5 Ways To Maintain Healthy Plumbing in Your Kitchen

jack wilson

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Clogged drains are not only an inconvenience, but they can also create a hazard to you and your family members. To avoid this problem, contact Local Plumbing Group. It is a fully trusted plumbing company and is 24/7 ready to help you with any kind of plumbing issue. So without any delay jump to these slides and read how you can maintain your kitchen drain.

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5 Ways ToMaintain HealthyPlumbing inYour Kitchen

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“Kitchen” the most used room in the house and keeping yourkitchen plumbing healthy is a crucial thing. It is the placewhere food is prepared, and all the members of the familycome together for a meal. A dysfunctional kitchen can causea lot of trouble for homeowners.

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Here are five easy ways youcan take care of yourkitchen plumbing.

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Use Drain Covers to Collect FoodWastage

To avoid unwanted hard objects from enteringyour drains while washing the dishes, it’sadvisable to cover your drains with a sink sieve. Itcollects all the small particles, which can then bethrown later in your garbage can. If the foodparticles go down in the drain, they will clog thepipes and cause a bad odor in your kitchen.

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Avoid Chemical CleaningSupplies

Cleaning your kitchen sink and drainswith noncorrosive chemicals is anotheruseful plumbing tip and it extends thelife of your plumbing system. If there is aclog in your sink, try to use a plunger ordrain snake to unclog it. You can alsotake help from a professional drainunblocking plumber Geelong if thesedon’t work.

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Avoid using bar soap and start using liquiddishwashers as bar soaps produce a lot of scum andcan solidify in the drains, causing clogging.

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Keep Grease & Oil AwayFrom the Drain

Grease and cooking oils tend to thicken your drains andcause a blockage. It builds-up over time when you wash yourdishes in the sink and can cause damage in your kitchen. Youcan also wipe out all the grease from your cooking utensilsand plates and then put them in the wash to avoid cloggeddrains.

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Run Hot Water Downthe Sink Drains

After washing the dishes, run hot water for a few seconds tomelt out the grease and any micro food particles frombuilding up on the sides of the drains. You can also do a DIYhack, pour a mixture of vinegar and baking soda to push allthe gunk down the drains.

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Clean the SinkTraps RegularlyIf you have a sink installed, you need tobe extra careful and keep it maintainedat all times. The sink traps tend tocollect any solid particles and can causean overflow in your sink restrictingwater to pass through. These should becleaned regularly to prevent clogging.

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You can contact LPG if you detect any leaks or need to getyour kitchen plumbing system repaired. We offer the bestplumbing services for all your plumbing emergencies, fromsewer cleaning to toilet services, in Geelong, VIC.

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Contact Us

Website: https://www.lpggeelong.com.au/Address: 195 Melbourne Rd, North Geelong, VIC 3215Phone No.: 1800224229

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