Fuel Poverty: Warm Homes Oldham service Ideas Exchange, CIH Manchester 25 th June 2014 Nigel Banks MEng CEng MCIBSE Group Sustainability Director, Keepmoat

Keepmoat, Fuel Poverty: Warm Homes Oldham Service

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Fuel Poverty: Warm Homes Oldham service

Ideas Exchange, CIH Manchester

25th June 2014

Nigel Banks MEng CEng MCIBSE

Group Sustainability Director, Keepmoat

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Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery:Measured good practice; design & installation guidance 2

20 minute presentation:

1. Introducing Keepmoat

2. Why we need to retrofit

3. Changes to ECO

4. Warm Homes Oldham



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Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery:Measured good practice; design & installation guidance



1. Introducing Keepmoat1.1 Large Scale Community Regeneration

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Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery:Measured good practice; design & installation guidance

1. Introducing Keepmoat1.2 Zero Carbon & Passivhaus at scale

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Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery:Measured good practice; design & installation guidance

TSB Retrofit for future

— Retrofitted 11 of 116 homes

— Cost effective, low disruption solns

— 2 yr monitoring period

Affinity Sutton’s FutureFit Project

— Piloting Green Deal works

— Architypes represent 70% of stock

— Monitoring investigating behaviour

© C. Baker

© C. Baker



1. Introducing Keepmoat1.3 Deep and innovative retrofit at scale

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Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery:Measured good practice; design & installation guidance 6

1. Introducing Keepmoat1.4 Helping tackle fuel poverty across the UK

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2. Why we need to retrofit2.1 It is a “no-brainer” if you can find the money

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© C. Baker

© C. Baker

2. Why we need to retrofit2.2 Warm Homes = Healthy People

18 to 24oC: No risk to sedentary, healthy people

Below 16oC: Diminished resistance to respiratory infections

Below 12oC: Increased blood pressure and viscosity

Below 9oC: After 2 or more hours, deep body temperature falls

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2. Why we need to retrofit2.2 Warm Homes = Healthy People

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© C. Baker

© C. Baker

2. Why we need to retrofit2.2 Warm Homes = Healthy People

• Cold housing negatively affects dexterity and increases the risk of accidents

• Children living in cold homes are more than twice as likely to suffer from a variety of respiratory problems than children living in warm homes

• Mental health is negatively affected by cold homes and fuel poverty in any age group

• More than 1 in 4 adolescents living in cold housing are at risk of multiple mental health problems compared to 1 in 20 adolescents who have always lived in warm homes

• Cold housing negatively affects children’s education ‘The Health impacts of cold homes and fuel poverty’: The Marmot review Team. 2011

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— Hills Review recommendations



2. Why we need to retrofit2.3 Offers a route to permanently escape Fuel Poverty

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2. Why we need to retrofit2.3 Offers a route to permanently escape Fuel Poverty

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© C. Baker

© C. Baker


UK Average (85)

2. Why we need to retrofit2.3 Offers a route to permanently escape Fuel Poverty

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Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery:Measured good practice; design & installation guidance

3. Changes to ECO3.1 The Autumn Statement

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Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery:Measured good practice; design & installation guidance

3. Changes to ECO3.2 ECO Brokerage Rates





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3. Changes to ECO3.3 What we are left with…

— Maximising Affordable Warmth (HHCRO) Funding

— Boiler and heating system replacements

— A focus on low cost measures (CSCO and CERO):

— Loft & Cavity Wall Insulation

— Maximising Green Deal Communities and incentives (for SWI)

— £88m GD Communities funding

— £120m/yr GD Home Improvement Fund

— Other funding streams


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4. Warm Homes Oldham4.1 What is the Warm Homes Oldham service?

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—14,000 households in fuel poverty in Oldham (DECC, 2011)

—Residents’ health and well-being (excess winter deaths, respiratory diseases, falls and mental health problems)

— Ability of young people to undertake homework effectively

— People’s ability to manage their finances/debt effectively

— Ambitions to reduce Oldham’s carbon footprint.

4. Warm Homes Oldham4.2 Why establish a new service?

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— ‘Community Budget’ pilot: 1,000 people out of Fuel Poverty

— First of its kind nationally

— Involves local partners coming together to fund a preventative service, they will then share the savings (through

reduced health and social care demand)

— Detailed analysis of health and social care demands impacts

— Results of the project will be reported back to Government who are looking at this as a flagship scheme.

4. Warm Homes Oldham4.3 The ambition for the new service?

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4. Warm Homes Oldham4.4 What is included in the service?

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4. Warm Homes Oldham4.5 How is the service funded?

—Payment by results mechanism

— NHS Oldham CCG and Oldham Council provide funding for every house that will be lifted out of fuel poverty

—Energy Company Obligation (ECO) funding

— Initially focused on HHCRO (Affordable Warmth) and target areas most at risk of fuel poverty (from data mapping)

— Promoting to all homes across Oldham in second phase

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4. Warm Homes Oldham4.6 Results to date

—Key Performance Indicators (year 1):

— 1074 people brought out of fuel poverty (against target of 1000)

— Over £1.2 million ECO funding brought in through the scheme

— 364 boilers, 80 external wall insulation, 19 cavity & loft installed

— £45,700 extra benefits secured through CAB benefits checks

— £30,446 worth of trust fund grants secured for homes who are not on benefits with poor heating systems

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4. Warm Homes Oldham4.7 Examples of the impacts

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4. Warm Homes Oldham4.7 Examples of the impacts

[email protected] www.keepmoat.com 07837 516 349 @keepmoatgreen

Fuel Poverty: Warm Homes Oldham service