2014.10.09 communicating in times of change

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The promise and perils of communicating in times of change









Case study

• What’s the epic fail here?

• What would you seek to achieve with communications?

• How would you do that?

• What are key considerations in this situation?

• How would you mitigate risk?

Eric Brown, Former Communications Director,

William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

“Say it first, say it your way,

and tell the truth.”

Eva Penar, Director of Communications,

Chicago Community Trust

“Clearly convey your reasoning

and the need for change.”

Brent Thompson, Communications Officer

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

“Do all you can to ensure those

directly affected hear it

from you first.”

Doug Root, Former Director of Communications,

Heinz Endowments

“Fashion communications plans

to represent the whole institution

as much as possible.”

Norris West, Director of Strategic Communications,

The Annie E. Casey Foundation

“Make sure you’re forthcoming.

Answer all questions.

Respond to every single inquiry.”

Fred Mann, Vice President Communications

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

“With big challenges,

manage expectations about

how long change will take.”

Survey: What did you do right?

1. We tailored messages, timing, channel to each audience

2. We were transparent and managed expectations

3. We crafted clear, consistent and compelling messages

4. We invested in media outreach and PR

5. We identified the best messengers

6. We planned every step carefully

7. We integrated feedback before the rollout of our plan

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