10 Wonderful Reasons to Meditate 10 Wonderful Reasons to Meditate Meditation has existed for thousands of years, but it’s never been more popular than it is right now. Meditation provides many health and personal benefits. Meditation is simple, free, and can be done anywhere. It’s well worth your effort. There are numerous reasons to include meditation in your daily life: 1. Boost your health. Regular meditation decreases inflammation, improves immune function, decreases pain, and actually adds grey matter to your brain. 2. Enhance self-control and the ability to regulate emotions. Do you currently have poor impulse control? Do you get upset easily? Meditation can help. Whether you struggle to stick with your diet or control your temper, meditation is beneficial. 3. Slow aging. Cognitive function is better preserved in those that meditate every day. Though it hasn’t been proven conclusively, it appears likely that meditation can lengthen your lifespan. 4. Improve memory and attention. If you can’t remember where you left your car keys, regular meditation might be the answer. It can also increase your ability to concentrate. The ability to stay focused is considered a marker for success. 5. Learn to be more present. Let go of the past and the future. Meditation is all 1 Visit http://www.ahappierself.com for more free tools

Reasons to meditate and meditations

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10 Wonderful Reasonsto Meditate

10 Wonderful Reasons to Meditate

Meditation has existed for thousands of years, but it’s never been more popular than

it is right now. Meditation provides many health and personal benefits. Meditation is

simple, free, and can be done anywhere. It’s well worth your effort.

There are numerous reasons to include meditation in your daily life:

1. Boost your health. Regular meditation decreases inflammation, improves

immune function, decreases pain, and actually adds grey matter to your brain.

2. Enhance self-control and the ability to regulate emotions. Do you currently

have poor impulse control? Do you get upset easily? Meditation can help.

Whether you struggle to stick with your diet or control your temper,

meditation is beneficial.

3. Slow aging. Cognitive function is better preserved in those that meditate every


Though it hasn’t been proven conclusively, it appears likely that meditation

can lengthen your lifespan.

4. Improve memory and attention. If you can’t remember where you left your car

keys, regular meditation might be the answer. It can also increase your ability to

concentrate. The ability to stay focused is considered a marker for success.

5. Learn to be more present. Let go of the past and the future. Meditation is all


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Page 2: Reasons to meditate and meditations

about keeping your mind in the present moment. You’ll feel a sense of relief and

great peace.

You can use this skill throughout the day to enjoy your life and accomplish

more. You’ll daydream and worry less. Your productivity will soar.

6. Strengthen your heart and circulatory system. Meditation lowers blood

pressure and improves many cellular markers of heart health. It has even been

shown to lower cholesterol levels!

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the Western world.

Meditation is part of the solution.

7. Lower stress and enhance your mood. Meditation is widely used in the

treatment of depression and anxiety disorders. You can effectively deal with

anxiety and worry with regular and consistent meditation practice.

8. Enjoy a more positive lifestyle. Many of our bad habits are ways of dealing with

anxiety and other negative emotions. When these emotions occur less

frequently, it’s easier to avoid bad habits.

9. Increase self-awareness. When you meditate, you’re much more aware of your

body, thoughts, and feelings. By meditating regularly, you develop a constant

awareness of yourself.

Negative thoughts and emotions are easier to spot and correct. You’ll

become an expert on yourself.

10. Make more friends. When you meditate regularly, you’ll become more

accepting of others. This is considered a natural extension of the mood

regulation benefits that meditation provides. You’ll find you’re less judgmental

and more open to a wider range of people.


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Page 3: Reasons to meditate and meditations

This results in having a greater number of friends. When you accept

others just the way they are, an entirely new pool of people is available to

you. You might even find the partner of your dreams among this new

group of folks.

Meditation doesn’t have to take up a significant portion of your day. Just a few

minutes of meditation provides significant benefits. Start with just 5 minutes of

meditation and increase the time as you see fit.

If meditation has always seemed a little too new age for you, reconsider. The medical

establishment is notoriously conservative, and even it is embracing the benefits of

meditation. Meditation provides many benefits, without the cost and danger of a pill. If

you’re serious about your health or success, add a daily meditation session to your


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Page 4: Reasons to meditate and meditations

Hope brightens my life

Hope brightens my life.

Hope is a skill that I can cultivate with

practice. I start out with small steps and

move on to greater challenges.

Hope is contagious. When I spend time

with family, friends, and colleagues who are

optimistic, I feel more confident and secure.

In turn, I use their encouragement and

support to spread my joy and enthusiasm to


Hope gives me the patience to wait and

work. Sometimes it takes time for

favorable conditions to develop. Whatever

is happening around me, I can develop my

skills and resources so I am ready to seize

the opportunities ahead.

Hope fills me with energy. I know that I

am capable of accomplishing my goals. I am

eager to take the first step and see my

projects through to completion.

Hope requires courage. I may sometimes be

disappointed in the short term, but I stand

by my convictions. I know that I can find

solutions if I persevere through obstacles

and setbacks, and learn from experience.

Hope makes hardships easier to bear. I

remind myself that my discomfort is only

temporary. Life is full of changes. While I

cannot predict the future, I can take

comfort in knowing that there are ups as

well as downs.

Hope is realistic. My thoughts shape my

reality. When I am open to seeing miracles, I

am more likely to notice them. My

happiness and gratitude grow.

Today, I choose to be hopeful. I focus on the

positive aspects of my life.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How can I remain hopeful during difficult


2. What are some images that symbolize

hope for me?

3. What are my hopes for today, and how

can I make them come true?

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Page 5: Reasons to meditate and meditations

I accept the timing of

experiences in my life

I accept the timing of experiences in my


I approach each new day with gusto and

open arms. Even when I am faced with the

unexpected, I manage it without


I embrace the unknown path ahead of me.

Instead of feeling down about how long

things are taking to happen, I make the

most of the here and now. Each moment I

get to live is a chance to live well.

I have goals that are important to me, yet I

am patient in going after them. I look at

hiccups in my journey as opportunities to

better prepare myself for success.

My academic path is different from that of

my friends, but I am okay with getting my

degree later than planned. I am able to

make room for other experiences. And

those experiences shape a future that is just

right for me.

Instead of resisting what is in front of me,

I take hold of it. I use it to my advantage

and come out successfully at the end. This

approach allows me to accept my situation.

Today, my focus is on making the most of

whatever life lays before me. I accept that

the experiences of today are the ones I am

meant to have. I am content with where I

am today because I know it prepares me for

better things tomorrow.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How creative am I in making the most

out of an unfavorable situation?

2. How do I encourage myself to stay

positive in the face of unattained goals?

3. How does peace of mind impact my

ability to accept what life throws my


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Page 6: Reasons to meditate and meditations

I am an oasis in life's desert

I am an oasis in life’s desert.

There are many days when life is easy. My

peers and I are optimistic and motivated.

However, when life is at its harshest, I am

the reprieve my co-workers seek. The

greatest challenges can be as taxing as the

desert sun. I provide the substance that

allows my peers to continue onward in their

journey through the workday.

I provide the cooling breeze of a balanced

perspective when tempers flare. My ability

to be objective and neutral allows for

amicable communication between opposing


Like the shade of a palm tree, I offer relief.

Stress in the workplace is like a blazing sun.

I seek to help others alleviate their stresses,

even if only for a moment. Others come to

me, knowing of my ability to mitigate.

My knowledge and compassion are like

deep wells, seemingly endless. I help others

by offering a willingness to listen and a

refreshing point of view. My viewpoints

quench their thirst for answers. I invigorate

their senses, reenergize their motivation,

and they continue to make progress.

Today, I seek out those who might need my

help. An oasis waits for others to arrive. I

know that being proactive can be more

effective than being reactive.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What are the most common issues that

my co-workers come to me with?

2. When I have a challenge in the workplace,

whom do I turn to for guidance?

3. Are there drawbacks to being the person

that others ask for assistance from?

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Page 7: Reasons to meditate and meditations

I am comfortable in my skin

I am comfortable in my skin.

The person I am today is the only person I

want to be. My only mission is to be the

best version of myself. I am comfortable in

my own skin. I love the shell that

surrounds the beauty that is inside me.

My reality is different from the reality of

others and I embrace that. I look the way I

do because I am uniquely created. That in

itself is a blessing to celebrate.

I exercise and eat healthily to take care of

myself. I avoid being coaxed by external

influences to have a certain body type. The

societal illusion of perfection very rarely has

an impact on me. I am only focused on

being the best me.

My accomplishments make me happy. Even

when they are less sensational than those of

my peers, I am content. They are mine and

that is enough.

I avoid comparing my stage in life to that of

anyone else. My peace of mind comes from

knowing that what I have is made just for

me. In my career, patience enables me to be

diligent in whichever role I am assigned. I

am comfortable in my job because I know I

put my all into it.

Today, I embrace the person I am, inside

and out. Each situation I am faced with

allows me to give of my best self and that is

enough for me. I am proud of my reality.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How do I respond to those who try to

make me feel dissatisfied with my life or


2. How do I handle feelings of insecurity?

3. Which areas of my life would I like to


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Page 8: Reasons to meditate and meditations

I discover solutions to my challenges

in creative outlets

I discover solutions to my challenges in

creative outlets.

Some of the challenges I face have obscure

solutions. There are many ways for me to

develop answers. Sometimes the best

method is to exercise my creative abilities.

Exercising my artistic side often balances

my logical perception.

One method of discovery I particularly enjoy

is writing. Through writing, I can develop

avenues of conversation and plot the

possible results of a chosen action. By using

words, I plot the potential of things.

Sometimes I am lead down a path

initially unseen.

When the obstacle requires visualization, I

paint or draw. Creating imagery assists my

ability to see the solution.

Brainstorming combines writing and

drawing. It offers me an opportunity to see

the interconnection of things. Words and

images combine to create answers, assisting

my ability to make mental connections.

Sometimes I find that a walk is all it takes

to find my way around an obstacle. Being

exposed to nature, where my senses are

engaged, stimulates my mind. I think with

an increased level of clarity. I discover the

answers I seek without chasing after them.

Today, I intend to incorporate multiple

creative methods to developing solutions to

current challenges. If one method fails to

yield results, then another may. I know that

every solution is worth working to discover.

Occasionally, an answer is uncovered where

I least expect it.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Which creative outlet has been the most

helpful to me in the past?

2. What are some other creative outlets I

might try incorporating?

3. How can I share these tools with others?

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Each objective I meet is

replaced by a new one

Each objective I meet is replaced by a new


I like to keep things moving. As each day

progresses from morning to night, so does

my life progress from one goal to another.

Each time I achieve a goal, I immediately

create a new goal to take its place. This

process gives me a sense of


My purpose in life is to grow. That purpose

is fulfilled when I target new achievements

regularly. Each chance I get to learn

something new allows me to develop.

Boredom rarely enters my realm because I

constantly keep myself busy. Learning new

skills helps me to become a more rounded

person. Conversations with others become

easy when I am always exposing myself to

new experiences.

When I hang out with my friends, I

recommend that we do something inspiring

and enlightening. That kind of experience

brings us closer and helps us to create

special memories.

Setting new objectives helps me to keep my

mind sharp. When I have a sharp mind, I

perform well in my job.

My goals vary in importance. I go after a

mix of trivial and meaningful targets so I

feel balanced. Setting only rigorous

objectives places me under pressure to

achieve greatness. I sometimes enjoy

reaching for the simple things.

Today, I am committed to keeping myself

moving. My days are filled with new

experiences. I accept the challenge of

setting and achieving new goals on a

regular basis.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How do I encourage myself to go after a

challenging goal?

2. How do my past successes (and failures)

help me with new situations?

3. What process do I undergo to select my

next objective?

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Page 10: Reasons to meditate and meditations

I choose to be successful

I choose to be successful.

Doing well in life takes important

decision-making. My success is completely

dependent on my commitment to achieve

meaningful goals.

When I choose to be successful at

something, each decision I make is directly

tied to achieving that success. I recognize

that having the resolve to hit a target

means very few things are allowed to get in

the way.

My ongoing goal to receive promotions at

work is reflected in the effort I put in. The

desired result drives me to push harder and

work smarter.

When others try to get me to slow down, I

ignore them. It is more important to me to

remain focused on my desired results.

Keeping the end in mind is all I need to

maintain consistent effort.

I choose to be successful with my

relationships. Even in negative situations, I

am committed to working towards a

positive resolution that can strengthen our


I do my best to nurture my friendships.

Feeding positivity into relationships is a

conscious step towards ensuring they

remain successful. The longevity of those

unions is directly related to daily

maintenance of them.

Today, I expect success because I make a

conscious choice to achieve it. I commit to

an ongoing effort to realize my victories.

My path remains clear because I avoid

letting obstacles distract me.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How does positive thinking help me to

courageously go after difficult goals?

2. Are there external factors that influence

how I measure my success?

3. How can I make daily choices that lead

me toward my goal?

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Page 11: Reasons to meditate and meditations

My soul remains


My soul remains youthful.

My age has very little to do with the

effervescence of my spirit. I keep my soul

youthful by focusing on the important

things in life.

I take time out to enjoy silly activities

because doing so keeps my heart

laughing. Enjoying the humor in life

prevents me from being bogged down by

its stresses. I am able to see what is really

important in my existence.

I choose friends based on likeness of spirit. I

avoid using someone's age to determine

compatibility with me. People who enjoy

life hold a forever place in mine.

The evergreen state of nature helps me to

appreciate each day on Earth. It helps me to

see that being present in each moment

preserves my spirit. I focus on how easily

nature regenerates itself and brings forth

youth in a continuous cycle. When things

get me down, I quickly shed them and focus

on newness.

Worry has very little place in my life. I

keep my mind and soul fit by practicing

positive living. This attitude guarantees

continuous radiance from my being.

Today, my soul remains as youthful as I

allow it to be. I am focused on actions and

behaviors that allow me to focus on positive

living. I know that having an optimistic

mindset keeps me happy and saves my soul

from turmoil and degeneration.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What activities can I enjoy to help

maintain my youthfulness?

2. How does a youthful soul help me to

adjust to social changes in the world?

3. How can meditation help me to focus on

the lighter side of life?

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