Lizbeth Cerna, Vicente Dorador, Rebeca López-Yañez, and Greta Stenner

The Patriot Act

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Page 1: The Patriot Act

Lizbeth Cerna, Vicente Dorador, Rebeca López-Yañez, and Greta


Page 2: The Patriot Act

Security is the freedom of danger, which we also know

as safety.

Liberty is known as the condition of being free from

restriction or control.

The Patriot Act is a U.S. law passed after the

September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks. It strengthens

security and gives power to agencies to identify and stop

terrorists.Its full title is Uniting and Strengthening America

by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and

Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001.

Page 3: The Patriot Act

1. A place where we feel safe is school, because we are protected by the walls, rooms, and doors, and the policeman outside, and also by our teachers and classmates, because we know each other and would deffend us one another in any situation. We also feel safe in our houses because we have our family to protect us and the house, the walls and doors too.

2. In September 11, 2001 an airplane traveling at hundreds of miles an hour slammed into the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York City. Then a second plane exploded into the south tower. Both towers collapsed by 10:30 a.m. Because of that people felt insecure, scared, and unsafe in the USA.

3. When this was happening and after it happened, people felt very scared, and confused. They didnt know what was happening or why, and they felt unprotected since the country didnt prevent or stopped the act. They felt insecure and sad and confused by everything.

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4. The government reacted to the 9/11 attacks by

investigating, giving economic help to the affected

families, planning the terrorism war, rebuilding Lower-

East Manhattan, and invading Iraq and Afghanistan.

5. The USA is fighting a war on Afghanistan.

6. After the September 11th attack on New York City

and the Pentagon, Bush delivered an ultimatum to the

Taliban leadership in Afghanistan, demanding that they

either hand over Osama bin Laden, or face attack by the

United States. Since that didnt happen, they attacked


Page 5: The Patriot Act

7. Saddam Hussein was gathering weapons of mass

destruction (WMD) to use against the United States and

its allies. Thats why the USA attacked Iraq.

8. There is no answer to “How terrorists look like?”,

since they can be anyone in the world and look like any

person on Earth.

9. The Boston Marathon Bombing is the most recent

terrorist attack.

10. The responsible for this terrorist

Attack was Tamerlán Tsarnáev, and/or


Page 6: The Patriot Act

In September 11th, 2001 people’s security and

liberty were violated. How were they violated?

Terrorists destroyed the Twin Towers, where

innocent people were killed. People felt secure

when they went to work. After this act, people

became sad and angry. They did not feel secure,

which is why they demanded to their president to do

something about it. This is when the Patriot Act is

enforced as a law.