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What is Pilonidal Sinus?

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Pilonidal Sinus

Pilonidal Sinus

Healing Hands Clinic Dubai

What is Pilonidal Sinus?

It is tiny hollow in the skin at the head of the buttock.

However it does not lead to a problem always and its suggested to be treated when it is infected.

Healing Hands Clinic Dubai



Swelling and

Pus filled blister can be seen in the infected area.

Healing Hands Clinic Dubai


Treatments are usually not required until the area is infected.

If there is a swelling or discharge from the affected area then the following treatments with latest technology and suggested by best team of Dr’s at Healing Hands Clinic Dubai is available .

Healing Hands Clinic Dubai


WIDE EXCISION OF PILONIDAL SINUS: In this affected tissue is removed and open cavity is left to heal naturally.

LASER PILONIDOPLASTY ( LPP ): In this technique a tiny slit is made and all the pus is drained out and cavity is sealed with laser fiber.

EXCISION WITH PRIMARY CLOSURE: In this case the sinus and the blister is removed by surgery and then it sewn up.

Z-PLASTY: In this the surgeon makes two triangular flaps of equal lengths while closing thy are closed across each other for cosmetic reasons.

CLEFT LIFT / MODIFIED KARYADAKIS / CLEFT CLOSURE: In this infected area is removed.

LIMBERG FLAP / GLUTEAL FLAP: This is used for those patients whose both buttocks are infected and removes the blister and pus and cavity is sealed with stitches.

Healing Hands Clinic Dubai