Lysergic Acid Amides - Research Chemicals By Lizard Labs The history of Lysergic acid amides dates back to 1959, when Richard Schultes, an ethnobotanist send samples of Turbina corymbosa, the Mexican cultivated morning glory to Albert Hoffman who discovered LSD. Hoffman in 1960 carried out analysis on this seed and confirmed that the seeds contain ergot-like alkaloids. People found it difficult to digest as the earlier data suggested that such type of chemicals was only traced in Claviceps purpurea, a rye fungus. His finding was proved to be right as those seeds carried d-lysergic acid amide.

Lysergic Acid Amides, Lysergic, Lysergamide, 1P-LSD

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Page 1: Lysergic Acid Amides, Lysergic, Lysergamide, 1P-LSD

Lysergic Acid Amides - Research Chemicals By Lizard Labs

The history of Lysergic acid amides dates back to 1959, when Richard Schultes, an ethnobotanist send samples of Turbina corymbosa, the Mexican cultivated morning glory to Albert Hoffman who discovered LSD. Hoffman in 1960 carried out analysis on this seed and confirmed that the seeds contain ergot-like alkaloids.

People found it difficult to digest as the earlier data suggested that such type of chemicals was only traced in Claviceps purpurea, a rye fungus. His finding was proved to be right as those seeds carried d-lysergic acid amide.

Page 2: Lysergic Acid Amides, Lysergic, Lysergamide, 1P-LSD

The difference between this and LSD is the presence of NH2 in the place of N (C2H5)2 in LSD. This Turbina corymbusa, morning glory seeds was also found to carry various psyshoactive alkaloids like lysergol, elymoclavine, ahanoclavine, and d-isolysergic acid amide. d-lysergic acid amide (LSA) is one of the alkaloid in ergoline family. It was identified to occur naturally in various types of fungi and plants. It is otherwise known as d-lysergamide and ergine). This compound is reported to be weaker but occur naturally as lysergic acid diethylamide.

The minor difference that persist between LSD and LSA is LSD is approximately (50 to 100 times) increased psychoactive than compared to its naturally occurring partner. Various human civilizations had made use of this LSA shamanistically throughout the history. Currently various lysergamides like LSA are employed as psychedelics and also in pharmaceuticals. Lizardlabs.co.uk is supplying this compound in purest form all over European countries.

Page 3: Lysergic Acid Amides, Lysergic, Lysergamide, 1P-LSD

Apart from its psychedelic effects, the LSA carrying plants also known to carry various unpleasant side effects which may differ based on own constitution of individuals and dosage. The seed quality plays a major role in this. The various effects of LSA include gastric discomforts like cramps and constipation, increase in the heart rate, gas, exhaustion and nausea.

Page 4: Lysergic Acid Amides, Lysergic, Lysergamide, 1P-LSD

Various other variables also contribute to these symptoms, like commercial manufacture of seeds which may happen with fungicides or pesticides. If these seeds are unclean, the increased cellulose in seed husks may also lead to this discomfort. LSA is considered to be schedule III drug category in United States. There are similar laws and restrictions in many countries.

This is because of the truth about the usage of LSA as precursor to manufacture more powerful variant of LSD. It is unfeasible to completely prohibit the usage of LSD as it grows naturally in plants. Lizardlabs.co.uk supplies lysergic acid amides all over Europe in purest form.

For more details: http://www.lizardlabs.co.uk