Rape culture in SA #MGHangout

Rape culture reader comments

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Page 1: Rape culture reader comments

Rape culture in SA


Page 2: Rape culture reader comments

JC asks: “Why blame FHM??? They have no control over what their staff do/think. They can only take disciplinary action against the staff.”

Page 3: Rape culture reader comments

Lynne Correia commented on the M&G: “So Cooper wasn't horrified by the comments...he was horrified by the comments' link to his brand. Makes you think, doesn't it?”

Page 4: Rape culture reader comments

An M&G reader Ken says: “Playing with rape in any joke is dangerous and best left for those you know best to share with. Now every1 has a dig at FHM content, especially a few females; the female magazines are so full of sex and contains even more nudity than FHM, it is sickening!”