INTRODUCTION It is a fact that finding the best speed reading software is a complex task. To ensure you really get the best one you would need to throw in some time and effort which is not easy for some to do because of hectic schedules and other personal and professional priorities. We all just have to move with our fast-paced environment. This is why we have put together 10 free lessons on speed reading to help you have an easy and fast access to the techniques needed to learn the skill. At the same time, details about how to choose the best speed reading software is also made available on this course with a recommendation write up for your perusal. All of these at no cost at all for you because we simply aim to help you in your route to building your speed reading skills.

Don't Struggle With Nasty Reading Habits

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10 free lessons on speed reading to help you have an easy and fast access to the techniques needed to learn the skill. At the same time, details about how to choose the best speed reading software.

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It is a fact that finding the best speed reading software is a complex task. To ensure you really

get the best one you would need to throw in some time and effort which is not easy for some

to do because of hectic schedules and other personal and professional priorities. We all just

have to move with our fast-paced environment.

This is why we have put together 10 free lessons on speed reading to help you have an easy

and fast access to the techniques needed to learn the skill. At the same time, details about how

to choose the best speed reading software is also made available on this course with a

recommendation write up for your perusal. All of these at no cost at all for you because we

simply aim to help you in your route to building your speed reading skills.

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Why Learn Speed Reading?

You may probably wonder what speed reading is for when you already know how to read. Why complicate things by increasing your reading rate and risk losing understanding the material easily?

Like any other skills, speed reading needs an investment of time and practice to learn. Training your eyes, hands and mind will require effort but like any other skill it will benefit you and for the most part, professionally.

An average person reads 200 to 300 words per minute . This is just enough if reading is just for recreation purposes of a person but if he needs to cover a lot of materials such as students, lawyers, trainers, employees in training, doctors and other professionals or businessmen then this rate will not be sufficient. It is very probable that he will lag behind on his reading and training so his knowledge and skills will be compromised. He will need to invest much more time to cover all the reading material to be competent on his field. This will not be an easy task.

If you are facing this scenario then speed reading will be able to provide you some ease with regards to meeting your goals. It will give you an advantage because you will be able to gather more information in a short span of time. You will be able to move along with others in your field and may even have more edge than them since you have the capacity to absorb more information from reading materials in a few minutes.

Speed reading not only aims to build up the reading rate of a person but also retain good comprehension. This is its primary goal. Being able to read fast will lose its essence if one would not be able to remember and more so, understand what he just read.

Speed reading also contributes to time freedom to whoever builds this skill. Time flexibility will be much more available because of the confidence that he or she can cover many materials in a short period and so has the option to spend his other time on other things which need his attention such as family, friends, relationships, or even other past times.

When one has more flexibility with regards to his schedule, then he feels more relaxed and stress-free. A more positive attitude is fashioned and learning is not considered a burden anymore.

But the best benefit that speed reading can contribute to one's person is having the opportunity to learn a lot of things. Knowledge will arm him and he will be confident to take on any tasks. This will open more chances for job employment, promotion, and business ventures. Career advancement will not look so far off.

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Investing in speed reading is not a waste of anything. The few hours you will put to learn the methods and train your body and mind will contribute much to your development as a person and as a professional. In one way or another, your loved ones will be benefited too.

Preparation before Training

Before starting any kind of training, you need to prepare yourself. The same goes for speed reading. There are habits you need to check on and elements you need to know to see if you are ready to learn the methods to have speed reading skills. When you know yourself and have gauged your ability to learn then you will be more motivated to develop the skills.


Eyes. Check your vision first. If you have any vision problems, make sure to have an eye check up with the doctor so you can make corrective measures like using contact lenses, glasses, eye lubricants, or doing eye exercises.

Reading rate. Gauge your current reading rate. You can get your average reading rate by timing your reading of a paragraph or several sentences in a minute. Online speed reading tests like spreeder.com2 can also help you measure how many words per minute you can read along with how much you can understand. Click here for another recommended online speed reading test that you may use. Don't try to hasten reading in getting your reading rate but just do it at your normal pace to really gauge it correctly. Do it 2 to 3 x to get your average correctly.

Distractions. Find a suitable place to learn and practice speed reading. The lesser the distractions, the better. If you have no suitable place, try to see if you can play baroque music while learning and practicing you skills because baroque music have been proven to help in concentration. Yes, you will need to keep distractions at bay to be able to focus fully on speed reading. Since you will be increasing your reading speed, your comprehension will not follow immediately. It's possible for you to not fully understand right away what you have read so having a distraction-free environment is needed. The more you can focus, the more you will be able to comprehend well. Distraction is not only about the place where you will study but your personal stuff like mobile phones, iPod, and other gadgets, even the television. Have them turned off when you are studying speed reading.

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Habits. As you are gauging your reading rate, also observe yourself on how you read. Do you pronounce each word? Do you read everything all through out? How many words can you see when you focus your eyes on one word on the page? Do you reread some words or sentences for understanding? These questions point out the bad reading habits almost all of us have formed since we learned how to read from pre-school.

Subvocalization, rereading or regression, reading everything, and limited eye span. If you are doing of these things then STOP doing them. All these slow down your reading pace. Start to train your lips not to move when you are reading, just have your eye read the words silently. Don't reread a word or sentence when you have not understood what it meant. Training for comprehension will come soon with your speed reading training.

Relax your gaze when reading, if you can only see 4 to 5 words at a time, this is alright at this time but just train your gaze to relax when reading so your eye span or how much you can see in one gaze, will soon expand. And lastly, start learning not to read everything. Practice skimming or reading keywords in a material like the titles, headings, bold, italicized and underlined words, and bulleted words. Your aim is to get the main idea being conveyed on a paragraph or page.

Widen Your Eye Span and Chunk

When you focus on a word in a sentence, you will notice that you can still see the other words beside it and those at its top and bottom. An average person can normally see one to three inches on the sides of the eyes when the gaze is focused. Often this is 3 to 4 words at a time. This is the eye span. Some people have larger eye spans but most people can still develop this.

To know your own eye span, get a reading material and focus your gaze on the middle of the page. Have a pen and ruler ready too. Once you have focused your gaze then mark the areas of the page that you can still see clearly using your ruler and pen. This is your eye span.

In developing your eye span for faster reading, be careful not to force your eyes to see a lot when it cannot do it yet. Work with what it can do for the moment. Straining your eyes will just not do you any good and will not help you in speed reading. You need good eyesight to be a good speed reader.

To develop your eye span, gaze at the second or third word in the first sentence of your reading

material. This is your first fixation or the stop of your eyes. Then blink and move your focus on

the 5th or 6th word now in the sentence. Every time you blink, change your focus. Do it with a

slow pace first going faster as your eyes get trained in seeing all the words around the gaze, left

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and right, top and bottom. Just always remember to have a soft and relaxed gaze when

widening your eye span.

Once you have a good grasp of how many words you can clearly see then it's time to integrate comprehension to this. This is the method called "chunking". The key to chunking is reading and remembering the words you see in your eye span. You need to remember the words you read to understand the meaning of the whole text when you read on your next fixation.

Being familiar with idiomatic expressions and having a wide vocabulary will benefit you in this method. If you still don't know much idioms I suggest you gather their meanings now and enrich your vocabulary too. The internet is a good source for this research of idiomatic expressions. You may incorporate building your vocabulary while learning speed reading but this may slow you down a bit. Yet it's still beneficial. If there are words you're not familiar with, then do look them up in the dictionary or thesaurus. The importance of this is for you to be able to shorten how you read long chunks of words. For example, your fixation is on a set that reads "stand head and shoulders above," you may just read this as "the best" since that is the meaning of this idiomatic expression.

Advanced chunking entails reading diagonally. In this method, you read the first words on the first sentence then move onto the last words of the second sentence and so on. Pretty much, you will just be reading phrases and connecting the meanings of each one to get the idea the author is conveying in the material. So you would need to remember what you read on the previous sentences. Practice this with number sets first until you get the hang of remembering chunks of information. Practice with the numbers 321564578 for example. Chunk it as 321-564-578. Then memorize. Practice with other sets of 9 to 10 digit numbers. Then move on to sentences.

Pacing Methods

Pacing methods or metaguiding is the technique of using a guide for speed reading. It has been accidentally discovered by Evelyn Wood, "the Pioneer of Speed Reading" that the eyes are able to focus more when it follows the gesture of the hands when she removed off dirt on a page of a book as she picked it up from the floor when it accidentally fell. This marked the beginning of the development of the pacing methods. When we think about, using our fingers as a pointer has been taught to us when we first started learning to read. As we grow older, the use of the hands was just avoided for silent reading purposes. These steps are ideal for beginners in speed reading because it contributes to their concentration on the task. The hands, a pointer or paper may be utilized for this.

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This is the most basic of the pacing methods and all you need to do is to point your index finger

or pen or put your paper underneath the word you will be reading. Move it along the sentences

as you read. Speed up as you move. Your finger determines your speed. If you will be reading

on your computer then use the cursor and your mouse as your pointer. Change your speed

when you need to understand what you are reading but don't go back to the previous words or

sentences if you don't. Just move along and move faster. Practice this method for about a week

to build it as a habit.


For this method, cup your hands wherein the fingers will be aligned and bounce your hand from fixation to fixation or sets of words on the line. Do this slowly at first and as your comprehension improves in reading "chunks" of words as you hop your hands then increase your speed.


This has the same movement as the sweep but this time instead of putting the card or paper under the word, you will cover the words you have already read. This method helps eliminate rereading or regression so you will just be focused on reading and moving forward.

Serpentine Style

Also commonly known as the zigzag or the loop method, the serpentine style is a more advanced pacing method. It is somehow similar to skimming because you will need to look for keywords to understand the idea of the sentences. With fingers aligned like in the hop method, move your hand in a zigzag line across the paragraph capturing several words from the beginning of the first sentence then several words from the end of the next sentence with special care to read keywords. This is also ideal for easy material.

This website can help you practice the hop method online.

The pacing method entails you to combine it with the first methods for speed reading which is developing your eye span and chunking for better and faster comprehension.

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The Method of SQRRR

SQRRR is also known as SQ3R. This is the acronym for the reading method Survey, Question, Read, Recall and Review. This method was developed in the late 1950's for college students. Its purpose was to help them read faster and comprehend quicker considering the amount of reading materials college students need to cover to pass their university courses. This aim of SQRRR2 is similar to what speed reading is all about so this is a good method which has been adapted in speed reading techniques. This method most especially helps in the enhancement of concentration and the memory so it contributes much to the comprehension of the reader.


This first step in this method requires skimming the material or looking it over for target words like titles, sub titles, headings, sub headings, words in bold, italics and underlined words, words quoted by the author and the first and last sentences in each paragraph. Photo descriptions are also worth consideration since these give insight to the main idea of the material.


Questioning can be done simultaneously with surveying. This method requires that you formulate a question from the words you've skimmed on the material. To make things faster, you can make a question immediately from the title instead of going back to the material after surveying. Making up a question is not that hard but will entail some practicing so you can eventually get used to it. For example, the title of the article you will read is "The Art of Questioning," your question can be "What is the Art of Questioning?" Looks pretty easy right? The idea is to make a question which will give you focus on the article, so your aim is to find the answer to the question you made up. You may write down your questions to serve as your guide.


Since you need the answers to your questions, you need to read the material now. Based on your question, find the answer to it. This will speed up your reading since you already have a direction which is to find the answer to the questions. When you find the answers, you may write them down too but ensure to write them in your own words but not too long, write just enough words for you to remember the key idea of the answer. This is to train your memory and understanding.

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Recall in SQRRR is not just remembering, it is saying the answer aloud to better imprint it in your mind. This is recitation which has been proven in university studies that students remember better when they say their answers but again, this should be in your own words. Even if you already wrote some notes, say your answers to your questions aloud in your own words. That's why the idea of note taking is just to jot down some words and not the whole answer to the questions.


Reviewing is going back to all your notes from the questions to the notes for the answers and recalling how much you remember about the material as a whole and how fast were you able to recall all the information.

As you practice doing the SQRRR Method, you're also training your mind to concentrate and remember in a fast manner.

Comprehension Building Methods

Maintaining comprehension level or even increasing it while reading fast is another aim of speed reading. It would not do anyone any good if they can read fast yet they cannot understand what they have read. This will be useless. Maintaining and developing comprehension in speed reading is another training of the eyes and mind. The eyes are trained to look out for words to help understand the reading material while the brain is trained to apprehend the words and ideas fast. This would need practice and patience again.

There are 2 speed reading techniques which have been used by both beginners and advanced speed readers to develop and retain their comprehension skills. These are scanning and mind mapping. These two methods in a way are incorporated in one another to give the mind a quick idea on the message of the author on the material being read. You do have the option to practice doing only one or you can also train to do both.

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Scanning can be done simultaneously with the pacing methods. Using a guide to scan the page will make your reading speed much faster. The main point in scanning is to look for the main idea in the material and its supporting information. In scanning, you need to let go of the habit of reading everything and should be fast to determine what words are relevant to your understanding of the text and which ones are irrelevant or just extended explanations of the other information.

The primary words you need to look out for in scanning a page or the whole material are:

Names Numbers Titles Headings/subheadings Table of Contents Preface Reviews and descriptions of the article or book if it is provided Bold, italicized and/or underlined words. First and last sentence in a paragraph

All these will help you get the facts and main idea the author is conveying to the reader. This method is ideal for use in non-fiction material.


Mind-mapping is a method of combining words, pictures and other visual aids to understand and remember a meaning or message of an article, book or any other presentation such as a webinar or workshop. Mind maps help develop understanding and recall skills. It has been in use since the 1950s and has been popularized by Tony Buzan.

It is a method adopted in speed reading because it helps the reader associate the visual aids with the idea related by the article or book.

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You can create a mind map using the old pen and paper but if you prefer MS Word or Pages, those are sufficient tools too. Read the title of the article first then write it down on your paper. Draw a square or circle around it. Then without looking at your paper, say the title out loud. This will reinforce your memory. Then continue reading the first paragraph taking note of the heading and other keywords such as in scanning. You may apply other speed reading methods in this part such as the pacing methods and chunking. Go back to your paper and write the headings beside or around the title, enclose it in a square or circle again and beneath the heading, write phrases or sentences in your own words to gauge your understanding of what you have read and say it aloud after writing without looking at your paper. Continue the same steps with the rest of the article. When you have finished the whole material, go back to your mind map and review it. After reviewing, try to recall the whole mind from the title until the last entry you have made.

Keys for Practice in Speed Reading

The key to developing your skills and comprehension in speed reading is to practice the methods. The first thing you need to remember in practicing is to set a specific number of minutes or better, hours for your practice schedule. Then stick to this routine.

You can practice your speed reading with the use of a regular article on paper or with the pages of a book or with the help of resources from the internet and your computer such as news and ebooks.

The next thing you may focus on is the skill of scanning. Practice scanning a material for 60 to 120 seconds in each of your practice schedules. Make this longer for longer materials if you prefer to practice with a book for example. As you move on and make progress, decrease the scanning practice to 30 to 60 seconds then lesser and lesser.

Another key to get better in speed reading is to practice the focus and fixation of your eyes. Eye exercises online specifically to develop the eyes' speed for reading purposes2is widely available. Do these exercises before starting on practicing the speed reading methods or even after to be able to relax the eyes too. There are also more eye exercises online which can help relax eye muscles and reduce eye strain1. These also add to the endurance of your eyes3 so you don't get drowsy easily when moving your eyes fast.

In practicing your speed reading skills, have a link for a speed reading test handy, bookmark it on your browser. Having access to a speed reading test will allow you to constantly measure your progress on your skills. If this is not possible for you, then just have a timer handy and test yourself after each practice session. Remember, practice the skills then put your skills to a test.

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Another helpful key for speed reading is the use of software for practice. You can convert PDF or Word documents to 2 to 5 word columns so the division will serve as a guide for your eye fixation. Currently there are downloadable PDF's designed for speed reading practice. Click here for a free download. Or you can copy paste your own material on this site and the application will convert the document to your preference. However, if you still prefer printed material over software then just draw a line to divide the sentences into 2 to 5 words, depending on the speed you want to go practice first. Remember that it's alright to go slow at your first practice sessions.

Software specifically designed to help you learn how to speed read are available too and can easily be purchased online mostly at reasonable prices. These provide guidelines, lessons and a lot of practice materials along with progress charts and real-time tracker of improvement for both the reading pace and comprehension. Flashing words are among the oldest exercises used in speed reading software. The good thing in choosing speed reading software for learning and practicing is that it provides many exercises for each type of speed reading method. So you will be able to train on all of the methods. The only challenge with software is its specifications so you should check first if it is compatible with your computer's specs before making any purchase.

Software is Recommended for Speed Reading

The first time that the first idea of speed reading was conceptualized, a machine was used to help in learning the initial methods. The United States Air Force used the Tachistoscope which would flash images on a screen and its speed would increase as it progresses. This was developed by researchers to help pilots identify approaching aircraft, to distinguish between ally and enemy. This just aimed to improve the vision of the pilots but the researchers soon found out it helped increase the reading speed of the participants.

In the 1940s it became a trend to use machines to increase reading speed. The Harvard Business School even formulated a speed reading program which still focused on using visual images just like the tachistoscope1. With this development we can see that the use of machines with programs in them, or software was already a recognized way for learning how to speed read.

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It is really up to you how you prefer to study for developing your speed reading skills. You can stick to free courses like this one; use your own reading materials; follow the reminders for practicing the methods just like in the previous lesson and; time your reading by yourself. Or you may find a free download or purchase speed reading software which can provide you with all the works such as practice exercise materials, speed reading level tests and progress trackers for both the reading rate and comprehension. There is even some software which has separate lessons for the methods and comprehension building respectively.

Many speed reading software also incorporate video tutorials wherein the teachers discuss the lessons to you making it a personalized tutorial in a way. When such feature is available, you may use your headphones and be able to block out distracting noise. This will help you focus more on the lesson and the exercises. Another feature commonly found in speed reading software are lessons for eye health and care and exercises for eye span development. These have helpful tips you can do for your eyes to make it focus more easily as well as have more endurance.

Some speed reading software are also available in varying languages such as Spanish, French, Japanese and German so it can be learned by anybody interested in developing the skills. When the speed reading software has this feature then translator software is not needed anymore and the software can be used by itself. Since the primary competition of a reader learning how to speed read is time then using a software for learning and practicing the skills is practical because in essence, a software helps save time for the learner. If you choose a software, you won't need to find your own materials and exercises anymore or even speed reading applications which can help you apply the methods. With just one click, the lessons, discussions and exercises are all there plus your progress is being tracked as you go. With this convenience, you can easily set a schedule too such as only doing 1 lesson or 1 exercise for the day.

In using a speed reading software, it's just a matter of choosing which one is the best fit for your needs, preferences and budget too. Options are enumerated in speed reading software reviews like this so do look them up.

Which is the Best Speed Reading Software?

This is a question very frequently asked when people contemplate on which software to choose and buy for learning speed reading. After all, it doesn't matter if it's cheap or expensive it's still hard-earned money that one will shell out for personal development and of course, if it's going to be an investment for oneself, who would not want the best?

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Yes, this is a question which is difficult to answer because even with just one Google search several brands of speed reading software come up. But let's look at some points of views regarding a popular speed reading software – 7 Speed Reading, why, because this speed reading software has been awarded a 5 star rating not just by one but by 7 rating sites one of which is BrotherSoft. This software has also been reviewed by Serenson Pty Ltd by means of actually downloading and using the software and not just based on other review sites or opinions. It gave 7 Speed Reading an excellent rating based on its criteria for evaluating speed reading software. Their guidelines include assessment of the software's effectiveness, usability, approach, reliability, cost, customer support, and trial availability or guarantee. Serenson Pty Ltd is an Australian Company independent from the manufacturer of 7 Speed Reading which is eReflect Software. Serenson Pty Ltd authors the site Write Better English which provides help for those who want to improve their English writing skills. Based on these reports, it is but safe to say that 7 Speed Reading is one of the best speed reading software out in the market today. It should be because it took 4 years in the making before it was released. According to spreeder.com, eReflect, made thorough testing on this software before being launched wherein the increase in reading speed by test participants was 163% with lesser effort in learning by the students.

All the reviews and ratings cite 7 Speed Reading as user-friendly because of its compatibility with Windows 7, XP and Vista, a middle-of-the-range pricing with a 12 month no questions asked money-back guarantee, applicable for use from Grades 3 to Adult and, unlimited email and phone support.

Speed reading coach, Rick Hunter, is the guide in all the video tutorials in 7 Speed Reading. He provides the theories and explanations about the methods as well as instructions on how to go about the lessons or exercises in the software.

7 Speed Reading includes 15 comprehensive training topics and exercises backed up with tests and games for a deeper development of the skills. It has 2 main sections, the Step-by-Step and Power Access which approach speed reading training in two different angles. Considering the load of information put into this software, it is truly a highly advanced speed reading system.

Some reviews still cite that there is still room for improvement4 for this software but overall most users vouch for the effectiveness of the teaching approach in 7 Speed Reading for increasing reading speeds.

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A Deeper Look at 7 Speed Reading

We all want to get ahead, in life and in our professions so to support this need we recommend the use of 7 Speed Reading more than anything else. Aside from going through the free lessons in this course, reinforce and continue your training with the use of this software. Not only will the lessons you've gone through in this free course be given more in depth explanation and emphasis but you will have an opportunity to train deeper for your speed reading skills with a software that has brought together all the speed reading techniques into one professional package.

Here are more reasons1 why we recommend you look into 7 Speed Reading:

This software consists of 15 training exercises to help you inhibit your poor reading habits. These help eliminate subvocalization, regression or rereading, and help develop your eye span. New reading habits are formed while eliminating the bad ones.

It consists of modules with video tutorials. As mentioned in the previous lesson, Rick Hunter is your private tutor in all these videos. He will guide you through the lessons with verbal instructions for the exercises.

The main reason why this software is named 7 Speed Reading because it utilizes 7 learning strategies for speed reading. Commonly other software only brings 1-2 strategies.

It comes with Wiki-Connect which is not present in other software. This feature will allow you to choose and get articles from wiki sites for use in your speed reading practice exercises. This way you get a material of interest to you at the same time be able to train for speed reading.

7 Speed Reading also incorporated eye and body health tips and explanations to help you take care of your eyes such as how to keep eyes fresh especially when these are tired, how to avoid eye fatigue especially when you read on the computer, and eye exercises to avoid eye strain. After all, our eyes are our main tools for speed reading so it is just logical for us to take care of them. This is acknowledged in 7 Speed Reading.

7 Speed reading is so user-friendly that it can accommodate countless numbers of users. And even if several profiles are set up and saved in it, it can still track the progress of each one real-time with its highly advanced progress tracker which records all user activities when they log in.

Comprehension is not neglected in any of the speed reading exercises provided in 7 Speed Reading. It is incorporated in all activities so that the reading rate is improved along with understanding.

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The guarantee it offers is longer than most product trial offers. It's for 12 months with a 100% money-back guarantee if it does not hold true to its promotional ad of enabling anyone to speed read with just 7 minutes of practice or learning per day in just two weeks.

7 Speed Reading is a software developed with the needs for growth of its customers in mind. It provides training for speed reading skills with great depth while maintaining a fun approach in the activities. This is a software which can really benefit you both as a beginner and an advanced learner in speed reading.


Eye Exercises and Vision Training

Link: http://www.suite101.com/content/eye-exercises-and-vision-training-a72641

This is an article providing comprehensive information on how eye exercises benefit our eyes with the possibility of improving vision naturally.


Link: http://www.spreeder.com/

Spreeder is a free application which provides a speed reading test to gauge reading rate.

Evelyn Wood (teacher)

Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evelyn_Wood_(teacher)

This is a Wikipedia article providing a short biography of Evelyn Wood.

SuperReading Hopify Program

Link: http://www.superreading.com/hopify/hopify.cgi

This is another free online application wherein you can practice the hop pacing method.

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Speed Reading Self-pacing Methods

Link: http://english.glendale.cc.ca.us/methods.html

This is a page from the Glendale Community College site authored by Dennis Doyle which provides information about the pacing methods for speed reading.


Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQ3R

This is a Wikipedia article about the SQ3R Method.

Reading Strategies: SQ3R Method

Link: http://gradschool.about.com/cs/reading/a/sq3r.htm

This is an About.com guide article on the SQ3R Method.

Skimming and scanning

Link: http://www.slideshare.net/leticiaeoimairena/skimming-scanning

This shows one of the pages in the book Reading and Study Skills Lab provided by Anne Arundel Community College.

Tony Buzan

Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Buzan

This is a Wikipedia page about Tony Buzan and his works.

Mind Map

Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mind_map

This is another Wikipedia article defining and describing a mind map.

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Eye Exercises for Speed Reading

Link: http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/eye-exercises-for-speed-reading.html

This is a page providing simple eye exercises to help strengthen and relax the eyes.

Eye Can Learn

Link: http://www.eyecanlearn.com/

This is a website providing different eye exercises for training the eyes on different focus needs like peripheral and relaxed viewing.

SuperReading Eye Hop

Link: http://superreading.com/eyehop/

This is a page with free downloadable PDF documents specifically designed for speed reading practice.

The History of Speed Reading

Link: http://thespeedreadingreview.com/speed-reading-history.php

This is an article discussing how speed reading started and its developments through the years.

Speed Reading Software: A Guide

Link: http://www.write-better-english.com/speed-reading-software-guide.aspx

These are the guidelines followed by Serenson Pty Ltd in their website Write Better English for reviewing speed reading software.

Learn Speed Reading: 7 Speed Reading Review

Link: http://english-language-skills.com/item/59-7-speed-reading-review.html

This is an unbiased review done by Denise Sutherland, a writer who has authored 8 puzzle books.

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7 Speed Reading

Link: http://www.7speedreading.com/

This is the official site of the 7 Speed Reading Software.

This free course is created and published eReflect software.

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