are familiar with the definition of…wait, what was that

term again? Gestalt? Never mind. I often see men in my practice who

struggle with issues related to intimacy and commitment. I suspect you do

as well. What do you believe is behind these difficulties?

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“Issues” with intimacy and commitment are good things. I’m tired

of this vagina-conspiracy targeting men and their perfectly honed

instincts — which I call manstincts. “Intimacy” and “commitment”

lead to one thing: marriage. Marriage is a 50/50 bet with

everything a man owns — including any sex he may or may not be

getting over the next ten years.

There should be neon signs in front of churches telling you to fuck off. A

few emotional warning signs are your first line of defense against insanity.

6) (Mental Note: Remind pastors in therapy to tell clergy to “fuck off”).

Your critics have suggested that your attitude toward women is due to a

defect in your early bond with your mother, but I suspect a neurological

problem or traumatic brain injury (TBI). Do you have a TBI?

Traumatic brain injury? I can’t say that’s impossible. I used to box

and I did get a pretty good crack on the head one time trying to feel

up an Irish girl with a huge rack at Starkbierzeit in Munich. Great

festival, but nowhere near as man credible as Oktoberfest.

Back to my mother, eh? My mother told me not to write the book and not

to write the site. Sounds like a good mother to me.

7) What advice would you give to women who have unfaithful spouses?

Hit the Treadmill. You can find more information about that at

HitTheTreadmill.com. A man will never cheat on a woman who

keeps him well fed and well fucked. It’s called “responsibility”.

So sex, exercise and gustatory satisfaction are the keys to marital bliss?

Fascinating. Do you have issues with female animals, or just female


Female animals actually share a lot in common with female

humans. Female mosquitoes, for example, suck blood while male

mosquitoes do not. Male mosquitoes are content with chilling.

Female lions are also so greedy that they do all the hunting. If I

was a lion, I would love running around the dessert killing the shit

out of everything. Female lions are selfish.

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9) If men are truly better than women, what is your take on how marriages

can be more successful?

The only marriage that will ever work is the one between chocolate

and peanut butter that is the delicious candy snack of Reese’s

Peanut Butter Cups. All other marriages are frauds and hoaxes.

Don’t fix what isn’t broken.


Chauvinism is not restricted just to male domination of female. Racism,

fascism, any type of superiority complex is a part of chauvinism. Be it

Hitler’s genocide act towards Jews or Symonds-Harbhajan monkey-gate

spat, they are all varied aspects of the same.


Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005

Sexual Harassment of women at workplace(Prevention, prohibition,

redressal) act of 2013

Forms of violence recognized in India:

Persistent denial of food.

Insisting on perverse sexual conduct

Denying access to children

Physical violence

Confining women at home & denying social intercourse

Threatening divorce unless dowry is given

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Act of the Parliament of India enacted to protect women from domestic

violence. It was brought into force by the Indian government from October

26, 2006. The act was passed by the parliament in August 2005 & assented

to by the President on 13 September 2005. As of November 2007, it has

been ratified by 4 of 28 state governments in India; namely Andhra

Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh & Odisha. Of about 8000 criminal

cases registered all over India under this act, Rajasthan had 3440 cases,

Kerala had 1028 cases, while Punjab had 172 cases registered.

An application regarding domestic violence can be presented to the

magistrate seeking one or more reliefs mentioned in sections by:

The aggrieved person

Protection officer on behalf of aggrieved person

Any other person on behalf of aggrieved person

The first class magistrate court or metropolitan court shall be the

competent court within the local limits of which

The aggrieved person permanently or temporary resides or carriers

on business or is employed

The respondent permanently or temporarily resides or carries on

business or is employed

Protection orders:

Protection order is passed in favor of aggrieved person prohibiting the

respondent from following acts such as committing any acts of domestic


Aiding or abetting in the act of domestic violence

Attempting to communicate in any form including personal, oral

or written, electronic or telephonic contact

Committing any other specified by the protection officer

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Monetary relief is also a part of it. In case of child, the custody is

temporarily given to aggrieved person and the respondent might even be

prohibited from visiting rights.


Preventing racial discrimination in a country as diversified as India where

500+ languages are spoken, is again a Herculean task.

Acts against discrimination in India:

The caste disability removal Act, 1850

Hindu Succession Act, 1956-Abolished “limited owner” status of

women who owned property, amended in 2004 to give daughters

equal inheritance rights

S.C. & S.T. (prevention of atrocities) Act, 1989

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