Understanding workplace stress And taking charge Adapted from: Canadas National Occupational Health and Safety Resource

Stress at work

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And taking chargeAdapted from:

Canada’s National

Occupational Health and

Safety Resource

What is workplace stress?

» Conflict between job demands on

the employee and the amount of

control the employee has over

meeting those demands.

» High demands and low control at

work result in stress.

Workplace stress

Characteristics of

workplace stress» Fear of job redundancy

» Layoffs

» Increased demands due to staff cutbacks

or insufficient qualified staff

» Pressure to perform with decreased job


» Constant demands to work at optimum



Effects of workplace stress» Job dissatisfaction

» Employee turnover

» Reduced efficiency

» Illness, sometimes leading to death

» Absenteeism

» Alcoholism

» Petty internal politics

» Bad or snap decisions

» Apathy

» Lack of motivation or creativity

Effects of stress

Healthy stress

» When a job is challenging

» When new goals are exciting to

strive towards

» When work obstacles are overcome

» When people concerns can be


» When a team goal is met

Group challenge

Physical signs of too much

stress» Increased blood pressure

» Faster heartbeat, metabolism

» Decreased protein synthesis, poor digestion, depressed immune and allergic response systems

» Increased cholesterol

» Local inflammation

» Faster blood clotting

» Increased blood sugar and stomach acids

Sleep deprivation

Awareness is the first step

3 ways to notice stress in

yourself and others:

1. Physical: headaches, grinding

teeth, chest pain, shortness of

breath, high blood pressure, muscle

aches, indigestion, constipation or

diarrhea, increased perspiration,

fatigue, insomnia, frequent illness

Noticing stress in others

2. Psychosocial: anxiety, irritability,

sadness, defensiveness, anger,

mood swings, hypersensitivity,

apathy, depression, slowed thinking

or racing thoughts, feelings of

helplessness, hopelessness, or of

being trapped.

Interpersonal relationships

3. Behavioral: overeating or loss of

appetite, impatience, quickness to argue,

procrastination, increased use of alcohol

or drugs, increased smoking, withdrawal

or isolation from others, neglect of

responsibility, poor job performance, poor

personal hygiene, change in religious

practices, change in close family


Stress and behaviour

Problematic stress


1. Warning

2. Mild

3. Entrenched cumulative stress

4. Severe debilitating cumulative


Stress progression

Dealing with workplace

stressJob design:

- Should be reasonably demanding and provide some variety

- Employee should be able to learn on the job and be allowed to continue to learn throughout career

Dealing with workplace

stressJob design:

- Should have some area of decision making that employee is in charge of

- Provide some degree of social support and recognition

- Employee should feel that job leads to some desirable future


- Treat employees respectfully

- Take stress seriously and be understanding of pressure on staff

- Involve employees in some decision making and allow for direct input or committee input

- Encourage managers to be proactive and watch for signs of stress in employees


- Provide workplace health and safety programs

- Make sure staff have adequate and ongoing training for their jobs

- Design jobs for balanced work load

- Keep job demands reasonable

- Provide access to employee assistance programs

Employer responsibilities


- Do not tolerate bullying or harassment of any kind

- Do not ignore signs that employees are under pressure or stressed

- Remember that elements of the workplace can be a cause of stress and look for the root causes



- Make positive changes to the workplace in ways that lessen stress for everyone

- Show recognition and appreciation

- Look for ways to train for/rotate jobs

Task distribution

Employees- Find ways to laugh! Share a joke, find humor

around you and look for the bright side

- Learn to relax in small ways: deep breathing, stretch, take your breaks

- Take charge of your situation by taking 10 minutes to prioritize and organize your day. Be honest with colleagues but be practical and constructive. Look for realistic ways you can make small changes to make your work day better.

- Talk to someone close about your feelings

- Take advantage of Employee Assistance programs and courses

We all have a role

10 tips for mental health1. Build confidence

2. Eat right, keep fit

3. Make time for family and friends

4. Give and accept support

5. Create a meaningful budget

6. Volunteer, be of service

7. Actively manage stress before it gets out of hand

8. Find strength in others - look for allies

9. Identify and deal with moods constructively

10. Learn to be at peace with yourself

Together we’ll get there!