Blogging Too short? Too long? Just right?

Blogging for Funeral Homes

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• Too short?

• Too long?

• Just right?

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Why Should You Blog?

• Great way to share information with current and potential clients

• Gives a face and personality to your online presence

• New content brings users back to your website

• New content is good for your SEO

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Share Information

• You are a wealth of information about funeral care and grief support. Your current and potential clients are hungry for knowledge.

• Highlight notable obituaries and tributes

• Community issues and events

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• If you would put a notice about something in your reception area, blog it.

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Your Voice

• Give your own perspective on various issues

• Use your personality to your advantage

• Share what’s going on around your office with your clients

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• No need to stick only to funeral related issues, BUT best to avoid politics or controversial issues.

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Bring Them Back

• New content brings users back to your website

• Promote your blog posts on Facebook and Twitter to bring users back

• Enable comments for more interaction, BUT be sure you can monitor them.

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• Don’t be shy about letting your customers know about your blog posts.

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Improve Your SEO

• Google and other search engines love new content

• Content should be original and high quality

• Use keywords in your content, but don’t over use them

• Your blog MUST be on your website for SEO benefits to accrue

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• Try to answer questions users ask to improve your search results.

• How do I....?

• 5 inspiring memorial services

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About Length

• Posting regularly is more important than length

• Creating great content that your clients want to read is more important than length

• Writing clearly and in a conversational tone is more important than length

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• Edit your writing. Keep what is interesting, discard the filler. What’s left will be the right length

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Mix it up

• Short posts of 150-300 words for quick announcements, comments

• Medium posts 400-700 words for most of your posts

• Longer posts for more in-depth subjects, but ask yourself if these are better broken into smaller bites.

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Short and Sweet

• Use short posts for quick announcements

• Highlight other blog posts or current events

• ALWAYS link to the original content

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Medium Well

• Most blog posts are in the 400-700 word range

• Focus on a single subject

• Break it up with photos, headers

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• Ask yourself: What is the takeaway message?

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• Sometimes a subject demands a longer blog post

• Use them sparingly

• ALWAYS ask yourself if it could be broken up into sub posts

• Use lots of headlines, photos to avoid wall of text syndrome

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• “Granular Posting” Limit your post to one subject.

• Make sure you pay attention to SEO when posting.

• Include keywords in your title and your content, but don’t spam them.

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Things to Consider

• Can I post regularly?

• Is there someone who can take on regular blogging duties?

• Start with moderation. You can always expand later

• Consider hiring a blog manager

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Nothing to post?

• Interview a client

• Start a series. I remember..

• Interview your staff

• How to...

• Focus on an event- before, during, after

• Repurpose other content

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For more information

• www.beyondfunerals.com

• Follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/beyondindigofuneral

• Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/beyondfunerals