Social media for building community (calling all trolls). @MarinaPape

Building Online Community with Social Media (Calling All Trolls)

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Social media for building community (calling all trolls).


“Why is it that some products take a piece of our heart? What is it about their design that makes us feel connected, amused, and delighted?”


“The days of predictable, periodic media sessions have been replaced by numerous short bursts of digital activity throughout the day” #micromoments

Sridhar Ramaswamy, senior VP of ads and commerce at

Social media changed the way brands build equity.

“Er, what should I post?” - Marina, brand new job, aged 24

The other side of the internet.

Something powerful and addictive about social media is that it enables a brand to come alive, speak and develop something fascinating close to a relationship with people on the other side of the internet ‘it’ never meets.

“Why is it that some products take a piece of our heart? What is it about their design that makes us feel connected, amused, and delighted?”


“Why is it that some products take a piece of our heart? What is it about their design that makes us feel connected, amused, and delighted?”


Users want genuine experiences that bring comfort, ease, and a sense of connection.

#7 Things To Keep In Mind As You Gather Your Online Community.

Strong brands have strong, consistent voices. Be personable. Develop a voice. Work out how to scale it.


Hiro is brave but not overconfident. He’s not an unnecessary risk-taker but isn’t afraid to step out of the boat to pioneer something new. Hiro is always growing, adapting and innovating in order to better help and serve others. He is excellent at what he does and his special skill set has made him famous all over the world. In spite of his success he remains humble, self-reflective and quietly confident. Hiro never forgets he is just a ninja.


Culture = brand.People like buying into something happy (don’t fake it).


How you gather, matters.Free stuff never won fair fan. Marathon not a sprint.


High quality signals maketh content.You get one chance for that click, make it count.


‘Waste’ time on individuals.Go after personal connections (without being a stalker).


“I love Warby Parker, but I’ll never buy a pair because I have 20/20 vision. My boss reads the Buffer blog daily, but she’s never used the tool a day in her life. We’re brand fans, part of an enormous audience of advocates you may be missing out on.

While brand fans like us may not convert, we’re immensely important to your brand. It’s time to stop focusing all your attention on converting customers and start considering how to engage and retain your fans.”


Encourage conversation and look out for rituals.Reward the type of sharing you want more of.


Offering support over social: Y/N?Do what feels right for your customers / company / product.






“Over the past decade or so, outrage has become the default mode for politicians, pundits, critics and, with the rise of social media, the rest of us. When something ‘outrageous’ happens, it’s easy to anticipate the cycle that follows: anger, sarcasm, recrimination, piling on; defences and counterattacks; anger at the anger, disdain for the outraged; sometimes, an apology … and on to the next.

Twitter and Facebook make it easier than ever to participate from home. And the same cycle occurs regardless of the gravity of the offense, which can make each outrage feel forgettable, replaceable. The bottomlessness of our rage has a numbing effect.”

Practical Tips For Loving Your Trolls

Remember the soapbox / keyboard confidence factor.Establish who you’re speaking to.

Engage empathy (we can all be wenches).Read and mirror their emotions.

Don’t be defensive, don’t embarrass.

Let them win a little (but don’t be a doormat).Humour is a marvellous medicine.

If you’re not winning just take the punch.Trust Twitter to self-regulate.

Leave the door open,

Social media audit for your brand?Look at your last ten tweets.
