Hello hello hello! Welcome to The Science of a Legacy - Chapter Six: The Legacy Pupp(y)ets When we last left off, Generation Two was running the Legacy house with Generation Three well underway. Atrica was still ever searching for pleasure, as first born of G3, Saeva, began to excel in way unprecedented in the Tegenaria household, as she appeared to be blessed with the Power of The Third. What's it all about, click that arrow you tuna! And beware, have a cuppa handy - it's a long 'un. October 22 nd 2007

The Science of a Legacy: Chapter 6

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Page 1: The Science of a Legacy: Chapter 6

Hello hello hello! Welcome to The Science of a Legacy - Chapter Six: The Legacy Pupp(y)ets

When we last left off, Generation Two was running the Legacy house with Generation Three well

underway. Atrica was still ever searching for pleasure, as first born of G3, Saeva, began to excel

in way unprecedented in the Tegenaria household, as she appeared to be blessed with the

Power of The Third. What's it all about, click that arrow you tuna! And beware, have a cuppa

handy - it's a long 'un.

October 22nd 2007

Page 2: The Science of a Legacy: Chapter 6

And so we rejoin our legacy fam-... Hey, er guys? You're the wrong Tegenarias.

"Wahooo! The Mighty Corvus finally has his own family! I'm hosting this chapter for Repey, so

you can meet pretty lady who marry Corvie and the little Corvies!"

Sure, why not - I know you Corvus fans out there have been waiting for an update.

"I am Corvus. My pretty lady is Erika. Little Corvus boy twin in Bertie and little Corvus girl twin is

Bubbles. We live in Land 'O Puppies, so I can raise 20 little puppers and meows. Come see,

come see!"

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"Erika married Corvus in our pretty bedroom. Corvus love her with triple bolt love, and was very

happy he got to be with the pretty lady like he always wanted ever since he had no nose. She

looks after Cor-, er -me- and teaches me to speak like a proper gentleman like Morty Goth."

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"I made friends with all the neighbours, especially the doggie Tigger. But he never came back

and Corvie was sad. Gin said she was too, so that made me feel my better. But anyway, he

didn't count as being raised by me!"

Damn you Tigger, damn yooooou!

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"Here are my lovely ami-nals that do though! This is Waffles, I love him."

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"This is Lovie. She's very clever. I love her too."

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"This is Mitten. He is sometimes angry. I love him three."

Me too Corvus, gorgeous tikky.

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"This is Butter. She is Waffles and Lovie's baby girl. I love her four."

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"This is Bibbles. He was their baby too. I love him five. Butter and Bibbles went to live with a nice

lady because then we had too many doggies."

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"Then we had some kitties. This is Boingy. I love him six."

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"This is Fluffles. I love her seven. That is the end of all my petties so far! Corvus love them all

very much. Gin lets me pick all the names too!"

That was as much for me as it was for you - I want to keep track of all the pets that Corvus

raises, and his count of love helps me. Love you twenty, Corv ;)

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"We also raised two little chidlers. They were twinses, which made Erika sleepy and not play

Red Hands with me so much. We called them Bertie and Bubbles because I think their nice


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"Bubbles likes to play dollies with me. She reminds me of myself at her age, I hope she is

pleased to be so much like her Daddy. Though sometimes her plots get a bit complicated for me

to follow, so I just give her a great big Corvie-hug instead!"

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"Bertie does not like to play with me or Bubbles. He likes to crash horsies into the ground

instead. I do not understand why."

"Maybe it's my lack of nice points -Dad-, or the fact that I have better things to do than hang

around with a great big p-"

Bertrum B. Tegenaria! Don't be mean to Corvus, I do not take kindly to those that are. I'm

watching you, mate.

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"Then one day Bubbles and Bertie grew up all big, and started to dress funny. Bubbles did

strange things to her face."

"Daaad! You're waffling on again! These good people didn't come here to read about your

newest fluffball! I need then to hurry up and read on so I can go to uni with my cousins.. Oh, I'm

ringing Gin, this is ridiculously long for a placeholder update!"

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"Bubbles? Corvus won't stop showing off his new life? Well, your father is a Family Sim, you

can't blame him.. But you're right. Cheers m'dear for the heads up!"

"That loveable rascal! My sibling does love his phylogeny, no?"

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"Sure Repens, sure. Thanks for sharing that cuppa with me, it was ace. Now, back to your home

and position of heir to the Tegearia line, with you!"

"Fare the well, Gin. You are the most majestic of creators, and I enjoy the passing of time in your

presence, on a magnitudinal scale."

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"Heheheee.. Naked Repens.."


Ahem, now on with the main story!

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Saeva, promised heir and all round wonder-child was bring home the A+s like there was no


"Can't help it when you've got the Power of the Third goin' on"

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Second born Carapace, when not nestling in the arms of this generation's spouse Kerie, is busy

preparing for instant childification.

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Just add alien jammies and voila! Insta-child.

"Oh wow, this are sooo cool! I'm so pleased I get to wear them!"

7 nice points compared to her sisters 1, sweetie.

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"Oh wow, this hair makes me feel all tingly inside! I look nice! Almost as pretty as Saeva, but you

know, she's my sister and I love her so obviously she'll always be prettier, because she's so

great! Just talking about her makes me happy! Oh, I think I'll go bake a muffin for my Daddy


Nice points, tssk.

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"Yay, Carrie's all child-like! Can we go on holiday now? Can we can we can weee?"

"You best ask Gin, sweetie, I think she does things like that.. Though I could do with some

Twikki Islands Pleasure!"

Sorry Saeva, not yet. Not after last time..

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You cannot beat a child hug photo. Legacy Fact #196.

Carrie looks a lot more like Repens than Kerie, but reminds me a lot of Corvus in her facial

structure. Saeva doesn't have the family eyes, but I think (and actually kind of hope!) that that is

the giaganto Repens nose there.

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"Seev, I'm not quite sure if I get this chess malarkey.."

"Don't worry Carrie, Grandma Margaret taught me, it's all about the horsies.. The headmasters

coming, just move something! We need to look at intelligent as Dad."

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"Carrie! Don't eat like that, the old man might think we're the Broke Family or something!"

"Mmmgmfffmm.. Sowwy Seewa.. MmMM *gulp*"

"Geeze, no wonder no-one in our family's been to private school before!"

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Verdict, nearly bald man?


Brilliant! My first kids into private school ever! Ok, also the first time I've ever tried - but still!

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"Gin mentioned something about 'last time' when I asked her to go on holiday.. I'd better just

check something out.. No way. No WAY! Oh those poor Sims. Oh my fishness, what if that

happens to us?! I dunno if I should tell anyone about this. I'll just keep reading for now."

Seev? What've you found there, love?


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Atrica, our proud and noble (and pleasurable founder) was busy making a discovery of his own.

"Margaret, if you throw a dart there yes, it is NOT pleasurable!"

"Oh my gaaaaw, I'm so sorry honey! Do you need help getting it out?"

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"Ah, my little Scrumpet! Your skin is as velveteen as that of a mollusc.."

"Oh Repens, I love it when you compliment me so!"

Remind me not to marry a Repens.. Anyway mate, I've got a present for you out on the porch.

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"My, what is this luminous contraption? It is exquisitely crafted none the less!"

Mm, go on, take a closer look.

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Sorry Repens. I'm not playing for points, and there's no way I can get 5 businesses on the go at

only Generation Two at the helm. You'll have to cope with wanting to reach the top of the

business career instead.


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Saeva, that's Carapace's room, shoo!

"I'm looking for her. I have to tell her.. er, about this bug I saw outside today. Yeah, bug, that's it!"

Oh, there'd better not be any roaches around! I haven't had to deal with them yet. Where is

Carapace anyway?

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"Wow Seev, that's awesome! How'd you learn to do that?!"

"I dunno, it just kind of happened! It must be that Third thing everyone keeps wittering on about."

"That's so cool, you're really lucky Saeva!"

"Sigh, I hope that's the case.."

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Whilst her daughter's having a pre-mature life crisis, Kerie continues to make strange faces that

only a Kerie could.

"I'm strong, but it might have done something to my face? No? Oh, its just me again.. Really?"

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Young Carapace, today we ask:

What's on your mind?

"Oh you know, the usual. Sunshine and puppies and flowers that smell of honey. I love living

her, it makes me so happy! Hey, do you think everyone'd mind if I made them all cupcakes?"

If made by you in an Easy Bake oven, then yes. I've never seen a more carbonic cake as

Repens would say.

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Young Saeva, today we ask:

What's on your mind?

"Oh nothing. Just you know, the continuation of our family. What this whole 'Third' thing actually

means. Worried I've found the answer and it's something I didn't want to know. Wondering if

there's any way to save us and get out of it if such a situation would arise.."

Would you like Carrie to make you a cupcake?

"Sniff, yes please."

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Some Sims will never change, even in their old age when their granddaughter NEEDS THEIR


"Needs some pleasure?"

No, Atrica! Go to Saeva.

"Just 5 more minutes?"

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"Carapace, I need to inspect your hair follicles for miniscule insects! That private school called,

it's now routine procedure to keep the school 'slammin' or some other unutterable phrase. Now

stay still poppet!"

"Daddy, sometimes you frighten me."

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"Mum, Dad's playing in Carrie's hair like a monkey! Quick now, really, LOOK!"


"I love a good distraction! Well done sis!"

-in the distance- "No worries Seev.. OW!"

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I'm very sorry, I was wrong. Nothing beats a child hug OTHER than one photoed with an

updated laptop. Legacy Fact #197.

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"Smustle for more RAM

Smustle for new video card

Smustle for Gin's souped laptop

Smustle smustle smustle LARD!"

Lard? Really? Yay?

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"*splutter* I think the power has deserted me.."

Me too.

"Hehe, Seeeeev! Even I know not to eat them. Smustlesmustlesmustle.."

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"Extra terrestrials are a most interesting race, but I must say, I feel an icy chill only those within

the Arctic Circle are custom to experience. I can't wait to meet un petit homme vert, but I feel

awfully peculiar!"

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Chilling, in oh so many ways.


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"Sleep weeeeell cutiiiiie!"

Margs is an excellent Grandma, always tucks the girls in at night. Aww, sweet Maggie. Saeva's

clearing running through all her skills as she sleeps, there's a good empowered kiddo.

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"Repens my boy, Saeva's gone to sleep, but there is something I really must tell you. It's quite

important actually, and concerns The Third and.."

"Congratulations Papa, you're a great best friend and I'd love to hear you tale, but there is

something I really need to accomplish right now."

"But, but.. Pleasure?"

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"Corvus! I'm so glad you could come! Well alright, just one game of red hands, it is awfully


"Yay! Daddy makes me so happy! I LOVE red hands bestest of all! More! More!"

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"Oh, I can't tell Corvus.. It'll break his little heart! He's so full of pleasure.. Oh, it can wait surely?"

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"And little Carapace couldn't possibly understand, she has the heart of a Pleasure Sim, and we

are not meant to carry burdens like this! And I can't understand Repens half the time. Oh, woe is

not something I'm used to feeling! Pleasure?"

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Soon enough, Saeva's Birthday rolls around! Cousin Bubbles, who shares Carrie's love of all

things 'nice' came to help her bake the cake.

"I really hope this is better than Carrie's muffins, but I guess I have no choice! I wish to not get

food poisoning."

Good call.

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"Floo ba-goo! This hair rocks, I love having a beauty salon in our mirror."

I want one too, my mirror only shows me I need to brush my hair and that I don't look like

Victoria from Cobra Starship. Saeva, you are hot! And you also rolled Family, which makes a

change from all these darn Fortune Sims in the house! (Margs, Repens and Kerie).

Name: Saeva Tegenaria

Aspiration: Family

LTW: Reach Golden Anniversary

Aries 7/9/9/0/1

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"Repens, now Saeva's growing up I REALLY need to talk to you about something.. It's er,


"Papa! It's nearing the seventh hour, there is somewhere I really must be! Why don't you

converse with Saeva herself? She's more robust than you may think."

"But, but.. pleasure?"

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"Oh, it's 'more than a feeling' alright! Haw haw."

Repens is the first Sim I've ever had to experience the Energiser. Perfect for those long, starry

nights ahead methink.

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Truly Kerie's daughter, Saeva enjoys making faces as she goes about her daily life. She doesn't

seem to have grown out of her mid-life crisis yet, though.

"Carrie, there's a story I found when I was a kid that I really think you need to hear. It's not easy,

but I know you can take it."

"Oh sure Seev, I hope there's princesses and duckies and happy endings!"

"Err, not quite. Once there was this legacy, see, and.."

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"Who are you? You may be blonde, but I don't bolt you at all!"

"You're guardian forking angel, legacy twit. I'll be back later to beat up your son, but The Third

has called me here to tell you to TALK TO YOUR FORKING GRANDDAUGHTER! She already

knows ore than you think."

"But, but.. pleasure?"

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"Granddad, what's up? You seem to have been less pleasurable the past week. That's so unlike

you! I mean, I haven't even seen you bowl once! You're not yourself."

"Some unboltable guy told me you weren't yourself either Saeva, I think I need to tell you


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"Once, we were not the only Legacy Family Gin looked after."

"I know Granddad, I found the book on our shelf."

"Drat, I knew I'd left it somewhere! Gin entrusted it to me when I lived in the garden, but I lost it

during a particularly vigorous bowling session with Margaret last month! So you know that the

third generation never made it to heridom and the entire neighbourhood was wiped out because

of a bork?"

"Yes, I'm so frightened it's going to happen to us! Can we stop it Granddad?"

"There is a way, and it can only be you who can save us, Carapace can't help you. There is a

place, where with your power and an object...*whisper whisper*"

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"...*whisper whisper*. You got that, Saeva?"

"NO WAY Granddad! I can't do that, it's too hard! I've been a teenager for only a day for eel's

sake! I won't, I mean, .. no! How could I face a task like that? And I have to retrieve it? All of it?"

"There'll be great pleasure at the end, I promise! But you have to do it alone, this is the reason

you have such skilling power, and maybe more! Once I had a vision of the future, and now it's up

to you to make sure it comes true, Saeva."

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"Oh.. but. Sigh, ok. I'll do it for you Granddad. For your, er, pleasure?"


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Whatever it is Atrica asked Saeva to do, she sure as haddock started skilling harder than ever!

Atrica do not mock your Granddaughter! Who knows what you just said to her..

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"Margs I feel SO much better! My vision of pleasure for all Tegenarias may now someday come

true! Speaking of pleasure, I er.."

"Oh my gaaaw, Atrica! Do you even have to ask these days? I've spent 50 years with you and

your pleasure! I thought I heard to doorbell go though. You go check and I'll just change into my

'pin girl' costume, ok?"

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"I can't hear any ringing.. But I do feel a bit cold all of a sudden, brr."

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"Oh this is so not pleasure!"

"Atrica Tegenaria! You have had more than enough pleasure for one Sim's life. But, these hula

girls need an escort to the Bowling Alley above, so I'll be needing you to come with me. It has 12

floors of fun!"

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"12 floors of PLEASURE!? Oh wow!"

"You even get a free drink with shoe rental. Here, have a sample!"

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Atrica, you are a true Pleasure Sim to the end.

I would expect nothing less of you than for woohoo to be in your final thoughts.

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"Tegenarias, remember the future and my vision! I'll see you all soon. PLEASURE!"

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Atrica Tegenaria, you were an awesome founder. For a serious Pleasure Sim, you never

showed it once. May your obsession for bowling be GONE from want panels! I'll miss you buddy,

really will. I triple bolt you!

Name: Atrica Tegenaria

Days lived: 77

Aspiration: Pleasure

LTW: Reach the top of the Slacker career - DONE

Spouse: Margaret Tegenaria

Children: Corvus, Repens

Grandchildren: Saeva, Carapace, Bertie, Bubbles

Inheritance benefitted 11 people

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"Papa! My beloved Papa! Oh cruel.. waaaa! Forget the words!"

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"Oh my gaaaaaaw my Atrica's gown!


(oh you knew it was coming)

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"Granddad went just after he told me everything. I can't do it anymore. Not without him! Hs vision

will never come true if everything rests on me.."

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Carapace is crying. The happiest Sim in Strangetown is CRYING.

Every single want panel in the house that night read "Resurrect Atrica". Never has a sadder

evening passed in the Tegenaria household. I will admit to a tiny glistening in my own eye. Oh

my little Teggies!

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MARGS! You've all read the legacy, you know our little elongation queen. If this look on her face

doesn't make trout fall from your eyes, I don't know what will.


You have a while left before you'll see him Margs. Sniff.

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The next morning, Carapace held a pyjama birthday party in order to try and raise everyone's

sprits, like the little trooper she is.

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"Oh cool! I love yellow. Yellow's a happy colour, I think everyone needs to wear more yellow!

What colour are you wearing today?! Let's all buy more yellow!"

Waa, another Fortune Sims - I have so many in this house!

Name: Carapace Tegenaria

Aspiration: Fortune

LTW: Reach top of Medical career

Gemini 2/8/7/3/7

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More yellow! Carrie's positive demeanour carried the family through the morning and by the time

it was time to go off into the world that day, there was a much lighter atmosphere in the

Tegenaria household.

What would we do without you Carapace? Just don't cook, k?

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Want a first kiss? Here, have a matchmaker!

"Ok, I like brown hair and fitness - here's $5000!"

"Bloomin' wolves.. She'd better not get one of those!"

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No, she got..

"The blonde paperboy?! Hello-o, I like brunettes! But ok, I do have to hang out with him in a

double boltish kind of way.."

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BLAH end of date ruining first kiss stupidness. But hey-ho, Saeva's got a boy-toy for pre-uni


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"What county is Pleasentview in? Carrie, I can't dooo it! What if I'm losing my powers?"

"It's melodramatics, and I'm sure you're not Seev. It's just that no one goes there these days."

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"I seem to have reached a state of equilibrium within my daily life and ambitions."

Perma-plat, even without your million businesses of Fortune doom?


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Created: 10.22.2007 - Updated: 10.22.2007

"Yohoo! I've reached the top of my career and I'm an overachiever! Come congratulate meee!"

You've got Reggie there, what more do you need? I've missed the Family Sim good-day-at-work

ritual, hurrah!

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Oh come on! I thought Saeva was joking when she said she saw a bug on the pavement all

those slides ago!

I've never had roaches, but I have always wanted to see the exterminator van..

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"Yo yo yo, wassup? I is here to killz dem roaches and der shortiez, fume stylee!"

Welcome to my game, Roach man, oh how I waited for your arrival and your giant dead bug.

Please, feel free to help yourself to some complimentary bling.


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Or a complimentary heir-to-be, she seems to be renting herself out shamelessly on the front


"Family Sim needs da kissez!"

Roach Man - be gone!

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"Dad, Carrie.. I think I should tell you something Granddad told me just before he died. About

why I can do what I can? Well, it all started..."


"Astounding, young Saeva!"

"No way.."

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"Don't worry Seev, you're NOT doing this by yourself. I'll always be there for you, k? That's what

sisters are for, whatever strange Legacy plots get thrown up! We'll protect this family together!

For Granddad."

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How did I know you'd be haunting the bowling lane, Atrica?

Even in death, Legacy Sims do not change I tells ya!

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Feeling smug, Repens?

"My family is all set to continue with Papa's vision, I have a glorious Scrumpet, a platinum

plumbbob, I've earned over $1000 just because I can, and the vocabulary of a thesaurus. If only

you had the spelling to match.."

Sorry, I do try.

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Because they've been away since Saeva's birthday, the cousins and Erika stop by. The

Tegenarias like to keep each other close it seems.

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..Except for one.

"How could you be so blasé about our predicament! The legacy could end with Savea and me!

Oh Bertie, you are so insensitive! I soooo negative relationship you!"

"Oh -whatever- woman. You were far too much yellow. I'm off home so I can smush some pony


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"Carrie, I'm so pleased you're going to help with the Third challenge, I couldn't do it without you!"

"'Course Seev, there's no question of you doing it by yourself! I've no idea what Granddad was

thinking when he said that.. What am I here for if not to keep the family happy!"

"Exactly! Now come on, it's the Science test today, we'd better go.."

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"SCIENCE?! I don't know anything about Science.."

Then you haven't been reading my legacy enough ;)

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Kezza! Haven't seen you for a while!

"Yeah well, it's my daughter who's saving the family, not me it seems! But I'm now THE LAW, so

at least I can protect everyone until this Third thing is broken.."



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"Orange isn't as happy a colour as yellow Grandma!"

"Oh my gaaaaw, it sooooo is!"

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In preparation for her adventure, Savea is taught the traditional Tegenaria Family sport.

"Now you can make excellent money if the professional leagues, daughter! It was your

Grandpapa's dearest wish.."

"Yeah, I think I have enough to be getting on with as ot is, Dad!"

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Perma-plat still means Kerie-Faces, yay!

"Not yay!"

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"I've nearly maxed every skill, Carrie, I'm nearly there!"

"Save some for college Seev, we'll need something to pass the time whilst the llamas write our

tem papers!"

"But we can look for boys!"

"Whatever, I just can't wait to earn some real money once we graduate!"

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"Dear Diary,

I can't wait to finish all my skills! But I'll do like Carapace says and leave ooone point until uni,

hehe! We're going tomorrow, but Mum and Dad are having a huge party tonight, everyone's

coming! Well, I hope Bertie isn't, he's not like me and Carrie and Bubbles. He's.. creepy. But

anyway, it's my last night here, better make the most of it!

Seev xx"

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Triple bolted love never looked so good..

"Are you ready Scrumpet! You look stunning upon the sphere, but we really must get a dally on!"

"Oh alright, I can't say no to a fig leaf."

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"Ready for the great adventure that is elderhood m'dear?"

"Sure, why not?"

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Saeva was right, everyone turned up for the party, even Bertie. Ready Repens?

"As they say when reptiles are aboard an airborne craft ' Oh, I'm ready for it - come on, bring it!"

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Meanwhile, outside..

"So you're going to 'Save the Family' then?"

"Well not really save, just make sure that we make it past the third generation instead of being

borked.. Nothing at all."

"*Snigger* Yeah, whatever."

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There ain't no party like a T-Club party!

Spot the newly elderfyed heir and wife and win a brand new llama suit! 2nd prize of previously

owned shower cubicle.

(No purchase necessary, prizes non-exachangable)

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Kerie-Face lives o-wn!

"You betcha, now lets Smustle!"

And a charming roof-raiser was had by all.

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"Girls, why are you crying? That party was greaaaat! Is the great Bork coming, or something?"

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"Hey there, are you Mr. Bork?"

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"No, I go by many names, but my friends call me "Grimmy""

"Oh my gaaaaw, that's not so good!"

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"Atrica sent this down for you, he said you may need some pleasure."

"He suuuure knows my pleasure ratings, teheee!"

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"Well, I'm coming Atrica baby! Hey hula girl, would you mind grabbing my bag, I need my

pleasure juice!"

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Maragret Tegenaria.. What a Sim. You gaaaawed you way through six chapters, and I enjoyed it

all :) I've no idea if you annoyed people, but you sure as fish didn't me. Though I still stagger to

believe that the Mayor of Stangetown left you in supply of all the medical care.

Name: Margaret Tegenaria

Lived for: 82 Sim days

Aspiration: Fortune

LTW: Reach top of the Medical career - DONE

Scorpio 6/5/8/3/3

Children: Corvus, Repens

Grandchildren: Saeva, Carapace, Bubbles, Bertie

Inheritance benefitted 9 people

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And so here is my little grave site, complete with the roses Atrica and Margaret gave each other

after their last two dream dates, of which they had a lot.

I'll miss you guys. A lot.

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Saeva, you're aspiration meter is totally red. Failure?

"No, salad. I need to stay strong."

You also need to go to uni, and not grow up horribly! And your wants are all.. oh dear, if I must

pick one..

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"Yaaay, a puppy! I'm platinum again!"

Meet little Parsimony, named after a type of phylogenetic tree (one which uses the least

mutations to construct), and who shall remain pup like for four sim years.

Girls - off to La Fiesta with you!

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"The house is really quiet Repens.."

"I know Scrumpet, it is a must unusual turn of events."

"After this chapter you decide -this- is the most unusual?!"

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But at the moment for the Tegenarias, things seem to be going well.

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"Aha! So -this- is the Tegenaria Legacy house. Pfft, it's nothing compared to my day. I will

borrow this paper though, see what's been happening since I've been gone.."

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Or so they think.

And this is where I shall finally leave you, dear readers! I hope you liked the better quality pics, I

know I do! But how will the girls fare at uni? Who is that mysterious purple haired woman?

What's the deal with Bertie? And what does Saeva -actually- need to do to prevent her family

borking and the legacy ending? Could it possibly be to do with..

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..this place?

Thanks for reading guys, and for the lovely comments about the other chapters - shout out to

everyone at boolp.com! CC made by people better than me, mostly from XM Sims, All About

Style and MTS2. This is Gin, avoiding calibrating a microscope! Goodnight, it's now 2am.

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"That's it son! Guide them down!"

"Yessir, Papa!"