Skills & Hiring Vishnu Gopal

Skills & Hiring (Talk at DTE Event for Campus Placement Officers)

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On the realities of SME Hiring in Kerala, and how Startup Village is focused on improving status-quo.

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Page 1: Skills & Hiring (Talk at DTE Event for Campus Placement Officers)

Skills & HiringVishnu Gopal

Page 2: Skills & Hiring (Talk at DTE Event for Campus Placement Officers)


Page 3: Skills & Hiring (Talk at DTE Event for Campus Placement Officers)

Technology Mentor at Startup Village.

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About meTechnology guy. Initial engineer who worked on SlideShare. HCI from UCL, UK.

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Let’s jump in.

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Skills & Hiring

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Skillsnoun. the ability to do something well. expertise.

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SkillsDifferent from acquired knowledge. Also not purely “experience”.

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Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies. Gartner 2013.

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SkillsExpertise in “in memory analytics” is different from a degree in Computer Science.

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SkillsSkill development is also hard because of the increasing scale of technology inventions.

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Computer Programming



Design Patterns

Functional Languages

Premature optimisationLiterate


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SkillsSeveral of the programming skills were only refined in the last 10 years. How do you build expertise in it?

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SkillsWhat we need is a new framework to think about skills

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Perpetual BetaSkills should be developed throughout one’s life. !Not to be acquired once but constantly developed.

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SkillsA professional should think of himself as a startup. Constantly reinventing himself. Always learning.

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Which of these should you learn?

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SkillsThis is the same answer I give to startups. Pick something you are interested in. Pick something that has potential.

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SkillsBut in life, things don’t go always as planned. So if that happens to you, pivot.

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HCITech Guy

UX Guy(Persevere)


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HCITech Guy

UX Guy(Persevere)


Pivot happened here

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SkillsAs a professional, think of lifelong learning through multiple changing careers. Pivot & persevere based on learning.

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Skills<small break for questions>

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HiringMobME made 20Cr in top-line revenue last year. We started in 2005. We’re a 100+ person company.

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Almost all great hires are through referrals. !We’ve had some success in campus hiring, but it’s too much of cost.

Direct Interviews


Campus Hiring

Remote Consultants

Hiring Events

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Direct Interviews


Campus Hiring

Remote Consultants

Hiring Events






Getting great referrals is the secret sauce for us. !To do that, we needed to build a great “company culture” !MobME as a “cool place to work”.

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HiringIt is very difficult to find skilled talent. Very difficult for people outside Kerala to adjust to life here.

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HiringMuch, much better if we had local talent. People who could learn new skills well. But not there yet.

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HiringSo with Startup Village, we’re doing something to make a difference.

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College Bootcamps Grade Zero

Entrepreneurs Funding & $$$

Startup Village has always been laser-focused on entrepreneurs.

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College Bootcamps Grade Zero

Entrepreneurs Funding & $$$

We’re investing 21Cr into building this ecosystem in 2015-16.

Fab lab In cooperation with MIT Bits & Atoms Centre, a world-class Fab lab in SV.

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College Bootcamps Grade Zero

Entrepreneurs Funding & $$$

But we want to cater to people who miss this funnel too. Turn them into skilled professionals. Because the ecosystem will demand it.

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HiringWe’re thinking of build a skill development product for students & professionals. Still in early alpha stage.

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HiringSo do come talk to me about it :)

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Skills & HiringFinis. Questions?