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Preliminary task

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BriefFor my first task on my AS Media course I was asked to create a first page and contents page of a school magazine using the software photoshop so that I could familiarise myself with how it works. This is because my next task is to produce a music magazine therefore I needed practice on the software before I could do so. Now, by starting this music magazine my skills on the software will have developed therefore making my music magazine at a different and better level than my school magazine which is why it was beneficial for me to do the front cover and contents page of the school magazine as I will now be doing the same for the music magazine. Also, my music magazine will be more successful than my first project on the school magazine as I aim to improve a lot of mistakes I encountered whilst doing the school magazine.

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Page 3: Preliminary task

Target audience: (age range, interests)Although it is a school newsletter you still have to think about your audience and how to appeal to them.

My target audience will be of students of Preston Manor. Both male and female.

Possible title ideas: (masthead / title block)What is your magazine going to be called?

Possible title ideas I have are ‘Achieve in Manor’

Main image:What will be the focal point of your front page, remember, your work “must include a photograph of a student in a medium close-up”

For my main image I will include a photo of a current sixth former in a medium close-up

Main cover line:What will be the main story?

The main story will be about sixth formers getting ready for university.

Additional key images:What other images will be on your front cover?Remember, it is a school magazine.

Other key images will be of students in the study area doing work. I will also include an image of the head boy and head girl.

Additional cover lines:Other features, stories or selling points which will be inside the magazine, these need to be audience appropriate.

There will be other stories about extra curricular activities that could be done to improve your personal statement. I will also include upcoming events for sixth formers to attend and be part of.

Typography: (style, size, colour of copy)Think about the writing and the style of the writing on your front page.

Background colour/image:What will be in the background, remember you don’t want to take the focus away from the main image.

The background will be plain and will include an image of the school logo.

Technical considerations:(equipment, setting, props, costume, lighting)Be realistic and creative, think about what you have access to and how you could use it.

AS Media Studies Preliminary Task – School Magazine Front Page Proposal Form

Page 4: Preliminary task

What do you expect to see in a school magazine?

A message from the head

Upcoming events

Articles about school life

Activities in school

How much do you expect a school magazine to cost?





How often should a school magazine be published?



Every two weeks


Page 5: Preliminary task

This is my quick sketch of an idea I had of how my front page would be for my school magazine. This layout allowed me to prepare for my actual front page.


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My School MagazineHere is my school magazine front cover and contents page. By doing this, I have practised using photoshop therefore this has been useful as I will be now producing my own music magazine.