The Home Bar - What Bar The Home Bar - What Bar Equipment Do I Need Equipment Do I Need

The home bar- what bar equipment do I need

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The Home Bar - What Bar The Home Bar - What Bar Equipment Do I NeedEquipment Do I Need

Having a bar in your home is a fantastic way of entertaining your friends and is

becoming an increasingly common feature in many homes and houses.

Home bars come in all shapes and sizes but you really don't need a lot of room to

have a nice bar at the back of your living room and setting up a home bar is quite simple to do. All you need to work

out is:

Where you want the bar

What drinks you will need

What bar equipment you will require

The location of your home bar is really up to you. Nearly every room can have a

bar but you want somewhere where you can socialise. As for the type of drinks it

really depends on what you and your friend's prefer as a tipple. Draught beers

are expensive to plumb in but a good selection of spirits and mixers will take

care of most people's tastes.

When it comes to bar equipment and bar accessories then a lot will depend on

what you are going to serve. If you are into cocktails then you will need the cocktail accessories such as sticks,

umbrellas and shakers.

A stainless steel condiment tray - stainless steel is easy to clean

For spirits it's best to get measures (it's far too easy to be over generous) The best type of bar equipment to get is often

stainless steel as it is easy to clean but don't forget as these things are going in your home you might want some better designs than the standard sorts you get

in pubs.And of course, no home bar would be a

complete without a good selection of glasses. Choose a wide variety of shot glasses, tall glasses, wine glasses and cocktail glasses and you should have

something for every eventuality.

It's also important to remember plates for snacks, ashtrays, and other small

catering accessories, not too to mention the mixers as it is all to easy to get

carried away buying the booze and forget the soft drinks.

Now add a couple of bar stools, some coasters or drink mats and there you

will have the perfect place to make you the envy of all your friends and as

drinking at home is cheaper than going out - it will probably pay for itself too.

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