Censorship of the Post During World War II Maria Harris LIS 60001:001 Fall 2009


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Censorship of the Post

During World War II

Maria HarrisLIS 60001:001Fall 2009

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What is Postal Censorship?

The opening and reading of letters and packages

Usually done by the government Reasons:

War or Unrest Military Censorship Moral Censorship Hazardous Materials

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Why Censor Mail in Wartime?

Ensure secrecy Prevent rumors Collect information Prevent espionage and subversion

Improve - or decrease - morale

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Civilian Communications

1942 Annual Report to the Postmaster General: Frequent and rapid communication Enlivens patriotism Improves morale

Stay in touch with friends and family

Health and safety

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Victory Mail

“Brief, bright, day-by-day details of life at home”

Standardized stationary Microfilm 4” x 5” 41 months - 1.25 billion V-Mails

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Normal communication impossible

Whereabouts and welfare 25-word personal messages 300 inquiries; 2700 messages per day


Red Cross Inquiry Service

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Message Delivery and Espionage

Patriotism Dangerous Methods:

Through the mail Invisible Ink

Networking The French Resistance

In person The Legendary Courier of Warsaw

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So What?

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

“No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his… correspondence.”

Learn from the past New ways to censor

Cost Technology