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7 habits of successful people and how they plan their week

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7 Habits of Successful People and How they Plan their WeekTime is money so goes the saying.  So when I talk about success, I may like to define that as the positive results of time well spent. Whatever the same word, success, may mean to you; it’s often associated with positive accomplishments. How you succeed in a particular goal, depends on the means, and the time you take, and here time being the ultimate determining factor. So how do successful people strike the balance and achieve success in life?

Based on research and success stories, here are 7 habits that have proved consistent with the most successful people of all time that may help you to get down to what you might be doing wrong.

1. Planning your vision

Plan your goals and what you want to achieve in an intelligent and detailed way. You don’t need to plan for every hour, rather sit down and think of what you want to achieve over the long term. This will save you the conflict of interest of what you are supposed to be doing at a particular time. This is what successful people do, which enables them execute decisions with clarity and strategically. This is what is called short term and long term plans. Create your overall general plan, and then it becomes easier to plan for short term projects and then focus on how to achieve them without losing focus on the main picture.

2. Set Priority of daily task

In your plan, make sure that the most important things come first. You can borrow the simple, but basic understanding, basic needs and luxury needs. That is a very crucial secret for all successful people. You get more done by being consistent with your priorities, all you need to do is making adjustments with time, but your overall picture is the same.

3.Stick to your schedule

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Understand clearly what things you want to accomplish and the time you need to do them. Successful people plan and keep their weekly schedule in place and follow it, so make yours flexible enough that it’s very realistic and one that you can follow and achieve results.

4.Work on achievable goals

Don’t focus your energy on things you know you can’t achieve in a particular period of time. Successful people break down their weekly schedule into parts and in an order they know they will achieve them. Assess your failures and try to understand why you failed in any of them and fix it.

5.Don’t get into personal debt

Being in debt will be a stumbling block to achieving your goals. A successful person never gets into debt. One way to do that is to have a budget that gives priority to important things and avoid spending on things that don’t hold any importance. When you are in debt you will spend all your time thinking on how to repay it, at the expense of other important programs.

6.Be persistent and don’t give up

Well, planning on doing something and actually achieving real results is a big challenge, sometimes you may not achieve as you want. That does not mean you put your hands down and let go. This is one thing every successful person out there will tell you, they do face that all the time, but never give up. Failing is part of the achieving process. So be focused, and get back to things you failed in and find ways of doing them right. It’s very important.

7.Work on things that make you happy

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Ask any of the greatest achievers, why they do what they do, and they will tell you that, it’s what they love doing. Invest more time in things you enjoy dong and give you pleasure and less with what you don’t find satisfaction in.

This is not the golden secret to success, but this will help you check on what you are not doing right, and work to fixing it. As there is no magic formula to success, it all comes down to personal discipline and self organization. The highly effective people are very enthusiastic and visionary, to achieve your goals and objective just follow the footprints of them.