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Talking to your child about the birds and bees

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http://www.parenting-toddlers-tips.com As we all know, parenting can be one of the most difficult jobs anywhere, but at the same time, is definitely, one of the most rewarding.

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Page 1: Talking to your child about the birds and bees

Talking To Your Child About The Birds And Bees

Page 2: Talking to your child about the birds and bees


As we all know, parenting can be one of the most difficult jobs anywhere, but at the same time, is definitely, one of the most rewarding. The following article is taken from fellow parents, who have been there and done that and hope to take a little bit of learning the hard way, out of

your parenting.

Allow your toddler to help you around the house as you clean, fold laundry, mix dough, or perform other tasks. Your child loves to mimic your actions and learns while

doing so, and you get to spend some quality time together while performing chores that need to be done anyway.

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Many parents have a hard time balancing their work life and home life responsibilities because they have not learned how

to say no. Take an honest look at your priorities. Make a list and learn to say no to those items that are low on the list so

that you do not have to give up precious time with your family.

If your baby was diagnosed with Reflux, you should keep a

close eye out on how your baby is doing. Since a baby grows very quickly within the first few months, your baby may be

outgrowing the dose that was prescribed by the pediatrician. So if you see symptoms coming back, contact your doctor.

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An important part of parenting is the setting and enforcing of clear boundaries. Consistency is critical, so once a line is

drawn on a particular behavioral topic, the consequences for crossing that line must always be upheld. By following this

course of action, your child will have predictable rules under which to operate, and will always be aware of what is

acceptable and what is not!

If your child comes and asks you a question about something and you do not know what the answer is you should be

completely honest about that. Making up something is not going to solve the issue, so it is best for you to say you do not

know and offer to help them find the answer.

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If your child must take a liquid medication, ask your pharmacist for dosing spoons, bulbs, or oral syringes instead of using kitchen spoons or measuring cups. Standard kitchen measurements can hold as much as three times the amount

of a dosing implement, increasing the risk of overdose, stomach upset, or wasted medication.

A newborn baby is not manipulating you when it cries. While some will give you well-intended advice that responding to a

baby's cries is not a good habit to get into, a baby is crying because it has no other way of expressing that it needs food,

changing, or even a cuddle. A baby's cries should never be ignored.

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Learn to breastfeed your baby in public so that you will be able to breastfeed for your child's first year of life. Mothers who have not learned how to discretely nurse in public tend to start offering bottles and that is usually the beginning of

the end of a breastfeeding relationship.

If you have more than one child, spend special time with each of them individually. Allow them to decide what you do together; it can be something as simple as reading a book or as complex as a special community activity. This helps you

develop a stronger bond as you get to know your child without anything else distracting you.

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Hopefully, you have found this article to be informative and educational and even a bit inspirational, in your

parental search for solutions. Mix all the information in with a good sense of humor and you have the

beginnings of great attitude in facing the most challenging role of your lifetime, with grace, success

and a smile.