SPX Nutrition Compensation plan

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Page 2: SPX Nutrition Compensation plan

7 Ways to Create Wealth 2

1- First Order Bonus (FOB) Getting started on the right foot is critical in every business. When you fast track your business by choosing an optional Starter or Builder Business Pack you're taking the first step toward a successful future. This bonus is compressed. Everyone (customers included*) will receive 35% FOB when anyone they personally refer places an order for the first time! As an Independent Professional (IP) who started right, by ordering a Starter Business Pack (in your first 30 days), you are qualified to earn an additional 5% FOB on level 2 orders. As an IP who starts with a Builder Business Pack you will earn an additional 5% FOB on all level 3 orders.

2- Team Commissions / Customer Rewards

Team Commissions / Customer Rewards* are at the heart of residual income. A unique part of our culture starts with our customer’s ability to share the products they love with others and receive Customer Rewards when their referrals buy product. This allows customers, our life blood, to share incredible products with others and earn Customer Rewards in the process. Customer Reward points are essentially a balance on file that a customer can use to purchase products (or even upgrade) in essence getting product at no cost or at a substantial discount. As an IP you start earning 2 levels of Team Commission right from the start. As you develop your sales and team you'll earn an increasing number of levels deep, up to 7 levels.

Commissions are compressed. Those unqualified for a particular level, will be skipped and the first upline qualified to be paid, will receive that levels commission.

Business Packs

Starter $120

Builder $240

Everyone Starter Builder

1 35% 35% 35%


5% 5%



Customer IP


IP III Man Man II Man III Dir

Dir II

Dir III Exec

1 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25%

2 2% 3% 4% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5%


2% 3% 4% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5%


2% 3% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4%


2% 3% 4% 4%


2% 3%



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7 Ways to Create Wealth 3

3- Team Development Bonus (TDB) Developing sales team leadership is part of the natural progression of building a successful and ultimately large business income. Starting at Sr. Manager I, you will start earning Team Development Bonuses (TDB) on your sales team. These three bonuses overlap one another throughout 2 generations and each pay out 1% commissions on your entire team's volume. This happens from your level one (overlapping your Team Commission) down to the bottom of your qualified group so you are encouraged to develop leaders without fear. This is a powerful and unique bonus in 2 ways. First, this bonus starts at level 1 of your Team Commission, in essence increasing the level payout by up to 3% (IE. taking level 1 up to a potential 28%). Second, this bonus pays out to 2 levels of leaders at the same title, in essence removing concern about becoming blocked when you develop leadership.

4- New Growth Bonus (NGB)

Team work at any level, nurturing leadership where ever it may fall are critical for leaders looking to build incredible businesses. The New Growth Bonus is a leadership bonus designed to reward leaders who grow their business. Once you qualify, all new growth (new customers or new IPs who purchase for the first item) within your qualified team will be linked to you Forever. Each link pays 1%. You can earn up to 5% if you were linked to that new customer or IP all 5 times. (With the TDB that's a potential of 32% on level 1).

Sr Manager I Sr Director I Sr Executive I

1% Up to 2% Up to 3%

Sr Manager II Sr Director II Sr Executive II Sr Corp Dir II Sr Corp Exec II

1, 1% link Up to 2, 1% links Up to 3, 1% links Up to 4, 1% links Up to 5, 1% links

Rank NGB Match

Director 25%

Sr Dir I 30%

Sr Dir II 35%

Executive 40%

Sr. Exec I 45%

Sr. Exec II 50%

Corp Dir 55%

Sr Corp Dir I 60%

Sr Corp Dir II 65%

Corp Exec 70%

Sr Corp Exec I 75%

Sr Corp Exec II 80%

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7 Ways to Create Wealth 4

5- NGB Match (NGBM)

As your team starts to link to new growth you can become qualified to earn a 50% and then a full 100% match on the NGB that earn. This is a simple and yet powerful bonus that allows you to earn commission on leaders you develop who may be qualified at a higher NGB level than you.

6- Rank Advancement (RA)

At each major Rank you will earn a one-time Rank Advancement once you have reached and maintained your leadership rank for 3 months.

7- Lifestyle Bonus (LSB)

IGSC 85%

Director Executive Corp Dir Corp Exec IGSC

$1,200 $24,000 $120,000 $320,000 $1 Million

6 Mo. to Qualify 12 Mo. to Qualify 18 Mo. to Qualify 24 Mo. to Qualify 36 Mo. to Qualify

Paid Over 12 Mo. Paid Over 12 Mo. Paid Over 24 Mo. Paid Over 24 Mo. Paid Over 36 Mo.

Rank Advancement Life Style Bonus

Sr Dir II $200

Executive $300

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7 Ways to Create Wealth 5

Earn between $200 and $5,000 a month - paid to you directly for the Lifestyle you deserve. Hire a Housekeeper, Nanny, or a Personal Trainer. Buy a Boat, ATV, or Motorcycle. Travel the World… or Pay-It-Forward!!!

… use it for whatever enhances your life!

Sr. Exec I $400

Sr. Exec II $700

Corp Dir $1000

Sr Corp Dir I $1200

Sr Corp Dir II $1500

Corp Exec $2000

Sr Corp Exec I $3000

Sr Corp Exec II $4000

IGSC $5000

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7 Ways to Create Wealth 6

Independent Professionals (IP): Independent business owners who participate in the Income Opportunity and develop a sales/marketing organization.

Customers: Customers include anyone who registers to buy product directly from us, including IP's. The IP and upline sales organization, earn commission when any customer buys a commissionable product. Commissionable Volume (CV): A point value assigned to a product, used to track sales activity, IP qualifications, and to calculate commissions.

Personal Volume (PV): The CV of personal purchases you make.

Personal Sales Volume (PSV): The collective volume of your Customer's PV and your PV.

Group Sales Volume (GSV): This is the total CV of all products purchased by the people in your downline.

Active: means a Customer or Associate with 40 PSV.

Enroller: The person directly responsible for enrolling a new Customer or IP.

Placement Sponsor: The person directly above you in the sales organization tree, this may or may not be your Enroller.

Upline: The successive individuals who are directly above you in the sales organization tree. Your Placement Sponsor (may also be your enroller), Placement Sponsor's Placement Sponsor, etc.

Level: The number on which a customer or IP has a position in the sales organization tree within your team. Everyone directly below you is on Level 1 and everyone directly below them is on your Level 2, etc.

Frontline: Those customers or IP's placed directly to you and found on your Level 1.

Line: A descending line of enrollers starting with each Personally Enrolled customer or IP on your front line. You and your entire team are one "Line" to your Placement Sponsor. "Line" may also sometimes be referred to as a "Leg".

Sales Team: All customers and IP's below you in all your Lines. Building your Sales Team requires developing, helping, and teaching new others to create sales. Through a combination of sales development and leadership an IP can reach new ranks that unlock progressively greater income potential.

Generation: You, down to an IP of the same rank as you or higher is considered the "first generation". From that IP down to the next Promoter of the same rank is considered the "second generation". And so on.

40% Volume Rule: Starting at Manager, 40% of a single line's volume will be counted toward the qualification

Paid-As-Rank (PAR): refers to the rank an IP is at the time a specific commission, reward, or bonus is calculated.

Highest Rank / Rank: refers to the highest rank ever attained and is a superficial recognition of accomplishment that is not tied to any commission, reward, or bonus. The Rank Advancement Bonus has additional qualifications.

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7 Ways to Create Wealth 7

Commission Calculation: Commission and bonuses on sales are calculated in real time based on your current PAR at the time of the sale. Rank Advancement and Lifestyle Bonuses are reviewed on the day after your monthly anniversary date (the date you originally registered and an account was created, not the day of the month that you became active or qualified for any particular rank or commission).

Rank Advancement: Each night PSV and GSV (using the 40% Volume Rule) is aggregated for the past 31 days, and identifies each Line's Rank to determine the PAR, and if applicable the Highest Rank.

The advantages of Nightly Advancement are numerous.

A- Commission can be calculated in real-time (Immediate Gratification when a sale is made, a HUGE advantage in today's market) based on the PAR you are currently qualified for at the time commission is calculated, rather than at the end of some arbitrary period (weekly, bi-weekly, 4 weeks, monthly, etc).

B- Shorter months, such as February aren't a detriment to qualifications, since qualifications are not based on the length of a month, or the number of weeks.

C- Faster Advancement is possible, rather than waiting for Advancement until the end of the month. Added to real-time commission, Faster Advancement allows for immediate recognition possibility and immediate gratification of accomplishment as individuals in your sales organization cross particular Rank Advancement thresh-holds within the compensation plan.

D- Because Rank Advancement is determined nightly; bad habits used and taught by some within our industry are minimized or eliminated all together. Specifically, "Garage Qualifying", downline product loading, buying product downline to bump a line to the next rank, and month end dead-lines that push some to exhibit such behaviors are all massively reduced and essentially eliminated.

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7 Ways to Create Wealth


Customer IP Sr. IP I Sr. IP II Manager Sr.

Manager I Sr.

Manager II Director Sr.

Director I Sr.

Director II Executive Sr.

Executive I Sr.

Executive II

1 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25%

2 2% 3% 4% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5%


2% 3% 4% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5%


2% 3% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4%


2% 3% 4% 4% 4% 4%


2% 3% 3%


2% 3%

Rank Adv.*



Lifestyle Bonus

$200 $300 $400 $700

Team Bonus

1% 1% 1% 2% 2% 2% 3% 3%

NGB 1% Links

1 1 1 2 2 2 3

NGB Match 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%

PSV -- 40 40 40 80 80 80 120 120 120 120 120 120

GV -- -- 240 480 1200 2400 4800 12,000 24,000 48,000 120,000 240,000 480,000

Executive 1 2

Lifestyle Bonus Rank Adv. NGB 1% Links NGB Match PSV GSV Exec Corp Dir

Corporate Director $1000 $120,000 3 55% 160 720K 3

Sr. Corporate Director I $1200 3 60% 160 1.2MM 4

Sr. Corporate Director II $1500 4 65% 160 1.6MM 5

Corporate Executive $2000 $360,000 4 70% 200 2.0MM 1

Sr. Corporate Executive I $3000 4 75% 200 2.5MM 2

Sr. Corporate Executive II $4000 5 80% 200 3.0MM 3

IGSC $5000 $1 Million 5 85% 200 4.0MM 4

Compensation at a Glance

Leadership at a Glance