Home At Last: A Contemporary View On Adoption Since 1999, there have been over 12,000 successful adoptions in Texas. Last year alone, approximately 600 adoptions took place and the number continues to grow in the Lone Star state. Adoptive families and adoptive couples across America take pride in continuing the long-standing tradition of supporting adoption programs, especially here in San Antonio. Adoption introduces a new perspective on life and new opportunities as much for the adoptive couple as it does for the adoptee. Older stigmas no longer persist because people know that no matter where a child is born, learning, living, and growing as a part of a family is an important part of childhood development, and adoption makes that possible for millions of children.

Home At Last: A Contemporary View On Adoption

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Home At Last: A Contemporary View On Adoption

Since 1999, there have been over 12,000 successful adoptions in Texas. Last year alone, approximately 600 adoptions took place and the number continues to grow in the Lone Star state. Adoptive families and adoptive couples across America take pride in continuing the long-standing tradition of supporting adoption programs, especially here in San Antonio. Adoption introduces a new perspective on life and new opportunities as much for the adoptive couple as it does for the adoptee. Older stigmas no longer persist because people know that no matter where a child is born, learning, living, and growing as a part of a family is an important part of childhood development, and adoption makes that possible for millions of children.

Page 2: Home At Last: A Contemporary View On Adoption

We yearn to establish a legacy when we grow older; with adoption services provided by adoption agencies, starting or expanding a family has never been more possible than now. Adoption rates from last year show there is no longer a need or cause for fear when an adoptive couple is considering adoption. Adoption agencies can connect prospective couples with other adoptive families who have already been through the adoption process. This allows prospective couples to learn from the adoptive families’ experiences and offers insight into an increasingly popular way to start a family. Growth in adoption can be directly correlated to the growing understanding and awareness of the adoption process. Adoptive families and adoptive couples now feel less intimidated by the adoption process because many more resources are available today than ever before. Studies estimate that there are about 5 million adoptees in America today, with 2-4% of American families adopting. With this increase in understanding about adoption comes an increase in acceptance as well. Parents across the country know how precious the blessing of a new baby is, and they understand that alternative routes to parenthood allow all adults to share in this wonderful experience. While adults in the US have come to embrace adoption as a wonderful way to offer a child a new life, the adopted child’s peers may not understand the adoption process at first. Other children sometimes tease or scorn adopted children. But the adoptive family can combat these negative forces by providing strength and solace in their home, so that the child may take pride in who they are and who they want to become. Families, adoptive or by birth, grow and prosper with time. With enough communication, support, and love, a family can become something truly magnificent. Since 1850, after one of the first “modern” adoption laws was passed in Massachusetts, the US has been one of the foremost leaders in adoption. As we grew as a country, adoption became a way for couples and families to expand their family more than ever before. If you believe adoption may be the right way to start your family, contact a local adoption agency today. Adopting a child is an important decision that requires much careful consideration. Are you contemplating adoption or are you already planning to adopt a child? Do you have any idea about how or where to start? Providence Place will guide you through the adoption process while making sure all your questions are. Providence Place offers adoption services for birth mothers, birth fathers, adoptive families for children, and adoptees. They also provide supportive services, post adoption services, and much more. Providence Place is a national leader in open adoptions. Visit provplace.org today to learn more about adopting a child.