Managing rural landscapes to sustain ecosystem services, nature and people Dr Christine Negra, EcoAgriculture Partners Ecosystem Services Partnership 20 San Jose, Costa Ri September 10, 20

2014 ESP Conference: Managing rural landscapes to sustain ecosystem services, nature and people

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This slideshow was presented by Dr. Christine Negra at the 2014 ESP Conference in Costa Rica. It covers integrated landscape management projects around the world, providing an overview of the global initiative and setting research priorities for the future. For more information on the session, please see the Conference Program: http://www.espconference.org/ESP_Conference/82483/5/0/60

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Managing rural landscapes to sustain ecosystem services, nature and people

Dr Christine Negra, EcoAgriculture Partners

Ecosystem Services Partnership 2014San Jose, Costa RicaSeptember 10, 2014

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●Describe a global initiative

●Share insights from recent projects on integrated landscape management (ILM)

●Offer a set of research priorities

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“LPFN” initiative

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Objective: Promote integrated landscape management (ILM), for:

●Climate-resilient, diversified agriculture

●Secure access to food, fuel, fiber

●Ecosystem services and biodiversity

●Rural livelihoods and culture

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LPFN ‘Value-Added’

●Document experiences across communities of practice●Synthesize diverse knowledge sets●Foster dialogue and action among diverse groups

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Organization of LPFN Initiative●9 Co-organizers ●Many strategic

partners●6 working groups●Secretariat



Strategic Partners

Working Groups


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The LPFN Working Groups


Engaging Business

Mobilizing scientists


Aligning Finance

Strengthening Landscapes

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Some LPFN strategic partners

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Integrated Landscapes: Key Features 1) Shared management objectives: multiple landscape

benefits 2) Community engaged in planning, negotiating and

monitoring decisions 3) Management practices deliver co-benefits at farm and

landscape scales4) Interactions among landscape components promote

synergies or mitigate trade-offs5) Markets and policies encourage multi-benefit landscapes

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Testing a concept

Improved multi-stakeholder processes improved practices and policies increased multi-functionality in landscapes


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●Document activities and impacts of large, multi-stakeholder landscape initiatives

●Training and knowledge-sharing for landscape leaders

WG1: Strengthening Landscape Initiatives

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WG2: Policy Support for Integrated Landscapes●Link high-level policy initiatives and landscape


Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development


IUCN World Conservation Congress

Nairobi International



Global Landscapes Forum / UNFCCC

Global Conference on Agriculture, Food

Security, and Climate Change

Committee for World Food Security

Climate-Smart Agricultural Global Science Conference

Sustainable Development Goals

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●Understand when and why agribusinesses think – and act – at landscape scale

●Global scoping: 27 examples●3 in-depth case studies

WG3: Incorporating Landscape Approaches into Business Models

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●Risks / rationales: Volatile market prices, farmer incomesDeclining production (climate, aging farmers)

Env’l risks (deforestation, GHGs, water)

●Modes of engagementSupply chain intervention (C.A.F.E. practices)

Regional producer support interventions (farmer loans)

Payments for Ecosystem Services (carbon payments)

Starbucks and Conservation Int’l: landscape approach to coffee in Mexico, Indonesia and Brazil

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Reducing risk through landscape approaches

Source: Kissinger, G., A. Brasser, and L. Gross, 2013. Reducing Risk: Landscape Approaches to Sustainable Sourcing. Washington, DC. EcoAgriculture Partners, on behalf of the Landscapes for People, Food and Nature Initiative.

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●Types of mechanisms and institutions?

●Barriers / opportunities for financing ILM?

●Global scoping: 29 cases

●3 in-depth case studies Atlantic Forest, Brazil Namaqualand, South

Africa Lake Naivasha, Kenya

WG4: Mobilizing finance / investment for ILM

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Scoping ILM Finance

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ILM Case Studies and Examples- Global Environment Facility - World Bank BioCarbon Fund- NICFI / NORAD- EcoEnterprises Fund- Moringa- Althelia - Bunge Environmental Markets- Agricultural Lending & Investment

- SAB Miller- Global Mechanism UNCCD- Verified Carbon Standard’s Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ (JNR)- ForestRE- CGIAR Landscape Fund- Grasslands, LLC

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WG5: Science and Knowledge to Support ILM●Strengthen

landscape science ●Mobilize scientific

support for landscape initiatives

●Mainstream landscape approach in research and knowledge networks

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Integrated Landscape Initiatives in LAC Geographic distribution of surveyed ILIs

Surveyed 104 landscape

initiatives in 21 countries

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Key findings●ILIs are truly multi-objective, multi-

stakeholder initiatives: > 9 objectives, 11 stakeholder groups, 4 sectors

on average

●ILIs with more objectives, years of experience, and participating stakeholder groups reported a greater number of outcomes

●Some policies and laws support, other hinder ILM

●Limited funding and intermittent / low stakeholder participation over the long term, particularly private sector and government

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WG6: Key Stakeholders Aware of ILM Benefits

●Pool resources for advocacy and outreachLandscapes blog Op-edsMediaVideosEvents

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Evidence base for ILMIntegrated, multi-disciplinary scientific research is essential to make agricultural landscapes more productive, sustainable, climate-resilient, and socially inclusive

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Global Review Knowledge ProductsTrees and landscape restorationAgroecological intensification Climate-smart landscape

planningLinking climate change

mitigation & adaptation Benefits of agrobiodiversityImpact of eco-certification Water management in

landscapesLandscape governanceProducer movementsCity regions as landscapes

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Research gaps

●Quantified benefits of ILM in different places / management contextse.g. yield, food security, well-being,

ecosystem services, biodiversity

●Linked farm- and landscape-scale data to compare ILM with BAUe.g. diversification, restoration

●Spatially-explicit understanding of how landscape elements interact and contribute to multi-functionality

●Agreed multi-scale landscape metrics to monitor outcomes

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…and a few more research gaps

●Advance methods for combined study of human and ecosystem services dimensions• e.g. governance of

multifunctional landscapes

●Study interactions across highland-lowland and rural-urban gradients and transboundary resources



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Roles for research networks (e.g. ESP)Transformative science●Broker collaboration among field and lab researchers

across a broad set of scientific disciplines to address complex challenges

●Showcase participatory action research that taps into the innovative capacity of farmers and communities

Broad support ●Build a business case for co-investment (by global

donors, businesses) in knowledge systems • e.g. seasonal forecasting, landscape ‘observatories’

●Work with ‘boundary organizations’ to communicate research recommendations to government, private sector, etc

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●LPFN WG5 = ESP working group on Rural & Cultivated Landscapes

●Session #48: ●Concepts from upcoming

paper on landscape science for sustainable rural development

●Plans for 2015 and beyond…

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Thank you!