Luca Alexandra Alina Grupa 8214

How important is oral / written communication in your relations?

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Page 1: How important is oral / written communication in your relations?

Luca Alexandra AlinaGrupa 8214

Page 2: How important is oral / written communication in your relations?

In my opinion,the both are very important in my relations.Usually I speak with my friends in written,beacause in our days this is fashionable…to speak on facebook,whatssapp,skype and other communication networks.I think in our days

How important is oral / written communication in your relations?

Page 3: How important is oral / written communication in your relations?

this type of communication is more easy than the oral communication,because in written we can shortcut the words,and sometimes the message that we want to send to a person is more easyer to be understand for that person.

And the most I like to written,are the funny emmoticons.

Page 4: How important is oral / written communication in your relations?

The oral communication is very important too in my realtions.I think is more important than the written.The oral communication is everything,because we speak to each other,making eye contact,and this is very important.

Page 5: How important is oral / written communication in your relations?

Everywhere we go,we meet new people and we need to speak with them to can make relations,and after we can speak in written with them.But sure,we can meet somebody on the communication netorks and first we speak in written,but when we speak in oral

Page 6: How important is oral / written communication in your relations?

with that person for the frist time,that is the moment when we really are knowing the people.Well,the both are important for me,and I like to communicate in every way.