By Megan Vincent, Rebecca Astill and Prajwol Khamcha FORM RESEARCH SUMMARY

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By Megan Vincent, Rebecca Astill and Prajwol Khamcha


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I discovered that Modern documentaries are now focused on appealing to the unsophisticated audience, as the mainstream

form of documentaries tend to be based on reality shows. However all these reality shows tend to have drama based around it, which shows that it is constructed in that way to

satisfy the need of the audience. This shows the postmodern direction that documentaries are headed towards, as the drama

and arguments in Reality shows like Keeping Up With The Kardashians, create a simulacrum, and people can relate to the reality show stars getting personal identity (Blumler and Katz

uses and gratification).


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As a production, we are aiming to a select audience of the ages from 35-19 years old (this includes our Primary and Secondary

Audience). Therefore we will be using a term called NARROWCASTING, which is spreading information to a

narrow audience and not the broader public (mainstream). This is because our audience is niche as they are conscious of there health, however the mainstream are really only interested in

drama related documentaries.


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Simulacrum, make sure that comparisons to reality can be created. As it will help our audience and secondary to identify to the lifestyle ensuring they are conscious of the message we

are trying to portray to them. TITLE, create or have a title that expresses what the

documentary is about either by name or by illustration. Unique Selling Point, we go against the governments advice and try to bring the best ways to have a healthier lifestyle.


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Factors to acknowledge to create the Atmosphere, Mis en scene, Editing, Sound and Camera Angles.

Spectatorship- This is a technique that we cannot truly achieve, as our short documentary is exhibited in a Independent Cinema, it means that there is

influence of people to affect the reaction of a person viewing. However this can be helpful if the majority of the audience like the Documentary, it

influences others to think the same.


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As a group we felt that our Documentary should have a Discursive Narrative Form, “which gives

information, facts and logic”. We felt that this form of narrative is important to us as our audience are

sophisticated and niche audience, which means that they demand more reliable information, as they have a

greater attention span.


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We will follow the Interactive (Participatory) Mode, as there are different kinds of dialogue and monologue. This is because

that if dialogue is dominant, it allows more first person experience and opinion, providing more information to our

Sophisticated audience. We also liked Expository mode, as we felt that we would like to speak to the audience directly so it feels as if they are more involved in the documentary, which keeps our secondary audience entertained. We also wanted to have it reflexive as, we are trying to question the type of food

people eat, asking rhetorical questions, this is so that it helps to engage our audience. Therefore we are creating a Hybrid of Modes mixed between Interactive, Expository and Reflexive
