What is Finnish about the Finns Party? Political Culture and Populism 18.12.2012 Tuukka Ylä-Anttila / University of Helsinki 1

What is Finnish about the Finns Party? Political Culture and Populism

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This presents, in a simplified and condensed form, my argument about the differences between rural and urban Finns Party candidates and shows the party in the context of a particularly Finnish political culture, analyzed via Laurent Thévenot's justification theory. Presentation based on my Master's dissertation. Presented 18th December 2012 in a seminar "On Populism and Politics" by the Finnish Political Science Association.

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Page 1: What is Finnish about the Finns Party? Political Culture and Populism

Tuukka Ylä-Anttila / University of Helsinki


What is Finnishabout the Finns Party?

Political Culture and Populism


Page 2: What is Finnish about the Finns Party? Political Culture and Populism

Tuukka Ylä-Anttila / University of Helsinki



• Argument– “Mainline” (SMP) vs. “Halla-aho


• Question: Geographical rural/urban division?

• Hypothesis:– Rural PS “classical rural populism”

(Ionescu & Gellner 1969, Canovan 1982…)

–Urban PS “contemporary radical right (populism)” (Mudde 2007, Hainsworth 2008, Eatwell 2003…)


Page 3: What is Finnish about the Finns Party? Political Culture and Populism

Tuukka Ylä-Anttila / University of Helsinki


Theoretical framework

• Politics in a cultural context• Justification theory (Boltanski &

Thévenot 2006)• Public Justifications Analysis (PJA)

(Luhtakallio & Ylä-Anttila 2011)– Public justification is raising the level of

generality of an argument by appealing to a universal value

– Different political cultures do this differently• Finland: Efficiency!


Page 4: What is Finnish about the Finns Party? Political Culture and Populism

Tuukka Ylä-Anttila / University of Helsinki


Examples• Case: Consolidating municipal

administrations for efficiency (kuntaliitokset).– Locals:

• No way! It’s our home with our traditions, where our ancestors lived.

• No way! We need small-scale administrations to uphold local democracy.

• No way! Your calculations are flawed, there would be no savings.– Typically Finnish! (Luhtakallio & Ylä-Anttila 2011)

• No way! We don’t like it. We will defend our interests.– Not justifying: Not very successful in institutionalized

politics, especially in Finland (Lonkila 2011, Luhtakallio 2012)


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Tuukka Ylä-Anttila / University of Helsinki


Data: HS VAA (Vaalikone)

• Helsingin Sanomat Voting Advice Application (HS VAA), Vaalikone– 31 questions, calculates a compatibility

percentage– free-text comments

• 85% response rate (free-text, PS parliamentary candidates 2011)– 7 of 31 questions, ~200 double-spaced

A4 sheets


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Tuukka Ylä-Anttila / University of Helsinki


Analysis I: EconomicRedistribution and Social Justice


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Tuukka Ylä-Anttila / University of Helsinki



“Some have money up to their necks [”rahaa kuin roskaa”] while others struggle from week to week in food handout queues.” (M, 27, Kurikka, rural)

“I don’t see differences in incomes as a signal of injustice as such. The problem is not that some earn plenty, but that in lower income classes working doesn’t pay off because of taxation and because of income redistribution funded by taxes. Working should always and in all circumstances be profitable. I believe it is good that a person can get wealthy by honest work […] This should not be prevented by unduly hard taxation.” (M, 39, Helsinki, urban)


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Tuukka Ylä-Anttila / University of Helsinki


Analysis III: Globalization


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Tuukka Ylä-Anttila / University of Helsinki



”Here we are again supporting porker banks and their henchmen [”syöttöporsaspankkeja ja niiden takapiruja”]. Cannot go on like this.” (M, 56, Salo, urban)

“Bailout package policy is not just ethically wrong, it is also bad economic policy. [...] Greece should have been let go bankrupt, which it eventually will anyway.” (M, 24, Espoo, urban)


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Tuukka Ylä-Anttila / University of Helsinki


So far…

• “Rationalizing” justifications based on (economic) efficiency typical of Finnish politics: “This is the most efficient option, thus best.”

• Also ”people vs. elite” populist dichotomies• Urban right-wing market liberalist faction• Rural respondents favour populist justification


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Tuukka Ylä-Anttila / University of Helsinki


How about these quotes about Suvivirsi?

“If Finns have to look at the religious dress of muslims and the subordination of women under the guise of religion, so we can without worry sing suvivirsi once a year! IS THIS QUESTION SOME SORT OF JOKE???” (F, 53, Helsinki, urban)

“Totally unbelievable that someone would even question this.” (M, 57, Espoo, urban)

“Give me a break!! [“No huh huh!!”]” (M, 45, Kouvola, urban)

• Are these candidates attempting to “justify their position by appealing to a common, universal value the other party of the dispute can acknowledge”?



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Tuukka Ylä-Anttila / University of Helsinki



• Something of their own has been insulted– Limits of justification

• ”Cultural commonplaces” (Thévenot 2011)• Feeling of belonging• This is typical of populism!

– ”Kyllä kansa tietää”– ”At last a party that speaks straight about things”

• Gap between populist politicians and established mainstream politicians: they speak different languages (or use different grammars of commonality (Thévenot))– The idea of politics as rational public discussion to reach

consensus is challenged


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Tuukka Ylä-Anttila / University of Helsinki



• Rural/urban division:– Most rural candidates and many urban candidates seem even

left-populist on economic policy– Radical right-wing faction consists of urban (male!)


• Justification:– In the Finnish context, even populists tend to ”rationalize”– However, in nationalist populist argumentation, public

justifications are thrown aside and there are emotional appeals to cultural commonplaces. This is a real challenge to consensus.

• Analyzing populism with a justification theory framework needs much further thought but can be fruitful, I argue.


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Tuukka Ylä-Anttila / University of Helsinki


Bibliography• Boltanski, Luc & Thévenot, Laurent 2006: On Justification: Economies of Worth.

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kannatus saavuttanut vielä ylärajaansa? Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 76(4), 425–435.• Thévenot, Laurent 2011a: Oikeutettavuuden rajat. Yhteiselämää koossapitävät sidokset

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• Wiberg, Matti (ed.) 2011: Populismi. Kriittinen arvio. Helsinki: Edita.• Ylä-Anttila, Tuukka 2012: What is Finnish about The Finns Party? Political Culture and

Populism. Master’s thesis, University of Helsinki.
