Strategic Intervention Material (SIM) In PHYSICS Submitted by: Ma.Airish G. Cubio Year and Program: BEEd-3 Submitted to: Mr. Chrysler Martinez SPEED AND VELOCITY

SIM speed and velocity

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Page 1: SIM speed and velocity

Strategic Intervention Material (SIM)



Submitted by: Ma.Airish G. Cubio

Year and Program: BEEd-3

Submitted to: Mr. Chrysler Martinez



Page 2: SIM speed and velocity

Guide Card…………………..2-4

Activity Card………………...5-12

Assessment Card…………….13

Enrichment Card……………16-18

Reference Card……………...19


Page 3: SIM speed and velocity

Good Day Every One

We may sometimes get confused the differences between SPEED and VELOCITY, which is why I am here to help you read and recognize their differences.

In order to understand the difference between speed and velocity, you must first understand the difference between distance and displacement. 

Distance is a scalar quantity that refers to "how much ground an object has covered" during its motion.

Displacement is a vector quantity that refers to "how far out of place an object is"; it is the object's overall change in position.

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Now, are you ready to talk about speed and velocity?

Just take a look at this.

Although speed and velocity are often used interchangeably in everyday life, they represent different quantities in physics.

What is speed?

Speed is a measurement of how fast an object moves relative to a reference point. It does not have a direction and is considered a magnitude or scalar quantity. Speed can be figured by the formula:

Speed = Distance/Time


s = d/t

How to Measure SpeedIn the United States we mostly think of speed in miles per hour or mph. This is the way the speed of a car is typically measured. In science and physics the standard unit of measure for speed is generally meters per second or m/s.

the measurement of speed can reflect two different scalar quantities.

Instantaneous Speed - The speed of an object at a given moment. The car may be travelling at 50 mph at this moment, but it may slow down or speed up during the next hour.

Average Speed - The average speed is calculated by the distance that an object traveled over a given interval of time. If a car traveled 50 miles over the course of one hour then its average speed will be 50 mph. It may be that the car traveled at instantaneous speeds of 40 mph and 60 mph during that time, but the average speed is 50 mph.

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What is velocity?

Velocity is the rate of change in an object's position. Velocity has a magnitude (speed) and a direction. Velocity is a vector quantity. Velocity is represented by the formula:

Velocity = the change in distance/change in time

Velocity = Δx/Δt

How to Measure Velocity

Velocity has the same unit of measure as speed. The standard unit of measure is meters per second or m/s.

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This kit contains five (5) activities:

Activity 1:What a SPEED…! Velocity…!

This activity is designed for you to practice how to apply a certain pattern that is meant to solve the speed and velocity of a particular comic strip that is being delivered.


This activity is designed for you to be able to recognize the difference between velocity and speed.

Activity 3:Average SPEED.

This activity is design for you to calculate the speed with the help of the problem that is being presented. This natural process can raise your critical thinking skills.

Activity 4: How fast you move?

This activity is designed for you to apply the subject which is speed and velocity into your everyday experiences.

Activity 5: Up Side Down Word Search

This activity is designed for you to enhance your critical thinking skill as good as your alertness towards the certain activity that is being delivered.

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Activity 1:What a SPEED…! Velocity…!

Read the following comic strips in the next page and answer the following questions below:

1. What does Sir Quen want his boys/soldier to solve for?


2. What are the given that Sir Quen revealed to his boys/soldier to solve the speed and velocity?


3. What is the Average speed of Sir Quen’s new car?


4. What is the Average velocity of Sir Quen’s new car?


5. What is the formula you have used to solve the Speed? The Velocity?


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Read and answer carefully.

Determine whether the following suggest speed or velocity. Write S for speed and V for velocity.

_____ An elevator moving 30m from the first floor to the third floor for 5 minutes.

_____ A man walked for an half hour and covered 600 meters.

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_____ A ball dropped 30m above a building is found on the ground 3 seconds after.

_____ A news reported that the speed of Hanging Habagat is 20km/hr

_____ A sprinter finish a 400 meter race after 2 minutes and 16 seconds.

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Activity 3: Average Speed

Determine the average speed of the different object. Answer in the space provided at the right side.

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Activity 4: How fast you move?

Fill up the table below andcalculate your speed in m/s for that acitivity.

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Acitivity 5: Up Side Down Word Search

Connect the letters inside the box to form the word that answer the statement. You may connect adjacent letters upward, downward, and sideward. You ar not allowed to connect the letters diagonally. Find the 8 items to uncover

the mistery word using the unused letters.

1._______ is an entity characterized by a magnitude and a direction.

2. Average speed is the mean of the ____________ speed recorder for a certain period of time.

3. The length of the line directly connecting the initial and the final position. _______

4. Speed is not direction aware making it a _______ quantity.

5. The ratio of the displacement and the total time is called __________ velocity.

6. -7 An object has zero displacement if it’s _______ and final position is the same.

8. What is the displacement of an object moved 6 km and 8 km North? ___ km

9. The mistery word is _________.

10. Give your own definition of the mystery word.

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Speed and Velocity ASSESSMENT

1. Define the following terms:a. Speed

b. Velocity

c. Distance

d. Displacement

2. Give the formula of speed and velocity.

3. Eduardo rode his bicycle 24 meters to his friend's house. It took him 2 minutes to arrive at his friend's house. What was Eduardo's average speed in meters per minute?

Congratulation you successfully answer all the activity. You are Genius like me. Now let me give you the final round. Answer the following in the space provided. YOU CAN DO IT

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Activity 1

1. The speed and velocity of his new car.2. The distance=1000m, time=1800s and the displacement=800m3. Average speed= .56m/s4. Average velocity=.44m/s5. Speed=distance/time and Veocity=displacement/time

Activity 2

1. V2. S3. V4. V5. S

Activity 3

1. Average speed=10m/s2. Average speed=3m/s

Activity 4

(It depends upon your own experience.)

Activity 5

1. Vector2. Instantenous3. Displacement4. Scalar5. Average

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6-7. Initial and Final8. TEN9. Kinematics10.( own definition)KINEMATICS IS A STUDY OF MOTION AND COMPONENT.


a. Speed is a measurement of how fast an object moves relative to a reference point.

b. Velocity is the rate of change in an object's position.

c. Distance is a scalar quantity that refers to "how much ground an object has covered" during its motion.

d. Displacement is a vector quantity that refers to "how far out of place an object is"; it is the object's overall change in position.

2. Speed=distance/time and Veocity=displacement/time3. 12m/s

Oh GREAT You’ve proven yourself that you are really Genius Now, Let’s have some more learning…

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Speed can be defined as “how fast something moves” or it can be explained more scientifically as “the distance covered in a unit of time”. In daily life we use the first definition and say the faster object has higher speed. Speed does not show us the direction of the motion it just gives the magnitude of what distance taken in a given time. In other words it is a scalar quantity. We use a symbol v to show speed. Let me formulate what we talk above;


From the above formula we can say that speed is directly proportional to the distance and inversely proportional to the time. I think it’s time to talk a little bit the units of speed. Motor vehicles commonly use kilometer per hour (km/h) as a unit of speed however in short distances we can use meter per second (m/s) as a unit of speed. In my examples and explanations I will use m/s as a unit. Example Calculate the speed of the car that travels 450m in 9 seconds.

VELOCITY can be defined as “speed having direction”. As you can understand from the definition velocity is a vector quantity having both magnitude and direction. In daily life we use speed and velocity interchangeably but in physics they have different meanings. We can define velocity as the “rate of change of displacement” whereas “the speed is rate of change of distance”. While we calculate speed we look at the total distance, however, in calculating velocity we must

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consider the direction and in short we can just look at the change in position not the whole distance traveled. If a man walks 5m to east and then 5m to west speed of that man calculated by dividing total distance traveled which is 10m to the time elapsed, however, velocity calculated by dividing the displacement to the elapsed time, which is 0m

divided elapsed time gives us zero. In other words, if the displacement is zero we cannot talk about the velocity.

Be careful!! There must be a change in the position of the object to have a velocity.

We use ? symbol to show the change in something. For example, we can symbolize the change in position as ?X. .

Example Calculate the speed and velocity of the man moving 45m to the north, and 36m to the south in 27 seconds.

First we should calculate distance traveled and displacement of the man to calculate speed and

velocity. Total distance covered = 45m + 6m = 81m Speed = total distance/time of travel = 81m / 27s = 3m/s Velocity = displacement/time = (45-36) m / 27s = 9m /27s = 0,33m/s We show with this example that speed and velocity are not the same thing. Average Speed and Instantaneous Speed A moving object does not have the same speed during its travel. Sometimes it speeds up and sometimes slows down. At a given instant time what we read from the speedometer is instantaneous speed. For example, a car moving with a constant speed travels to another city, it must stop at red lights in the traffic, or it should slow down when unwanted situations occur in the road. At the end of the trip, if we want to learn average speed of the car we divide total distance to total time the trip takes.

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Assume that car travels 500 km in a 5 hour. When we calculate the average speed we see that it is 100km/h. Of course the car does not travel with a 100 km/h constant speed. It has many instantaneous speeds and 100 km/h is the average of those instantaneous speeds. Average Velocity and Instantaneous Velocity We can follow the same steps used in the definition of average and instantaneous speed while defining average and instantaneous velocity. Instantaneous velocity is the velocity at a given instant of time, however, as in the case of speed, average velocity is calculated with displacement over time interval.

Example A man traveling with his car 150m to the east and then 70m to the west, calculate the

average speed and velocity of the car if the travel takes10 seconds.

Average Velocity=Displacement/Time Interval Displacement=150m-70m=80m

Average Velocity= 80m/10s=8m/s east

Average Speed=Total Distance Traveled/Time Interval

Average Speed= (150m+70m)/10s

Average Speed=22m/s