Case Study Mr and Mrs Davies, Barry, South Wales 1

Happy Customers

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Case Study

Mr and Mrs Davies, Barry, South Wales


First Contact

• Mr and Mrs Davies first received a quote from us in Autumn 2011.

• This quote was based on payment on delivery.

• Our quotation was based on 15 panels in 4 rows of landscape


Estimated Returns

• We estimated returns of 3,219 kW per year.

• The property has a good Southerly aspect and a lack of shade.

• Mr Davies often works from home so is able to take even greater advantage of the energy generated.


Monthly Returns

Export Tariff Energy Savings Generation Tariff

Holding Off

• Mr and Mrs Davies could see and appreciate the benefits of a Solar installation.

• They compared our original cash-price cost offer with ‘free’ Solar from others.

• The Davies’ decided not to go ahead in 2011 but wanted us to keep in touch with offers.


Monthly Returns

Export Tariff Energy Savings Generation Tariff

It’s Better Than FREE!

In November 2012 Mr and Mrs Davies were introduced to our Better Than FREE Solar product.

They jumped at the chance to own their own Solar Panels at no upfront cost.

The installation was completed in February 2013.


Happy Customers

Mr Davies was been kind enough to write us a testimonial letter, praising our product and performance

He even posted this photo onto Facebook for his friends and contacts to see!

Mr Davies’ kind letter is replicated on the next page.


Happy Customers

Dear Liam, Steve and Team

Better Than FREE Solar – you did a fantastic job

This is just a short note to thank you for providing us with our new solar panels and for taking the time to make it a pain free process.

We are now a powerhouse thanks to you and are already generating electricity and saving money at the same time…

…In Particular I would like to thank you for carrying out the work efficiently, professionally and without mess. I admire your team’s dedication in working in all weathers to deliver as promised…


…I know it will save us a lot of money over the coming years as energy bills rise.

I can honestly say I would recommend you to anyone, which is not something I would normally do.

I look forward to working with you on future energy projects.

Yours sincerely,

Graham Davieswww.gdgraphics.co.uk

Your Solar Panels

If you think that Solar Panels might be suitable for your home, just click the picture.

We’ll undertake a desktop survey and give you a clear estimate showing your monthly benefits and payments.

We provide Solar Panels at no upfront cost, can you afford to miss out?