Presented By: Syeda Laraib Gilani . Roll # 01 . Made By: Syeda Laraib Gilani. Data Collected By: Roll # 01 . Presented To : Sir Syed Noman Ali Shah

history of international relations presentation

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Presented By:Syeda Laraib Gilani .Roll # 01 .Made By:Syeda Laraib Gilani.Data Collected By:Roll # 01 .Presented To :Sir Syed Noman Ali Shah

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International relations is study of interactions among various actors that participate in international politics including states, international organizations, NGO’s, subnational entities like bureaucracies, local government and individuals.


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Rise And Fall Of Civilizations• Rise of civilizations• Feudalism/slavery• Fall of civilizations

Renaissance• Introduction to Renaissance• Social, Cultural , Religious and Creative world• Do you know?

Modernization• Definition of modernization• Its history and characteristics • Transition from Feudal to Modern Europe.• Impacts of modernization


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Rise and Fall of Civilization:

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS is as old as civilization, it is because people always have interacted.

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Development of empires: Many of the Muslim empires disintegrated for the developmental process. Muslims took control from Southern Mediterrean to Liberia. South East Europe conquered by Ottoman Empire. Cannon was first made by Muslims of Ottoman Empire. In 15th century European development of civilization started.

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Names Of Non European civilizations:

Many other non European civilizations developed like ;

•Ming dynasty in China during 1368-1644.

•INCA dynasty in Peru.

•Mughal India.

•Ottoman Empire.

•Thai civilization in Thailand.

•Khmer civilization.

•Vietnam civilization.

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• Slavery is the thing which tells us that hundreds of years ago people who were not self-sufficient lived as slaves and were sold and bought to different people who treat them harshly without giving them their due share.

• Feudalism is the phenomena which describes that when the civilizations started appearing on the scenario then at that time different lords made fiefs who work for them and give due share from their incomes from land and in return of these lords also provides them protection.

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FALL OF CIVILIZATIONS:• Muslims were losing their moral values, wealth, innovations and justice which caused them to fall.• Roman Empire also failed due to political corruption.

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The term RENAISSANCE literary means “rebirth.” It is the period immediately following the Middle ages, conventionally held to have been characterized by a surge of interest in classical learning and values. To the scholars and thinkers of the day, however, it was primarily a time of the revival of classical learning and wisdom after a long period of cultural decline and stagnation.

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Beginning And Progress Of The Renaissance:

14TH – 15TH CENTURY. The "Renaissance" is usually considered to have begun in Italy in the fourteenth century, though some writers would date its origin from the reign of Frederick II, 1215-1250.

The reason why Italy took the lead in the Renaissance was that Italy possessed a language, a favorable climate, political freedom, and commercial prosperity, at a time when other nations were still semi barbarous.

The history of the Renaissance is not the history of arts or of sciences or of literature or even of nations. It is the history of the attainment of self-conscious freedom by the human spirit manifested in the European races.

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RENAISSANCE:•It was not their discovery which caused the Renaissance. But it was the intellectual energy, the spontaneous outburst of intelligence, which enabled mankind at that moment to make use of them. •The force then generated still continues, vital and expansive, in the spirit of the modern world.•The Renaissance witnessed the discovery and exploration of new continents, the decline of the feudal system and the growth of commerce, and the invention or application of such potentially powerful innovations as paper, printing, the mariner's compass, and gunpowder.

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Origins of Renaissance Art: The origins of Renaissance art can be traced to Italy in the late 13th and early 14th centuries. During this so-called “proto-Renaissance” period (1280-1400), Italian scholars and artists saw themselves as reawakening to the ideals and achievements of classical Roman culture. Writers such as Petrarch (1304-1374) and Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375) looked back to ancient Greece and Rome and sought to revive the languages, values and intellectual traditions of those cultures after the long period of stagnation that had followed the fall of the Roman Empire in the sixth century.

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Did You Know?

Leonardo da Vinci(1452-1519) , the ultimate "Renaissance man," practiced all the visual arts and studied a wide range of topics, including anatomy, geology, botany, hydraulics and flight. His formidable reputation is based on relatively few completed paintings, including "Mona Lisa”(1503-05), "The Virgin of the Rocks"(1485) and "The Last Supper”(1495-98), showcase his unparalleled ability to portray light and shadow, as well as the physical relationship between figures–humans, animals and objects alike–and the landscape around them.

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Results of renaissance: Meanwhile the Middle Age accomplished its own work. Slowly and obscurely, amid stupidity and ignorance, were being forged the nations and the languages of Europe. Italy, France, Spain, England, Germany took shape.The qualities which render modern society different from that of the ancient world were being impressed upon these nations by Christianity, by the Church, by chivalry, by feudal customs.Feudalism with the renaissance ended but gave rise to another type of rule of government that is kingship.

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Social and religious unrest:There appears the social , political and religious unrest which have promoted rise of civilizations in the world.Different religious communities emerge on the scene.Like protestants community of Christians, who started rebel against the catholic sect of Christians.This group of people were the follower of Martin Luther, who promoted the idea that only pope is not the supreme authority to decide the major issues of the people

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MODERNIZATION:“Modernization refers to the process in which the society goes through industrialization, urbanization and other social changes that completely transform the lives of individuals.”

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Spencer: “MODERNIZATION is a process in which societies move from simple to complex, homogeneity to heterogeneity, incoherent to coherent and from agriculture to


Ward: “MODERNIZATION is the application of modern science to human affairs.”

Accelerating modernization interconnecting all parts of world is known as GLOBALIZATION

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HISTORY OF MODERNIZATION:o Acquire colonies and manage empires.o RISE Of democracy and attainment of independence.o US becomes super power.o International news agency.o Industrialization ( press, media, spread of ideologies associate with westernization) Active revolutionary moments, industrial developmento Spread ideologies of liberalism, fascism, and Islamic moments.o Realization of public opinion and value of propaganda in war through F.M.

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Process of modernization:ɷThe application of scientific knowledge and techniques to various fields.

ɷAgriculture subsistence forming change to commercial farmingɷIndustrialization takes place with great emphasis on inanimate forms of energy, human and animal power become less important.

ɷUrbanization becomes accelerating power.

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Cultural change:source •invention

change •discovery

culture •diffusion

Discovery increase in life expectancy is change in


Diffusion is transference of cultural traits from one person or a group to


Inventions produce new objects ideas and social patterns. Innovation of patterns brings social


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• Social changeMobilizing people for change

Media Media change

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Definition of social changes:“It refers to alteration and modification which takes place in the life pattern of people in the society.”Social changes occur in all societies because no society is either static nor changed.Horton and Hunt define social change as “change in social structure and social relation of society.”J.B Chitamber define social change as “change in the structure and functions of societal forms.”Examples of social changes: changes in all social institutions like family, economic, and political etc.

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Relative modern societies are characterized by:• High degree of specialization and interdependency of organizations.• Cultural norms of rationality, universalism and functional specificity.• High degree of centralization.• Relatively great emphasis on money circulation and market.• The need to insulate bureaucracy from other contexts.• Two way flow of goods and services between town and villages.

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Relatively non- modern societies are characterized by:• Low degree of specialization.• High-level of self sufficiency.• Cultural norms of tradition, particularism and functional diffuseness.• Relatively little emphasis on wealth circulation and market.• One way flow of goods and services from rural to urban areas.

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Characteristics of MODERNIZATION:

Decline of small traditional


Society becomes more


Decline in the importance of

religious institutions

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Abetted by Japan And Europe

“Globalization refers to the process in which more people become more connected in more different ways across large distances, and can expand and introduce their businesses all across the world.”

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Resistance to Globalization: Mainly Muslims countries seemed to be resistant towards globalization. BUT, Some Muslim Countries like UAE,TURKEY and MORROCO were being globalized.

Others like AFGHANISTAN and PAKISTAN were became resistant towards globalization.

GLOBALIZED IRAN In 1977,THE SHAH of IRAN “RAZA PEHLAVI” believed that Iran was being globalized.

AND CIA assured him that Iranians were their way towards modernity and globalization.

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Todays we are witnessing the 3rd wave of globalization

first WAVE OF GLOBALIZATION: in 4000 B.C in CHINA when Chinese started exporting silk to middle east


silk route

Second Wave Of globalization: 1600 C.E when British East India Company and Dutch East India company became operational.

THIRD WAVE OF Globalization: started in 1950 still is in play

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Multinational corporations are major drivers of globalization.Coca cola is the most globalized company of the world.McDonalds, Toyota operates globally, holy cross, nestle, unilever spread their brands all over the world.

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