Questionnaire analyse

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Questionnaire Analyse

Page 2: Questionnaire analyse

Questionnaire 1 & 2

How much would you pay for a monthly issue? Would having a free gift advise you to buy the issue?

The most popular answer was £1.99-£2.98. 10 people decided they would prefer to spend £1.99-£2.98, therefore, we will advertise the magazine to be what the audience want. For our magazine to be sold, and to be popular, we need to think of

a price range which is worth the mag. On the front cover we will make the price big and bold to

attract customers.

In question 2 we found out that 20 people would be more advertised to buy our magazine, if there is a

free gift. Having a free gift would encourage people to buy the magazine, therefore, in every issue we will

advertise a free gift, to gain more buyers each week, depending on what the free gift is. The longer we giveaway something for free, the more people will

buy the magazine, hopefully enjoy it, and get addicted to buying every issue. In question 3 we look at what type of gift they would want to see be in the


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Question 3 & 4

What would you prefer the free gift to be? What two main colours would catch your attention for the house style?

17 people have decided they would prefer makeup as the free gift in the magazine, this is because the

audience of our magazine is typical teenage girls. Phone charms was the least favourite gift, therefore we would avoid using this to attract the audiences


Pink and white, and purple and white both have the same amount of responses.

Therefore, we would definitely use a white, with a typical girly colour. Using both pink

and purple will make the magazine look more attractive.

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Question 5 & 6

What would you like to see in the magazine? Do you prefer a themed magazine or and use of colours?

Because the audience had a option to pick more than one answer, all three choices had

a high percentage of replies. Posters was 10% smaller, however, for 60% the response is still high, therefore, we will still include all three choices. This question is important because if we chose the wrong features to

include in the magazine, the audience aren't going to want to read or buy the magazine.

When we make our magazine, we will make the magazine themed, with house colours, in a previous question we asked the audience

which colours they would prefer, due to this question we have found out we need house

colours and style to make the magazine more attractive, we will use the colours pink, purple and white, because of the

feedback from question 4.

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Question 7 & 8

Which do you prefer more, images or text? What would you like to see on the front cover?

The answers to this question, tell me that people would prefer to have images and text inside the

magazine, instead of just text or just images. Having a bit of both makes the magazine more attractive,

professional and approachable. The images I chose will be relevant to the information in the text. 80% is a large amount of people, therefore doing a bit of both textual types, will not be a mistake, as it is the

audiences opinion and choice.

The most popular response for question 8 is mixture. The audience have decided they would prefer to see a mixture of celebrities on the front. Because we think

having more than one main celebrity on the front cover looks untidy, we will use different groups, and solo artists on a different issue each week. When we create our magazine print, we will use a band on one

week, than maybe a solo on a different issue. This will make the audience look forward to the next

magazine, and will encourage them to buy it.

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Question 9

How old are you?

We thought this question was important and relevant, because the graph shows the people that took our survey was who our magazine was originally aimed at, therefore, we know the answers are going to be accurate to what teenage females look for in a magazine print.

When we finally make the magazine, the features in which we will use will be picked correctly, because the survey we made, and

the age of the people who answered it.