Secrets of Well- Dressed Women #Tailoring #fashion #dress #Boutique #Ladiestailor #suitstitching #Fashionsecrets #secretsyourclothes #bestdressedwomen #stylesecrets

Secrets of well dressed women

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Secrets of Well- Dressed Women

#Tailoring #fashion #dress #Boutique #Ladiestailor #suitstitching #Fashionsecrets #secretsyourclothes #bestdressedwomen #stylesecrets

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#women’sfashion #secretsofdressing #womenstylesecrets #fashionmath #wardrobetips #secretsofstylishwomen

We look at well-dressed women and wonder how well they carry themselves. Looking well dressed is not easy as it may sound. Women spend their entire life thriving to look well dressed and effortlessly stylish. Some women think that expensive clothing and accessories can make them look stylish but that’s not how it works. Women can always book online boutique and ladies tailor to get the right piece of clothing. But there are few things which you can keep in mind while shopping and dressing which can change the way you look. Some of these are:-

1) Shop with a plan: - Women have wardrobes filled with clothes, but they still find it hard to decide what to wear. Impulsive shopping is the main reason behind it. They buy everything they come across or are in trend. But well-dressed women always plan shopping in advance and shop selectively. They plan everything about their shopping like what they really need to buy, how it would look and where they can find it.

2) Know Your Body Type: -Well dressed women look stylish in any piece of clothing. The reason being, they dress according to their body type.

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Knowing your body type will help you to shop clothes which will enhance your body shape. For e.g. if you are pear shaped skinny jeans will not suit you. Thus buy jeans which have flares to balance out your look.

3) Dress according to the occasion: - A well-dressed women dresses according to the occasion. For attending a wedding, she will wear traditional dress, or if she is going for a job interview she will prefer trousers and shirts. Thus, never overdress or undress for an occasion. Think twice before putting on any clothes. Question yourself whether it will suit the occasion or not.

4) Quality over quantity: - The secret of well-dressed women are choosing good quality clothing. In this way, clothes will last longer. Also, quality clothes can make you look effortlessly stylish.

5) Choose Unique clothes: - When going out for shopping look for a unique piece of clothing. The best clothes always have unique elements like color, unique designs or unique style of clothing. To look stylish every day, always choose clothes which are unique instead of what is on trend.

6) Skip the Trends:- Women who follow trend are not stylish instead women who create their own style out of the trend are stylish.

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You should never follow the trends blindly choose trend wisely keeping in mind your taste and preferences, body type and color that suits. If you follow the trend you will look like every next girl on the street but when you create your own style you look different and can add your own elements.

7) Learn the art of pairing: - Knowing which color complements each other, what sneaks go well with what dress can be quite useful at times. Pair the right outfit with right shoes and accessories. It can make you look extremely well dressed.

8) Stock up Neutrals: - The easiest

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way to create a stylish outfit is to buy many neutral shades clothing and then add slight colors by using colorful accessories, scarves, and shoes.

9) Invest in classic pieces: - Always invest in Classic style of clothing instead of what is trending. You can stock up your wardrobe with timeless pieces like a little black dress, white T-shirt, button down shirts, maxi skirts, and denim. You should just add two or three trending pieces of clothing in your wardrobe and try to wear them as soon as possible.

10) Confidence- Confidence is the well-kept secret of all well-dressed women. No matter what you wear, carry it with attitude. If you don’t have the attitude or you’re not comfortable with a piece of clothing you will never look well dressed. For More :- http://www.femaleadda.com/about-boutique http://www.femaleadda.com/boutique