Reviews of my Magazine

Reviews of my magazine

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Page 1: Reviews of my magazine

Reviews of my Magazine

Page 2: Reviews of my magazine

My Opinion

My personal opinion of my magazine is that I am pleased with the work I have been able to do. I felt that I kept to the ‘status quo’ of most magazines by using the right colours but I still think I was able to have a uniqueness about my magazine which, if it did go in a rack in a store would make it stand out from the other magazines. I do have some things I would of changed about the whole magazine. I would of liked to have made the magazine look more professional and to have a kind of edge to it. I am pleased with the photos that I have used throughout the magazine and am really pleased with the background photo I used on the double page spread and I think it looks good with the rest of the page. I am disappointed though that I have not been able to include any photos of bands playing as I think those types of pictures work well in music magazines.

Page 3: Reviews of my magazine

Another Students Opinion

I asked another person in my media class what they thought of the magazine and they replied with;

“I think the magazine looks good and I think that the similarity of the contents page and the front cover work well because you can tell they are from the same magazine. I think the double page spread works well even though I’m not overly keen on the different colours of text but that is just me. I think the contents page is the weakest of the three pages because it doesn't look as good as the others and it could be improved. One improvement I would suggest is the layout of the page as it could be laid out better to look better”

Page 4: Reviews of my magazine

Graph of Students Opinions on the Front Cover







Student 1Student 2Student 3Student 4Student 5

Page 5: Reviews of my magazine

Graph of Students Opinions on the Contents page







Student 1Student 2Student 3Student 4Student 5

Page 6: Reviews of my magazine

Graph of Students Opinions on the Double Page Spread



Images Text




Student 1Student 2Student 3Student 4Student 5