#Fashioni #Fashioni magazine You have been commissioned by the Northern Echo to produce a new magazine or newspaper product. Your product could be in any style or genre but it mist be self financed through sales or advertising. You must also produce your magazine for a specified audience segment within 16 to 25 age group. THE PITCH


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You have been commissioned by the Northern Echo to produce a new magazine or newspaper product. Your product could be in any style or genre but it mist be self financed through sales or advertising. You must also produce your magazine for a

specified audience segment within 16 to 25 age group. “


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The magazine genre I have chosen is Women’s Lifestyle.I chose this as I enjoy reading women’s lifestyle magazines and have grown familiar with the style of the magazines and the articles inside this genre.

My Idea’s were influenced by my everyday lifestyle.When coming across day to day questions and worries (often spoken about in women’s lifestyle magazines) I decided to do research of my own to answer the different problems and include these into my magazine.

Genre ResearchI looked through numerous different women’s lifestyle magazines looking at designer, layout, colours, fonts etc. The mixture of idea’s I saw helped me to create my own unique style of women’s lifestyle magazine.

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I will use local businesses to advertise and generate profits in my magazine, this will keep my magazine local and keep local people interested in reading it.

By aiming my whole magazine to female readers, this will encourage more females to read the Northern Echo. (This could help The Northern Echo itself gain female readers itself)

Having the Northern Echo as my client has also made me think into what language use will be seen throughout the magazine. As the secondary audience to my magazine is the readers of the Northern Echo I will not use taboo language.

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Who?My target audience are women aged 16 to 20.With a socioeconomic status of ABC1 – meaning they have more disposable income to spend on magazines.My target audience would belong to either the ‘Trendies’ tribe or the ‘townies’ tribe(these tribes are known for going out and socializing and interested in high street or designer fashion.)

Problems faced.My target audience is slightly different to the target audience of the Northern Echo.This faced me with a problem as my target audience are younger and are interested in different topics.To help suit my magazine to the target audience I will use quite colloquial language but not go as far as using taboo language as it may upset or put off older readers of the Northern Echo.

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The contents font is the font I chose to use throughout my magazine.I thought it went against the typical fonts used in a women’s lifestyle magazine. Connotations of this font are that not all women are girlie and like pink but are bold and out going.

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DPS 1.The title of this page is mixed up and “falling apart” to match the article theme dating “disasters”.

Here I chose a feminine font to add a bit of a “girlie” font to the page.

This article is a count down article giving women tips on how to solve short term beauty and body disasters. (

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DPS 2.

I am putting the image of my model (stood up – full length) down this edge of the page. This will make it look like she is “in control”. This will be a window to the future self for the readers.

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DPS 3.The bubble will hide my models face so show that everything is not straight forward and the article may look innocent on the first look but has a hidden meaning.

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In my front cover I will use bright eye catching colours to attract buyers attention when on the shelves.

Other stories will be in bold fonts (either black or pink)

My main story will be in bigger font in the bottom third of the cover so it doesn’t cover up any imagery.

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MY PRODUCT.My research helped me know what my audience are interested in. (questionnaire) – what they most likely to read about top answers were :- Sex, dating, dieting and things helpful for every day life)

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My audience completed an online survey about my two mock-ups. The things I learned from this was :-

-colours (A balance between the two)

-layout (preferred the round up)

-header (“so you think you’ve got a sweet tooth?” was preferred as it has more colour and grabs the attention of the reader)

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The Mock up I chose to take forward was ...

The colour in the header seemed popular and it was suggested to carry the colourful headers throughout my magazine.

Breakout boxes were spoke about on my survey with more than 65% of my replies suggested that break out boxes throughout the magazine. It breaks up large amounts of text for some quick and easy reading for the reader.

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Advert Type Rate NumberTotal Income

Back cover 840 1 840Inside front 840 1 840Inside back 840 1 840

Double page spread 0

Full page 840 1 840

Half page 0Quarter page 0Eighth Page 0

Total Income 4 3360

Personnel Hours needed Freelance rate Total cost

Journalists 10 15 150Photographers 9 8 72Models 8 15 120Subeditors 31 8 248Researchers 0Lighting assistant 9 20 180Make up assistants 4 10 40Other

Total personnel expenditure 810

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Income & Expenditure Overview


Editorial Personnel 810Equipment 333.33Printing 1315.5



Advertising income 3360

Cover price £0.50Total sales estimate 2000Sales income 1000



I am making a profit because of my expected sales but even if I didn’t sell as many as hoped, having a slight loss in the first couple of months would be expectable.

Equipment costs - £333.33

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Everything needs to be finished by March 1st 2014.

I am giving myself 2 weeks to complete each of my double page spreads. This is leaving myself an extra week at least to redo Photo-shoot's or anything else that may possibly go wrong.

Leaving myself time will also help if the weather is bad or I’m ill and can’t make it to do the work. I have left myself enough time not to drop behind.

All double page spreads and front cover should be finished by –

20th February 2014Deadline for printing –

23th February 2014

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Thank you for listening… Any questions?