http://www.thereleasetechnique.co.uk The Release Technique Tam Sorgren Whatever I say here about the Release Technique, take it for checking…test it for yourself, don’t accept mine or anyone’s opinions. If you are reading this, then like me, you have been looking for answers, answers to who you are and what you are doing and what was going on. For years I have felt out

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The Release Technique

Tam Sorgren

Whatever I say here about the

Release Technique, take it

for checking…test it for

yourself, don’t accept mine

or anyone’s opinions.

If you are reading this, then

like me, you have been

looking for answers, answers

to who you are and what you

are doing and what was going

on. For years I have felt out

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of place in the world, like I

was wearing someone else’s

skin…very strange and

frequently painful...I just

felt like I didn't belong

These questions led me to

seek answers from many

things, many people and many

healing therapies…if it’s out

there, I’ve most likely tried

it: Shen Therapy/Akashic


aballah/meditation…and the

list goes on. Each one help

me find some peace, some

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space...but nothing long term

and useable on a day to day

basis...a lot of times it was

about having faith and

praying for change. But I've

never believed we were

helpless in this life, like a

cork being tossed on a stormy

sea, I knew we were more than

that, I knew there was great

power within us.

Then I came across Eckhart

Tolle…and presence. Listening

to his audios brought me much

stillness and peace…and

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things started to make sense.

I realised:

1. There was no past and no

future. We only exist in the

moment, this moment is all

there is and THIS moment is

where God or Divine Being,

whatever you want to call

that Essence, lives. The God

force is ONLY in the now.

2. That we are God spark,

divine beings of unlimited

power. But that raised the

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question, why are we and the

planet in this appalling

state, why do we hate and


3. We are in the state we are

in because we spend way to

much time in the past or

future…in other words…we

think to much, our EGO has

become our master. If you

examine your thoughts, you

will soon release that they

are either stuck in the

past…in nostalgia, regret,

guilt or sadness OR in the

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future…stuck in fear, hope

and expectation. The average

person spends very little

time in the NOW just BEING.

4. By not being in the now,

and by the way by that I mean

in the mind, the mind/ego can

only exist in the past and

future…thoughts can not exist

in the NOW. By not being in

the NOW (NOW is where the

connection to the Divine

Universe exists), many of us

feel very isolated, insecure

and unloved...we are

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disconnected from the love of

the Universe when we are out

of the NOW…and so you are

controlled and run by your

mind. You are lost from that

all loving and healing energy

of the Universe....and


5. All our pain comes from 1

core belief, the belief that

we are separate from the

Divine Essence…this underpins

everything; and this

separation comes from having

an ego.

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6. The only way to reconnect

to the Divine and stay in the

NOW is to lose the ego.

So Eckhart Tolle…was

profound…being in the now was

the key. But I found it hard

to stay in the now and I kept

getting annoyed at myself for

not doing it. And THEN it hit

me, staying in the now is

hard if you have a lot of

STUFF and ISSUES from the

past, that keep knocking you

of the past; if you past is

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too heavy…then staying in the

now for any length of time

can be tough. And by the past

I don’t mean the events in

your past BUT the emotions

and feelings you have

attached to them. I really

struggled with this…and I

found myself in a tug of

war…pulled back and forth

between past and future. But

the WORST things was, I kept

beating myself up for not

being be able to stay in the

now…well that really helps


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So the question becomes, how

can you ‘let go’ of the

emotions/thoughts we have

about the past and future,

how can we lessen that pull

so we can spend more time in

the NOW?

With this question, I managed

to attract the Release

Technique; being curious…I

bought the CD pack for $279.

To be honest, I found it hard

to get into them, so I booked

a live retreat to the Dec

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2008 event at Camp Allen

Houston and Asilomar in

California. It wasn’t

something I thought about,

despite the expense, it just

felt right, I had to do

it….and I am glad I

did….everything started to

make sense and more

importantly FELT right…I

started to experience

instances of no mind and it

felt great. It is a daily

process to drop the past and

the emotions that are stirred

up as we go about our

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lives...but at least now I

have an effective tool to

help me...and I am so

grateful for it...I can see

the light at the end of the

tunnel, nothing else I have

tried has allowed me to do


So, what exactly is the

Release Technique and why

does it work so effectively

to begin with?

First off, here is what it is

not. It is not an

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intellectual approach to

fixing and changing your

life. The intellectual

approach is WAY TOO SLOW. The

founder and creator of the

Release Technique – Lester

Levenson, who was a brilliant

man and a physicist, realized

that all the intellectual

knowledge he had learned in

his life did not help him one

bit when he was barely

hanging on to life.

What helped him was using an

inherent and natural ability

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that he discovered while on

his death bed. That this

ability can really only be

used experientially, and not

by ‘thinking about it’,

dramatically changed his life

for the better very quickly.

Furthermore, this should be

your clue as to why some

things you may have tried

before just didn’t work.

Any one attempting to recall

this ability intellectually

would spend decades trying to

“make sense out of it”, if it

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could be done at all. By

using the Release Technique,

you will discover it, prove

it, experience it for

yourself, and begin to use

it… on the very First Day.

So How Does It Work?

I do want to say first that

this report will only give

you a small glimpse of the

technique’s true power, and

you will still most likely be

using your current way of

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thinking to see if this

really works.

So that being said, this

report is just a small taste

of what the Abundance Course

is like; it just barely

scratches the surface. Doing

the exercises in the course

and listening to the audios

as Larry Crane guides you

through the course but is no

substitute for the live

events. But I will do my best

to give you a head’s start

with the Abundance Course and

more of an idea of what is

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behind the Release Technique


The Release Technique is so

effective because it works

directly on you as the

primary instrument of change.

It does not deal with

effects. It deals with cause.

It does not promise you

strategies that will change

the outside environment. Nor

does it suggest you use

manipulation in any way to

change or try to change

someone else’s behaviour.

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What you will be doing using

the technique is eliminating

stress at its source – as you

feel it, as opposed to trying

to cope, manage or even avoid

the symptoms and effects of

stress. A really powerful

effect of using the technique

to do this is that results

increase over time. The

effect of eliminating stress

is cumulative. The more you

use this method the greater

your ability it will be to

make positive

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changes in behaviour and to

handle difficult situations

with greater ease.

Thus, you will realize that

it is natural to let go of

unwanted feelings, negative

tendencies and emotions. We

were not and are not meant to

hold on to them! We just end

up doing so as a by-product

of our ego. Look at children,

they hold no grudges, they

are so happy just living in

the moment. And if they are

sad, they are sad. They don’t

hold back and bury their

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feelings like we adults

usually do.

Here is a Little Experiment

on What Releasing Feels Like:

1. First, get some object, a

pencil, ball or whatever and

hold it in your hand.

2. Hold it tight.

3. Tighter still.

4. As tight as you can.

5. Tighter still.

6. Hold on to it as tightly

as you can for 1 minute.

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7. How does it feel? Tiring?

I bet it doesn’t feel very


8. Is it possible to pick up

anything else without letting

go of the pencil?

9. Not possible, right? The

only way you can pick up

something else is to open up

your hand and let that pencil


10. Now open up your hand and

let that pencil go.

11. Feels good, doesn’t it?

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Follow that feeling of relief

flowing from your hand up

your arm to the rest of your

body. Doesn’t it feel like

great, almost a light-hearted

feeling? And only now that

you’ve let go of that that

pencil, you can easily reach

out and pick up whatever you

want, right? The Release

Technique works exactly the

same way.

There is a saying that 90% -

95% or so of the illnesses in

this world are caused by our

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own emotions, and these

emotions keep getting piled

on daily. Eventually most of

them become buried in our

subconscious because we never

let go of them. Can you see

how the Release Technique can

have the ability to rid us of

body ailments?

It will become easier and

easier to let go of all

unwanted and limiting

feelings and emotions which

cause stress as you use the

technique. If you keep

releasing you will get to the

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point where things that used

to drive you crazy or

frustrate the heck out of you

will become laughable. Also

this is where you will begin

seeing leaps in the growth of

you consciousness and where

abundance really starts to

flow to you, it automatically

starts to happen. I have

noticed that the universe

will not give

you what you ask of it until

you are clear of petty

emotions, feelings, thoughts

and behaviour patterns. This

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is especially true when you

are not aware of them, when

they are buried deep in your

subconscious. My personal use

of the Release Technique has

increased my awareness


When your mind is quiet, you

are super receptive to

yourself & your own thoughts

when they appear and

ultimately to others around

you. When your mind is quiet

you are also the most


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Ultimately your thoughts

become much more powerful in

themselves as well because

they are not so diluted with

the habitual and constant

thinking that you were once

upon a time accustomed to.

Your mind is like a LASER

BEAM-whatever is placed

within your SILENT, CLEAR

MIND will manifest INSTANTLY!

Once you clear the

subconscious resistance, then


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It’s much more pleasant to

just have a peaceful and

quiet mind! You choose when

you want to think, not your

ego driven mind.

Where the Release Technique

differs from everything else

I have tried is that the

‘other’ schools ask you to

practice being quiet, with

the ultimate goal being to

have a quiet mind when you

choose. How are you supposed

to do that when your mind is

racing like crazy? Also, if

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you manage to get some

semblance of quiet and flow

in your practice, when you

are done ‘meditating’ you may

have some lingering after

glow for a few hours if you

are lucky. But eventually you

fall back into your old,

habitual process of thinking,

emotional hang-ups, worries,

fears etc. This is especially

true in our modern

information age.

In the modern world we live

in most people do not have

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the time and place to even

meditate quietly, so this

poses another problem. I am

not bashing meditation; in

fact I love it now more than

ever. Now because I practice

the Release Technique

meditation comes to me much

more naturally, I can just go

right in whenever I choose.

And now I am able to do so at

a deeper level than I have

ever experienced before.

The Release Technique will

work for you ultimately 24

hours a day, 7 days a week,

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where you can be in a state

of total, peaceful,

attractive Being 24/7. It may

be hard to believe now, but

if you just start doing the

course you will get there.

There is a bonus CD in the

course that is an advanced

learning CD that shows you

how to do this once you get

the basic idea and habit


Because of this feature your

practice compounds on itself

and you can accomplish more

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in a few months, weeks even

if you are really motivated

than many people do in

several lifetimes. And it is

not just because you can be

in release 24/7 and use the

technique anytime, anywhere.

It is also because of the

foundational principles of

what the technique uses to

clear away our self-limiting

beliefs, anti-


thoughts and emotions that

control us at a subconscious

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level. There is truly nothing

like it.

So what is this Key


The key foundation to why the

Release Technique works so

well is that it gets to the

‘root’ of these subconscious

programs and feelings that

run us, brings them up to our

conscious mind where we can

actively let them go. Just

bringing them to light is

powerful enough in a lot of

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cases to dissolve them, but

the Release Technique goes

one step further.

So how is this done? It is

done through certain

exercises and questions which

go deeper and deeper into us

and bring up certain feelings

in our bodies. It does not

have to be triggered by a

question though; it can be a

situation, a person’s

presence, a past event and

more. This is why we can

release anywhere, anytime or

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be in constant release once

we master the technique and

practice enough. Instead of

handling our feelings the

three ways we humans normally

do, which are: expressing

(or venting) the feeling,

trying to suppress (or hide)

the feeling and escaping (or

coping) with the feeling or

situation. The Release

Technique uses its own

innovative way which allows

you to let go of the feeling

itself and discharge any

negative energy.

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‘Releasing’ is a way of

gradually discharging the

suppressed negative energy of

a specific feeling until

eventually all the suppressed

energy is undone, leaving you

freer and calmer. As time

goes by, you become naturally

free and calm, with greater

clarity of mind. Purpose and

direction become more

positive and constructive,

resulting in better decision

making and higher


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There is also something

called attachments and

aversions that are utilized

in the releasing process.

This helps dig up all of our

unwanted and self-destructive

feelings and programs from

our subconscious. Most

ancient schools of

metaphysics only recognize

our attachments and mostly

their process to leave them

behind takes too much effort

and time. In most cases our

aversions are more subtle and

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more deeply entrenched in our

conscious and subconscious

minds than our attachments

are. Also we as humans

usually have both attachments

and aversions to the same

thing. Take for example

money. A person may say they

want more money – an

attachment. They hoard and

obsess over it and in some

cases will do some pretty

crazy things to get

more of it (the tv show Fear

Factor anyone?). But they

also have an aversion as

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well. They silently resent

people who have a lot of

money or may feel at some

level that money is bad (the

saying that money is root of

all evil comes to mind) or

that at some even deeper

level they just don’t deserve

to be wealthy.

So when we are sending our

minds such conflicting

thoughts, feelings and

entrenched beliefs (in most

cases where we are not even

aware of them) no wonder we

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never get what we ‘want’ in


We like money, we don’t like

money, we like ourselves, we

don’t like ourselves etc.…

yes a lot of people do not

like themselves and are

beating themselves up very

often although it is very

subtle and seldom noticed. Is

it any wonder we push

abundance and health away

from us?

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The Release Technique covers

both ends of the spectrum and

gives us a specific method to

let them all go, attachments

and aversions, thus opening

up our flow to abundance in

all aspects of our lives very

quickly. The Release

Technique recognizes that

stopping or letting go of our

thoughts is very difficult,

if not impossible for most

people. It would take much

too long and is way too

tedious. We literally have

millions upon millions of

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thoughts, if not billions.

The pattern in which our

minds work to manifest our

specific personal realities


Thoughts > Tendencies >

Emotions > Desire

Desire being at the top

controlling our emotions

which control our tendencies

which control all of our

thoughts. Lester Levenson

realized that we need to

approach the process of

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mastering the mind by

focusing on at least the

level of our tendencies,

which our thoughts culminate

in, if not the level of our

emotions or ultimately

desire. Starting with the

thoughts themselves takes

much too long, maybe

lifetimes. He knew that the

mind is creative, and through

his unique method of self-

inquiry discovered

how to let go of millions of

thoughts in record time. He

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realized that our emotions

spring from three core wants:

•Wanting to Control,

•Wanting to Survive,

to be Safe and Secure

•Wanting Approval.

To me it seems like he found

a loophole in how the mind

works. Lester did indeed

unlock the science of the

mind and incorporated this

knowledge into a practical

and effortless method in

regards to the Release

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Technique itself. When you

start to actually use the

method, what I am saying here

will make all the sense in

the world.

Goal Setting: How It Really

Works and How

To Achieve Goals Quickly

I wanted to touch upon goals

and wants in this report

because they are very

important to understanding

ourselves and how abundance

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works. The main reason

most people never

accomplish their

goals is because they

want them so badly.

Yes, you read that

right, the more you

want something the

more you push it away

from you. For example,

make a list of the things you

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want. Make another list of

the things you have.

You will notice that all of

the things you want you don’t

have. You can’t want

and have something at

the same time. As

Larry Crane asks, can

you sit and stand up

at he same time?

Wanting equates to

lacking to the

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subconscious mind.

Wanting is a

resistance to having

something, Look up

wanting in the dictionary, it

is one of the most negative

words in the human language.

The first definition I see

for wanting is:

Wanting: 1.lacking or absent.

Let me explain further,

notice the feeling you have

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in your body when you really

want something you do not

have… you feel incomplete and

miserable. Now, notice how

you feel about something you

already have or are about to

have… you feel a sense of

YES, of being whole. The two

feelings are worlds apart;

this proves to you

experientially that wanting

is the opposite of having.

A quote from Lester Levenson:

“Never think of things as

coming in the future, as the

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mind will keep it in the

future. See it, feel it,

taste it, possess it as yours

now. Do not see it in its


Or believe that you have

already received it, is the

way the bible puts it.” The

only way you ever got

anything was by letting go of

wanting or lacking it and

moving into a consciousness

where you felt you already

had the thing. I am not

saying to stop wanting

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something so you can never

have it; I am saying to stop

wanting something so you CAN

have it.

The feeling of HAVING

something is the same as your

intention to have something,

wanting is the opposite of

your intention to have as

well, as I stated before,

wanting equates to lacking to

the subconscious mind. The

Release Technique recognizes

this truth inherently and

this is why it works so well

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and so quickly to bring

abundance and manifest our

goals into our existence very


There are a few key points to

correctly wording a goal


1. Phrase it in the NOW—as

though it is already


2. Phrase the goal

positively. No negatives, put

in what you want – not what

you don’t want.

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3. It should feel real,

realistic, and right to you.

A sense of “I can have it”.

4. Include yourself in the

statement in relationship to

the goal. “I ALLOW MYSELF ---


5. Be precise and concise.

Use as few words as possible

while making it a complete

statement of what you INTEND.

6. Be specific, but not

limiting. Leave the goal as

open as much so to allow

results to only be upgraded

from what you project.

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7. Word it to facilitate your

letting go.

8. Eliminate the word ‘want’

use ALLOW.

9. State the goal or end

result and not the means or

how you’re planning to get


10. Focus on one goal per

statement. Stating multiple

goals in one statement will

only diffuse your energy.

Another important thing to

keep in mind is to focus on

one goal at a time in the

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beginning until you have it,

then move on to other goals.

When you get good you will be

able to do more than one –

baby steps at first. In the

Abundance Course we learn

after we know what our goals

are, to release on them. You

let go of all of your

obstacles that you are

holding in place that are

stopping you from reaching

those goals. Then they fall

into your lap. Really it

sounds simple and it actually


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By releasing on your goals,

you effortlessly allow

yourself to let go of the

‘wanting’ of your goal so you

can bring it into existence

in your life quickly. Again,

I know you are reading this

and probably doubting this

can be done, but I and many

others have experienced it

personally. There is a CD I

have where Lester Levenson

says something so mind-


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He says that the

easiest thing in the

universe to

accomplish is a

miracle. In effect

when you really think

about it, miracles

are effortless, they

just happen. There is no

effort involved. I can

validate this for myself,

anything amazing that has

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happened to me in my life

that I recall I wasn’t

trying; it just came into my


It’s the same with achieving

our goals, we have to ALLOW

them to come into our lives.

Releasing is the tool to be

able to do this. You can

always keep on struggling

with what you were doing or

you can let go of ‘being so

smart’ as Larry Crane says,

test our way and prove it to

yourself that it works.

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A few sample goal statements


I allow myself to perform

effectively and successfully

at work.

I allow my relationship with

___________ to be joyful,

loving and supportive.

I allow myself to easily

achieve and maintain my ideal

body weight.

I ALLOW myself to have

millions by releasing only.

I ALLOW myself to have $2,000

a week by releasing only.

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All There Is: Is Love

Practicing the Release

Technique will bring you to

this realization on its own.

The reason we have problems

in our lives to begin with is

because we have separated

ourselves from our True,

Higher Self, as well as from

others. This also reflects

why there are so many

problems in the world right


Most people live in a world

where they feel separate from

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everyone else, hence all the

wars, hatred, negativity,


As Lester says, ‘to

understand the other one, Be

the other one’. As I

mentioned earlier most of us

are criticizing and beating

ourselves up very often, thus

pushing away abundance in our


Releasing gradually makes you

more and more aware of your

own thoughts and actions, and

brings this subtle factor to

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light. Through releasing you

come to realize your true

nature which is love… love

for yourself and everything

around you.

Separation gradually begins

to disappear, as do all of

the obstacles and limitations

we have held in place for

ourselves most of our lives.

To have true abundance in

your life, loving yourself is

a prerequisite. The path to

loving yourself is

acceptance, acceptance of

yourself and everything in

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the world around you. Tiger

Woods says ‘I love you’ to

himself every time he looks

in the mirror or when he sees

his own image. Believe me,

there is more power to this

than you think. To love

yourself and approve of

yourself with meaning takes

courage and awareness.

I want to leave off this

report with a quote from

Lester Levenson:

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“No one can be taught truth,

each must realize truth by

himself or herself. A teacher

can give direction, the way

and the pupil may take it.

All truth is provable, accept

nothing on hearsay. Each must

prove everything for himself

or herself”.
