Forever Flowing: The Azure Legacy 3.7

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This legacy is loosely based off of Native Americans and traditions. Native American names usually linked to the tribe of that generation. This generation is the Iroquois Confederacy. Only females can inherit, everyone should have hobby enthusiasm in “Nature” “Music and Dance”, and “Arts and Crafts”, basically we have a lot of creative folks here. (other hobbies are acceptable

too these just are the most important). Names will all be related to the tribe for that generation in some way. Or nature related names if I run out.

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Last time our heiress Jacy-Nova finished up college and graduated she then moved back home. Crowfoot has an alien daughter and the rest of generation 3 is bringing in generation four and

watching them grow up. At the end of the chapter Siksika returned home from years of travelling we also learned her tale of her journey.

No clue? The previous chapters may help. Clue? Click the arrow and enjoy!

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Jacy-Nova was in her room with her mom, Ellie, Adoette and Sinopa. She hadn’t been able to sleep much the night before. Jacy was very happy that Siksika had returned although she couldn’t help

but worry for her sister who she hadn’t seen since this morning at breakfast.

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“Everything will be fine Jacy. You will look beautiful; the party will be a blast! It’s a big day for you Jay, enjoy it! I wouldn’t miss this special day for you, not for the world.” Siksika’s encouraging

words played through Jacy’s head.

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Although, something also seemed different about her sister, like there was more going on in Siksika’s mind. But she had been trying to hide it so she didn’t have to ruin Jacy’s big day.

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Siksika looked at herself in the mirror as she grazed her hand across her belly. She knew this was going to happen, it had been set since the first time she saw her daughter. At the time she didn’t know it was hers until Solan came along and he had the same eyes. There was no mistaking it from there. She sat down on her bed as her mind wondered. He said he would be back. Sika just wished

she knew when.

“Well Niagara are you ready for this?” Sika whispered.

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Siksika slowly stood up and headed out of her room toward her sister’s. She knocked on the door which was answered by Ellie.

“Its Siksika!” The teenager called over to the others as she let her sister inside the room. Sika closed the door behind her before turning to face the others.

“Hey Sorry I’m late” She said.Jacy Nova took a glance at her sister’s belly. “Was there something you forgot to tell us big sister?”

Siksika blushed a bit as the other looked at her some with smiles others in curiosity.“Yes possibly” She said with a subtle giggle.

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Jacy looked at Siksika in surprise, it had been so long since she had seen her this happy. Actually in all of her years since Sika was a child it had been hard for her to really smile; even when she was hanging out with Koko, her best friend. And the time she achieved her LTW. Jacy had never felt

that Siksika was truly happy, but it did seem true this time even if Sika did miss Solan.

“Congratulations big sis!” Jacy spoke up. “Now raise that kid right” the young woman joked.“I’m sure she will be fine” Sika revealed with a twinkle in her eye.

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Time had passed with the family getting ready for the wedding. Everyone found their seats and watched as the ceremony started.

*Amazed by Lonestar starts here*

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Every time our eyes meetThis feeling inside me

Is almost more than I can takeBaby when you touch me

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I can feel how much you love meAnd it just blows me away

I've never been this close to anyone,Or anything

I can hear your thoughts, I can see your dreams

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I don't know how you do what you doI'm so in love with you

It just keeps getting better

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I want to spend the rest of my life,with you by my sideForever and ever

Every little thing that you do,Baby I'm amazed by you.

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The smell of your skin,The taste of your kiss,

The way you whisper in the dark.Your hair all around me,Baby you surround me

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Touch every place in my heartAnd it feels like the first time

Every time.I want to spend the whole night

In your eyes

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I don't know how you do what you doI'm so in love with you

It just keeps getting better

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I want to spend the rest of my life,with you by my sideForever and ever

Every little thing that you do,Baby I'm amazed by you.

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I don't know how you do what you doI'm so in love with you

It just keeps getting better

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I want to spend the rest of my life,with you by my sideForever and ever

Every little thing that you do,

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Baby I'm amazed by you.

*ending music*

“Amazed” by Lonestar

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The wedding was a big success everyone had such a roof raising time. It was always fun when families came together to celebrate events like this one. Pocahontas and Joel were happy just to

have everyone together especially on the first wedding of the Azures. They invited only family with a few friends thrown in there.

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Everyone had retired to their rooms while Jacy Nova and her new husband decided to start on the next generation. Jacy knew she needed a daughter to carry on the family line. Owen had

wanted children so badly he wanted six and to see them all married. He just hoped it wouldn’t be too hard on Jacy.

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Not too long later, they found out how successful they had been with getting Jacy pregnant with their first child.

“This morning sickness sucks…”

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Jacy’s pregnancy was announced almost immediately after she had found out. Her parents and grandparents were thrilled and so was Owen.

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It wasn’t a typical pregnancy though; Jacy had noticed that she felt unusually cool all the time. Being a fire-starter this was not normal. She had tried a few times to snap her fingers in order to get sparks but each time she got even the smallest hint it was extinguished almost immediately.

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Jacy Nova shivered as she stepped outside to the backyard one day where she noticed Sika working in the garden. Jacy had noticed that whenever her older sister spent time in the garden

the plants seemed to grow much healthier. She wasn’t sure why, but Siksika didn’t seem too phased by it.

“Hey Jay” Siksika said noticing her sister as she struggled to get up. “How are you doing?”“Hey Sika, I’m fine just waiting for the morning sickness to end.” Jacy joked.

“It will be over soon” Sika nodded.

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Owen was a big help and Jacy started to enjoy the cuddling more now that she was getting cold easily. She did love the closeness although he wasn’t very used to her skin feeling on the same

temperature as his for a change.

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She had been turning to her older sister for help much of the time. It was one thing they now had in common was the fact that they were both expecting their first child. Jacy thought it was nice

to bond with Siksika, even if it didn’t seem it, Jacy had missed her more than everyone else but she had to stay strong.

“So what can I expect here? I mean you are several months ahead of me so you have been through some stuff.” Jacy asked awkwardly.

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“Jacy Nova Azure” Siksika smiled. “It’s ok to be scared or nervous, It’s normal especially this being the first. No one ever knows what to expect. The morning sickness will pass soon enough but then

you will be going through more changes as the baby grows”

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Jacy hung onto every word that Siksika was telling her. She had always looked up to her big sister since she was a child. There was always such a strong bond between them and right now Jacy

could feel it even more.“I guess I am a bit scared” Jacy admitted quietly.

Siksika gave her sister a hug she did notice the coolness of Jacy’s skin

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Later that night Pocahontas and Joel were having their birthdays. They had a small party with just family. Pocahontas went first she looked at the candles and blew them out. She had four

wonderful children one grandchild and two on the way she was happy with how everything turned out.

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Joel went second after his wife. He looked at his family and couldn’t be happier. He had four amazing kids and he was happy. His son had a child, his daughters will be having children and he was a Rock God. He was even proud of how Ellie turned out she would be going off to college soon. He gazed at his children as each of their nicknames passed through his head. His oldest

daughter his “Butterfly” who really went through so many changes, his only son and one who took after him quite a bit “Dragonfly”. Then there was his second daughter and fire-starter heiress

“Firefly”, and his youngest daughter with the largest personality “Damselfly”. Joel smiled and blew out his candles.

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The two of them grew up quite interestingly to say the least . Pocahontas wasn’t half bad she even still retained her red hair. Joel had the worst of it by the looks of things.

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The two of them were promptly changed into clothing that was more appealing for the two of them. And Pocahontas switched out her red hair for greyer hair. As for Joel, even as an old guy

he still rocks the Mohawk and he knows it!

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Later that night, Siksika was alone when everyone else had been asleep. She felt her labor pains take over. She really wished she had Solan here she had missed him so much. They did communicate through emails and phone calls, but for Siksika it just wasn’t the same.

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Before Siksika knew it she was holding a baby girl in her arms. She had blond hair and Solan’s golden eyes. Siksika looked at this little being in her arms and fell in love with her. She was just

like Siksika had envisioned. She was finally here and she was a mom.

“Welcome to the world Niagara” Siksika whispered to her newborn daughter.

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Niagara is short for Niagara Falls. It has actually been through several periods since its birth. It was first founded by the Nomadic Clovis people who camped along the

shoreline of Lake Erie. There was also a period of which it supported hunter gatherers of the Archaic

Period. Then the Woodland Period

occurred 3,000 to 300 years ago, culminating in the peak of Iroquois culture in southern Ontario. Corn,

bean and squash agriculture provided the main sources of food.

With their bellies full, the Iroquois had time for other

pursuits and the population boomed. Small palisade villages were

built, with nuclear or extended families occupying individual

longhouses. During this period, burial rituals and ceramics were introduced to Ontario. Society became more complex with a

political system based on extended kinship and inter-village alliances.

When the European explorers and missionaries arrived at the beginning of the 17th Century, the Iroquoian

villages were under the direction of various chiefs elected from the major clans. In turn, these villages were allied

within powerful tribal confederacies. Niagara Falls today is the sight of many evens such as Niagara on the Lake. As well as Clifton Hill and other

tourist attractions. It actually also has a complex transportation history.


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The news of the baby didn’t take long to spread. Aiyana, Jim, Pocahontas and Joel were always happy to spend time with the new addition to the Azure Family. Siksika was pretty sure Niagara

knew her family members well as they were always visiting.

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Jacy was happy for her sister having such a beautiful baby. Looking at Niagara made her smile and by how Siksika described Niagara’s father it was looking as if the little girl was taking after her

father with the hair and eye color.

Jacy brought her thoughts to her own baby she decided not to find out the gender until it was born, which made her a bit nervous because what if she ended up having a boy. Well she could always keep trying with Owen since he wanted several children anyway. Jacy wondered if maybe

they could adopt some kids, she wasn’t going to give birth to all of them.

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Although, Jacy did notice that being pregnant she found herself more attracted to water. She wasn’t sure why considering she tended to avoid pools and large bodies of water because of her

power, drinking it had never been a problem for her. She found herself visiting the pool often and swimming. It was like it calmed her which was strange.

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“How’s the little one doing in there” Owen said as he talked to Jacy’s belly.“Moving around like some racecar driver” Jacy replied bluntly.

The baby was moving a lot. It was kind of weird for Jacy. Owen had proven to be an amazing husband when it came to taking care of Jacy. Even though Jacy loved doing things on her own it

was nice having someone else do something for a change.

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As Jacy’s pregnancy progressed, she found herself drawn to watering the plants in the green house more often. It seemed that there was something about this pregnancy or this baby in

general that caused her to become drawn to water. Jacy’s first thought was Plantbaby, but she was definitely sure that wasn’t the case since she wasn’t a plantsim and the kid is Owen’s, who

obviously wasn’t one either.

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Jacy was getting restless, she was in her third trimester already and she really just wanted this baby to be born. She wanted to see this baby, who would it take after? What would the

personality be? She was nervous.“How are you doing Jay?” Owen asked.

“I really want this kid out of me. That’s really it.”Owen chuckled a bit. “Do you want me to give you a back rub?”

“That would be great!”

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Before Jacy knew it she felt pains that could only be labor pains, through her body and abdomen. She felt cold and warm at the same time no fire or sparks had left her it seemed as if the coolness

she had felt had been extinguishing the fire.

What an amazing way to give birth to her first child surrounded by none other than….

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…almost every single person in the house.

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Jacy looked at the small being in her arms. She had the Azure red hair, Owen’s green eyes and Owen’s skintone. Jacy gawked at her newborn daughter she was a mom and she had her heiress.

What luck! The baby girl was healthy and Jacy noticed that she felt cool to the touch which could only mean Jacy was warmer than most of the others, as she was normally.

“Did you two pick a name?”“Seneca, Seneca Gabriella Azure” Owen answered as he looked at the beautiful little girl, his

firstborn daughter. Meet the heiress!

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The Seneca are a group of indigenous people native to North America. They were the nation located farthest to the west within the Six Nations or Iroquois League in New York before the American Revolution. While exact population figures are unknown, approximately 15,000 to 25,000 Seneca live in Canada, near Brantford, Ontario, at the Six Nations of the Grand River First Nation. They are descendants of Seneca who resettled there, as they had been allies of the British during the American Revolution. Nearly 30,000 Seneca live in the United States, on and off reservations around Buffalo, New York and in Oklahoma.

The Seneca traditionally lived in what is now New York between the Genesee River and Canandaigua Lake. The dating of an oral tradition mentioning a solar eclipse yields 1142AD as the year for the Seneca joining the Iroquois (Haudenosaunee). Some recent archaeological evidence indicates their territory eventually extended to the Allegheny River in present-day northwestern Pennsylvania, particularly after the Iroquois destroyed both the Wenrohronon and Erie nations, who were native to the area. The Seneca were by far the most populous of the Haudenosaunee Nations, numbering "about four thousand souls" by the seventeenth century.

They prosecuted far-reaching military campaigns. The villages, where hunting and military campaigns were planned and executed, indicate clear aboriginal presence and hegemony in these areas. The Seneca had two branches; the western and the eastern. Each branch distinct, they were individually incorporated and recognized by the Iroquois Confederacy Council. The western Seneca lived predominately in and around the Genesee River, gradually moving west and southwest along the Erie and Niagara rivers, then south along the Allegheny River into Pennsylvania. The eastern Seneca lived predominantly south of Seneca Lake in and around current-day Corning. They moved south and east into Pennsylvania and the western Catskill area.


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The heiress had been born Aiyana and Jim were very happy to see all of their great grandchildren. Their family really was growing and new lives were starting but while that was going on, Jim was

noticing that his life bar was coming close to an end. Aiyana and Jim held each other close.

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Jim called his family members just to hear their voices one more time. He heard about Powhatan’s line and how there were several babies and toddlers and one child wondering around. He was

happy to see how much his family had grown.

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Jim then went to give hugs and kisses to his children, grandchildren and great grandchildren

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Later that night the grim reaper made its appearance with tiki drinks.

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James “Jim” Rupert [Player] Azure. Founding spouse

Loving father and grandfatherKnowledge Sim who just wanted to be a World Class Ballet Dancer and he succeeded

2 Children, 11 grandchildren, 10 great grandchildren, several on the way.

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He benefited:Aiyana $20,000

Pocahontas $6,500Powhatan $5,800

Elouise $2,500Katoyis $2,050Siksika $2,475

Jacy-Nova $2,425Crowfoot $2,200

As well as many others!

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Even with mourning the death of Jim life had to go on. Ellie and Kato were getting ready to start college the two of them had been working on getting scholarships for University.

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Elouise and Katoyis said their goodbyes to their parents as they were ready to set off and start another chapter in their lives. University.

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The youngest two of generation 3 had made it safely to the dorms. It was late at night and the two of them had to get themselves settled. They had to pick their rooms and their majors: Kato

decided he wanted to be a Philosophy major and Ellie went for Economics.

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Ohanko and Dyami arrived after Kato had messaged them that they were at the dorms. It didn’t take them long to get there.

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Ellie and Kato started their college life freshman year was a struggle the two of them were still making the adjustment from High School to University. At University you didn’t have mom or dad

to cook for you and the cafeteria food really wasn’t that great.

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At least that wasn’t until Ellie decided to start working in the cafeteria. Her and her cooking points all helped her make better food than the cafeteria worker himself. All of those muffins she made as a child really paid off. There was also the bonus of making money while she was working.

Elouise was a Fortune/Romance sim.

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Kato on the other hand was always trying to work hard on assignments. He wanted to go for that 4.0 so the boy worked hard, even though some of the assignments were a bit on the difficult side.

He was a Knowledge/Popularity sim. Knowledge always seemed to be dominant.

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The two of them didn’t take long to fall head over heels for someone. Ellie and Kato had always kept their eyes open for girls, it was how they became so close as cousins as teenagers going out

girl-searching. Ellie found herself especially close to this blonde named Carmela Kay. That accent was what put Ellie over the edge she came to Sim State all the way from a place that was based on

French culture. Carmela had romance as her primary aspiration.

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Kato on the other hand had Rosemarie Jitmakusol. She was from a bay town that had a strong connection to pirates. Her father was a sailor and she spent most of her childhood sailing on his ship, her grandfather was a pirate One-Legged Bertram. Rosemarie is a fellow Knowledge sim; her

intelligence is what made Kato fall for her.

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Back at the Greek house Dyami and Ohanko were coming to the end of their college years. There had been one thing that was on Dyami’s mind since Alice and him had started dating. He patted

his pocket lightly as he sat down next to his twin brother.

“Hey, Han I need to talk to you”“About what bro?”

“Well it’s almost the end of our college years and I have been seeing Alice since freshman year…”“It’s about time!” Ohanko interrupted with a laugh as he pat his brother on the back.

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“We are thinking about the same thing aren’t we?” Dyami replied with a raised eyebrow.“Yeah Dy you were talking about proposal” Ohanko replied with a smirk. “Did you forget I can

pretty much read your mind?”“I guess I did” Dyami chuckled. “It has been so long since I really paid much attention to that. Well

except for the fact I know Des likes to be dominant” he smirked.

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Ohanko’s smirk faded onto a straight face as he stared at his brother “Shut it…” He hissed. “Nobody needs to know that…”

Dyami chuckled as he looked at his twin brother and something else in Ohanko’s voice and face told him something else Dyami glanced in his brothers mind and smiled.

“Do you want to do it at the same time?”Ohanko’s familiar smirk appeared once again at the change of subject.

“That would be awesome” he replied.

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Alice and Desmond arrived later that day, a call from their boyfriends that they needed to come as soon as possible. Dyami and Ohanko looked at their significant others and smiled as they

dropped down to one knee in front of them simultaneously.

“Alice Jane Molina will you marry me?” “Desmond Wilfred Langley will you marry me?”

Even the twins’ proposals were at the same time and Alice and Desmond accepted the proposals.

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Since the twins were graduating soon they decided to accept their brother and cousin into the Greek house a bit earlier than usual. Ellie and Kato joining the Greek house was the cause for a

party as the twins threw their last toga party of their college years.

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Ellie’s high outgoing points are probably the reason she came in a short nightgown rather than a toga. Ellie was quite the entertainer as she was drawn to the drum set immediately. She was

playing the instrument with such animation and enthusiasm.

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Ohanko, Dyami, Desmond and Alice all buckled down as the year came to an end, and exams were right around the corner.

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They still found time to hang out with Kato, Ellie and their girlfriends Carmela and Rosemarie.

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The twins and their fiancés graduated and found themselves wearing clothing that didn’t seem that right for them. Once they got to their place they would change into something that was

more their style.

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A double Ceremony was had for Ohanko and Dyami, the boys were so different and yet they did so many things together. Although during the wedding some people had noticed that Alice was

looking a little bigger in the abdomen area but it wasn’t so noticeable that everyone saw it.*~~~~~~*

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Before she knew it, Siksika’s little girl was about to have her birthday. She had been raising her daughter as a single mom as she awaited Solan’s return. Sika knew he was coming back they had

been sending letters and emails to each other and there was that call as well. Siksika had revealed to Solan that she was pregnant and that he had a daughter named Niagara. The little girl had in

fact been named after the place she was conceived. That was beyond the point.

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Niagara’s birthday party was a small little gathering of some family members who were all there to watch the second grandchild of Pocahontas and Joel grow up. Niagara’s cousin Aientsik had also

made an appearance, Seneca was there too being held in the arms of her parents. The young children had to leave early but at least Niagara was able to meet her cousins.

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When she came down into her mother’s arms Niagara’s blond hair had been all over the place so Siksika took her small daughter and tied her hair into a braid to keep it out of her face.

Although, there were a few stray strands. Niagara also seemed to favor bright colors like one would see on flowers as well as greens and browns. The little girl’s eyes remained bright as she

looked around at her toys then crawled right on over to the Xylophone. Niagara was a pretty neat child; she has a lot of energy and is a sweetheart. She may not be much of a people person but she

will always play with someone if they wanted to.* 9, 4, 8, 5, 9

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Before long, it was time for the heiress of the fourth generation to enter toddlerhood with her cousins. Jacy held her daughter close and kissed her small head. She couldn’t wait for the baby

stage to be over.

“Are you ready to grow up kiddo?” She said softly to Seneca.

Seneca made a small but happy sound as she grabbed onto her mother’s shirt with her tiny hands.

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A chocolate cake was placed in front of Jacy and her firstborn daughter. Seneca smiled up at her mother as she moved her hands. The little girl was ready to grow up, even excited. Jacy figured that maybe she was just excited to be able to play with her cousins. Aien had been asking for a

while when she could play with both Nia and Sen. Niagara would giggle in agreement.

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Seneca grew up with the Azure red hair, which had also been pretty unruly like her cousin’s had been so Jacy Nova took her daughter’s long hair and tied it into pigtails. Seneca couldn’t wait to

play with her two cousins so she made her way into the community room and hopped on the activity table where her cousins were playing. Seneca pulled out a crayon and started to scribble.

Seneca seemed to favor the color blue, well a light blue to be exact and silver.

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The birthday party was quite a blast although three toddlers were so tired that they ended up falling asleep before the night was up. That didn’t stop the three little girls from finding each

other the next morning as they took their places at the activity table and each picked a crayon to scribble with.

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There were several play dates that their parents set them up on. Family was important and Sika, Crow and Jacy all believed their daughters should become best friends. It wasn’t to hard for

Niagara and Seneca to bond since they were the same age but that never stopped Aientsik who loved her younger cousins more than anything.

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Seneca grew into a complete sweetheart who loved people, she wasn’t exactly the neatest child but she loved to have fun. She may not have been the most energetic of her cousins, who were

both hyperactive, but she wasn’t lazy either. *

* 4, 9, 5, 7, 10

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It had been getting late; Sika had been watching her still energetic toddler play in the community room where previously there had been two other toddlers.

“Alright Niagara it’s time to get you to bed.”Siksika could feel a familiar presence behind her. She didn’t feel afraid at all, only one person

could make her feel this way.

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She turned around to face a blond hair, golden eyed young man. Siksika smiled widely seeing him there, how much she missed him. All those nights he waited for him to come back and he was

there. It seemed like a dream but it was him, he was really here.

“Hey, I’m back” Solan’s first words were to her a gentle smile spread across his face.

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Solan gazed into the child’s eyes, and saw his own reflecting back at him. She looked beautiful, of course any parent thought their child was beautiful but this little girl was beyond that. She may

have had his hair and eye color but the rest of the little girl’s features were all from Siksika.

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“Mama?” Niagara questioned looking at the strange man that had been looking at her and her mom.

“Niagara” Siksika started with a dreamlike voice ”Meet your father Solan Sharpe. Solan, this is your daughter Niagara Isabelle Azure”

“D-da-da?” The little girl blinked the eyes she inherited from her father.“Yes Niagara, I’m your daddy” Solan smiled at the little blonde girl.

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“Well, this little girl has to get some sleep. She’s up way past her bedtime” Siksika smiled.“And what could have caused that?” Solan joked.

“Play date with her cousins” Siksika chuckled.

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Siksika changed her daughter into her PJs and placed her in her crib. Solan watched Sika put the toddler to bed. He couldn’t help but gaze, how did she do this on her own? He knew he had a child, Siksika and him had been emailing each other, the years he was working in Greece. But

seeing her for the first time up close made his heart flutter.

He took a closer look at the auras around Siksika and Niagara. Niagara had a bright happy color, she was an energetic child and Siksika her aura was calm and very happy. He missed her so much.

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Once the little girl was placed in her crib she fell asleep in an instant. Solan looked at Siksika.“She is gorgeous Siksika” Solan complimented.

“I think she gets most of her looks from you” Siksika replied. “Only the hair and eyes” Solan smiled.

The two of them gazed at each other as if it was the very first time they saw each other all over again. There were no words to say. They were just happy to be together again.

“Siksika” He started breaking the silence “There’s something I would like to ask you”

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In a dreamlike sequence Solan found himself falling to one knee as he pulled the ring out of his pocket. He had been waiting for this all he wanted was her to accept so he could spend the rest

of his life with her.“Siksika Alice Azure, would you marry me”

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Sika looked at the ring as she took it in her hand and slid it on her finger. She wanted this since the day she started falling for him. She was glad to know that her bad luck had been broken. So

many happy thoughts flooded her mind. There was only one answer to his question.

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Siksika wrapped her arms around Solan and held him close.“Yes” She replied breathlessly.

Solan had to close his eyes as the intense happiness surrounded her. There was no doubt, no loneliness like when he first saw her. It was pure happiness. That’s what he wanted to do, to make

her happy. Solan squeezed Sika and kissed her head.“I love you”

“I love you too”~*******~

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Jacy stood there in the bathroom she looked at herself in the mirror as she brushed her teeth. The news of Siksika’s “Mysterious Lover Solan” had been revealed earlier that morning.

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Jacy watched her older sister enter the community room revealing the news of her engagement. And everyone wanted to meet Solan. The man Siksika had been travelling with and the father of her daughter. Jacy was glad to see her sister happy. Solan turned out to be a great guy as well.

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The wedding planning had taken up most of Jacy’s time. Grandma Aiyana and her mother were great help but Jacy really wanted this to be special for her older sister. She had been so caught up with it that she didn’t even know she was pregnant a second time, at least that was until she really took note of her quickly changing body, and then the fact that she noticed that she felt

overheated more and more often.

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Seneca had shown to be a big help with that, Jacy noticed that whenever she held her daughter she felt instantly cooler. Jacy thought of that and what her pregnancy was like with Seneca and as she placed the pieces together she came to the conclusion that while she had power of fire,

her daughter may have the power of water.

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Everything was set and ready for the wedding and the day quickly came as family members and friends made their way to the Azure backyard.

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I like,Where we are,When we drive,

In your car.I like,

Where we are;here.

Cause our lips,Can touch,

And our cheeks,Can brush.Our lips,

Can touch;here.

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Well you are the one, the one that lies close to me.Whispers "Hello, I've missed you quite terribly."

I fell in love, in love with you suddenly.Now there's no place else I could be but here in your arms.

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I like,Where you sleep,When you sleep,

Next to me.I like,

Where you sleep;

Here. Our lips,Can touch,

And our cheeks,Can brush.

Cause our lips,Can touch;


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Well you are the one, the one that lies close to me.Whispers "Hello, I've missed you quite terribly."

I fell in love, in love with you suddenly.Now there's no place else I could be but here in your arms.

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Our lips,Can touch...

Our lips,Can touch;


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Well you are the one, the one that lies close to me.Whispers "Hello, I’ve missed you quite terribly."

I fell in love, in love with you suddenly.Now there's no place else I could be but here in your...

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Well you are the one, the one that lies close to me.Whispers "Hello, I´ve missed you quite... missed you quite."

I fell in love, in love with you suddenly.Now there's no place else I could be but here in your arms

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Here in your armsThen here in your arms…

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The wedding was amazing! Jacy had never been prouder to see her older sister so happy. She knew Solan was a good guy and wouldn’t do anything to harm Sika in anyway. Jacy slipped out of the

dress she wore. She started to feel really lightheaded as her skin tingled and itched like she had gotten a sunburn. Looking into the bathroom mirror she saw her face was flushed.

That was the last thing she remembered….

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The thump in the bathroom was overheard by Owen in the next room. He immediately went to check on Jacy, just to make sure everything was ok. Owen knocked on the door to the bathroom. He worried when he hadn’t heard a sound so he put his hand on the door handle to peek inside…

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“JACY!?” Owen’s panicked voice filled the house.

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The ambulance came as soon as Owen called it. And Jacy-Nova Azure was rushed to the hospital. She had overheated and her body temperature had skyrocketed. Jacy was a fire-starter so a

higher than normal temperature was expected, but not like this.

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The doctors and nurses rushed around trying to help Jacy Nova. The feeling in that hospital was intense. The family sat in the lobby just waiting for any note of how Jacy was doing.

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There was a sudden feeling of panic in the hospital, for the Azures as they watched as Jacy Nova was rushed on a stretcher into the operating room. Owen immediately stopped pacing as he ran up

to one of the doctors.“What’s wrong? What happened?!” Owen asked nervously.

“Her temperature is really high, so high that we have to get the twins born as soon as possible!”“Twins!” Owen exclaimed in the nervousness of any father awaiting his child to be born, in his case

his second and third children.

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Before long Jacy Nova and Owen’s twin boys were born prematurely. They were so tiny as Owen looked through the window to NICU. The boys had yet to be named they were called Baby Boy A

and Baby Boy B. B looked much smaller and weaker than his twin brother as the NICU nurses took care of the boys.

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Baby boy A (left) has red hair, blue eyes and skin 2Baby boy B (right) also has red hair and blue eyes like his twin brother, but has skin 1.

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After looking at his sons Owen made his way back to the family. He really wanted to see his wife; he wanted to know how she was doing. All he knew was the fact that she was hanging on. Jacy was a strong woman coming from a long line of them. Her grandmother Aiyana was a survivor of the wiped out Lenmanans, Pocahontas; her mother was kind and kept the family together, and Jacy’s sisters: Siksika had been through more in her life than he knew anyone could handle and

now she was happily married, and Jacy’s younger sister Ellie was ambitious.

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The machines beeped steadily as Jacy lie in that hospital bed. She slept under a cold blanket it wasn’t soundly though.

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And that is the end of 3.7!Wow! What a mix of happy and urgency. At least Siksika’s bad luck with guys has finally come to an

end. Although it seems that that bad luck passed to Jacy who found herself overheating while pregnant with her sons.

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Jacy has fallen unconscious, will she survive?How is the family coping?

What is in store for this generation?

Tune in next time to Forever Flowing: The Azure Legacy.

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I’d like to thank all of my wonderful readers, every site I borrowed custom content for and Ani-Mei for lending Solan as well as being my Beta. I also like to thank the internet for the facts it has given me about the meaning behind the names. Most, if not all of the names in generation 4 will

be shortened in one way or another just to make it easier for me and everyone else.