Vol. 71, No. 17 May 3, 2013 Pages 32-33 Page 15 Pages 20-21 Message board INSIDE INSIDE May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month For more information, visit https://safety. army.mil . By Andrea Sutherland Mountaineer staff In one year, the 15-person team from the Fort Carson Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System Identification Card section and the Soldier Readiness Processing site serviced more than 130,000 customers. “We serve between 180 and 250 people each day,” said Denise Ellis, verifying official, DEERS. “We go above and beyond regular customer service.” Ellis said the DEERS team prides itself on its professionalism and efficiency, but also its willingness to take care of each customer, regardless of service branch or military status. “Last year we helped a retired (servicemember) file a dependency packet for his child. While he was deployed, the servicemember’s wife tried to file the paperwork, but was denied. We found out what needed to be taken care of to get his packet approved,” she said. Ellis recalled another time when members of the DEERS team stayed past closing time to accommodate a World War II veteran. “We’ll work through lunch,” she added. “Things like that, we’ll do to support our customer.” This dedication to customers earned the office the ID/DEERS Site of the Year for fiscal 2012 out of nearly 1,600 Department of Defense sections worldwide. DEERS earns No. 1 in DOD Photo by Staff Sgt. Andrew Porch ‘Best Warrior’ Staff Sgt. Geoffrey Gates, Battery A, 3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, navigates a barbed wire obstacle during the 2nd ABCT Noncommissioned Officer/Soldier of the Year “Best Warrior” Competition, April 24. Soldiers from throughout the brigade competed for the title of 2nd ABCT Best Warrior and the right to move on to the post competition May 13-17. See story on Page 9. See Award on Page 4

Mountaineer 2013 05-03

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In this week’s edition... DEERS receives top notch award, DFMWR helps people get into shape and Children learn a little more about their world with Earth Day activities. Read these stories and more in your Mountaineer.

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Page 1: Mountaineer 2013 05-03

Vol. 71, No. 17 May 3, 2013

Pages 32-33

Page 15

Pages 20-21

Message board INSIDEINSIDE

May is Motorcycle SafetyAwareness Month

For more information, visit


By Andrea SutherlandMountaineer staff

In one year, the 15-person team from the FortCarson Defense Enrollment Eligibility ReportingSystem Identification Card section and the SoldierReadiness Processing site serviced more than130,000 customers.

“We serve between 180 and 250 people eachday,” said Denise Ellis, verifying official, DEERS.

“We go above and beyond regular customer service.”Ellis said the DEERS team prides itself on its

professionalism and efficiency, but also its willingnessto take care of each customer, regardless of servicebranch or military status.

“Last year we helped a retired (servicemember) filea dependency packet for his child. While he wasdeployed, the servicemember’s wife tried to file thepaperwork, but was denied. We found out what neededto be taken care of to get his packet approved,” she said.

Ellis recalled another time when members ofthe DEERS team stayed past closing time toaccommodate a World War II veteran.

“We’ll work through lunch,” she added. “Thingslike that, we’ll do to support our customer.”

This dedication to customers earned the office theID/DEERS Site of the Year for fiscal 2012 out of nearly1,600 Department of Defense sections worldwide.

DEERS earns No. 1 in DODPhoto by Staff Sgt. Andrew Porch

‘Best Warrior’

Staff Sgt. Geoffrey Gates, Battery A, 3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery Regiment,2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, navigates a barbedwire obstacle during the 2nd ABCT Noncommissioned Officer/Soldier of the Year

“Best Warrior” Competition, April 24. Soldiers from throughout the brigadecompeted for the title of 2nd ABCT Best Warrior and the right to move on to the postcompetition May 13-17. See story on Page 9.

See Award on Page 4

Page 2: Mountaineer 2013 05-03

2 MOUNTAINEER — May 3, 2013

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WLC honors

Commentary by Spc. Jessica A. ParkerWarrior Leader Course graduate

The Warrior Ethos consists of four sentences thatembody the Soldier’s warrior spirit. Included, without saying, are the Army values that all Soldiers must haveinstilled within themselves.

Without loyalty, duty, respect, selflessservice, honor, integrity and personalcourage, Soldiers cannot, and will not, besuccessful in their military careers. TheWarrior Ethos is not only the most basic of rules for American Soldiers, but a mindset Soldiers must have in order to be successful in their daily pursuits.

The Warrior Ethos signifies sacrifice. These sacrifices involve not only the

Soldier, but the Soldier’s Family as well. A result of placing the mission first couldmean missing your child’s first steps or beingaway from home for an unannounced periodof time. Completing your mission is notsomething done on the Soldier’s part alone,but the Family’s as well. Without the supportand sacrifice of the Family, the Soldier cannot succeed.

Never accepting defeat and never quitting are alsorequirements of a successful Soldier and Family.

We must realize that our achievements not only reflectupon ourselves but the ones supporting us, whether it is aFamily member or a noncommissioned officer. There arephysical requirements a Soldier must meet that can be

tiring; having the motivation and perseverance to continuethe mission even when the pain is unbearable shows heartand that the Warrior Ethos come first and foremost in aSoldier’s life. Often times, we are faced with challengesand decisions that force us to push past our capabilities.The strength a Soldier has is not just a physical

requirement but a mental one as well.Receiving bad news is one of the hazardsof our job. Being able to overcome adversity signifies a true warrior spirit.

The Warrior Ethos also includes that atrue Soldier never leaves a fallen comrade.

This does not always mean in a combatsituation. It could be as simple as stayinglate to assist a battle buddy with a missionor a personal problem. Putting yourSoldiers’ needs before your own shows that you care about your Soldiers and arewilling to go above and beyond the call of duty to ensure they are well taken care of. Never leaving a fallen comrade is not limited to junior Soldiers that may fall in your team or squad, but anySoldier that puts on the uniform.

The Warrior Ethos should be the cornerstone of any Soldier’s life.

The Warrior Ethos should not be limited to members of the U.S. Army or even American troops, but any soldierswho raise their hands in allegiance to their country, realizing their sacrifice is protecting the people of their nations.

Spc. Jessica A. ParkerWarrior Ethos award

Top WLC graduatesSpc. Kodjo Amegan, 52nd Eng. Bn.Spc. Jason S. Arguelles, 2nd Bn., 77th FA Reg.Sgt. Craig J. Bates, 1st Bn., 12th Inf. Reg.Spc. Michael R. Bose, 1st Bn., 68th Armor Reg.Sgt. Dylan E. Brown, 1st Bn., 66th Armor Reg.Sgt. Joanna Catlin, 4th STBSpc. George Chandler, 10th SFG(A)Spc. Nicholas K. Deweese, 4th CABSgt. Joseph E. Dixon, 2nd Bn., 12th Inf. Reg.Spc. Jessica Elyea, 3rd STBSpc. Derek R. Farrington, 2nd Bn., 77th FA Reg.Sgt. Matthew Franklin, 7th Sqdn., 10th Cav. Reg.Spc. Travis C. Frazee Sr., 2nd Bn., 77th FA Reg.Spc. Caitlin F. Frederick, 10th SFG(A)Sgt. Raymoundo Guevara, 4th STBSgt. Marc Jackson, 1st Bn., 12th Inf. Reg.Sgt. Christopher R. Kauffman, 2nd Bn., 12th Inf. Reg.Sgt. Cody J. Lewis, 86th MISpc. Nicholaus O. Moore, 1st Sqdn., 10th Cav. Reg.Spc. Meghan C. Odedere, PHCDCSpc. Psalm Odedere, 1st Bn., 12th Inf. Reg.Spc. Jessica A. Parker, 4th IBCTSgt. Timothy Radcliffe, 1st Bn., 12th Inf. Reg.Sgt. Ian J. Richards, 1st Bn., 66th Armor Reg.Sgt. Angela R. Ruiz, 426th CA Bn.Spc. Michael S. Schaeffer, 1st Bn., 66th Armor Reg.Spc. Stefan M. Schnabel, 2nd Bn., 77th FA Reg.Sgt. Anthony Smith, 1st Bn., 12th Inf. Reg.Spc. Christopher C. Tate, 4th STBSgt. Stephen Vaughn, 1st Bn., 67th Armor Reg.Sgt. Richard A. Winder, 3rd Sqdn., 61st Cav. Reg.Sgt. Trino Zuniga, 2nd Bn., 12th Inf. Reg.

Sgt. Dylan E. BrownDistinguished and leadership awards

Ethos ‘cornerstone of any Soldier’s life’

Page 3: Mountaineer 2013 05-03

3May 3, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER

Community leaders: ‘We support Fort Carson’Story and photo by Andrea Sutherland

Mountaineer staff

More than a dozen community leaders representinglocal, state and federal organizations attended theApril 25 Army Force Structure and StationingListening Session hosted by Maj. Gen. Paul J.LaCamera, commanding general, 4th InfantryDivision and Fort Carson.

“We’re here to hear what you have to say,” saidLaCamera, addressing the attendees in the roundtablediscussion.

Throughout April, the Army held listening sessionsat installations to hear from community leadersabout the potential impact force reductions andrestructuring would have on local economies. To meetthe fiscal requirements set forth in the Budget ControlAct of 2011, the Army is preparing to inactivateeight brigade combat teams and reduce the overall

force by 80,000 by 2017.LaCamera said the Army is in a period of

“critical transition,” and encouraged leaders to voicetheir observations and opinions regarding FortCarson’s role in the community.

“One-third of our economy is directly tied to themilitary,” said Andy Merritt, chief defense industryofficer, Colorado Springs Regional Business Alliance.

According to a 2012 economic impact assessment,Fort Carson is the largest nonstate employer inColorado, generating $2.2 billion in jobs, purchases,contracts and construction. It is estimated that forevery Soldier, there exists 1.5 secondary jobs in thePikes Peak area economy.

While more than 26,000 Soldiers and 5,800civilians work at Fort Carson, Merritt said the posthas further impact on the Pikes Peak community. Hereferenced the numerous nonprofits and organizationsthat came about to support military members and

their Families. He discussed the school programscreated to support military children.

“This community will stand behind Fort Carsonand the Army,” he said. “We have emotional ties tothis post and its Soldiers.”

Other leaders discussed the community develop-ment in support of Fort Carson troops, includingthe improvement of roads and access to post and theCheyenne Mountain Shooting Complex, completedin February after years of coordination betweencommunity and Fort Carson leaders.

Terrance McWilliams, director of military andveteran affairs for the El Pomar Foundation, saidColorado Springs was among 20 cities nominated bythe National Civic League for the “All-American City”award, partly because of its support for the military.

“The Warrior Games is a perfect example of (this

Maj. Gen. Paul J. LaCamera,left, commanding general, 4th Infantry Division and Fort Carson, and 4th Inf. Div.and Fort Carson Command Sgt. Maj. Brian Stall, secondfrom left, receive feedbackfrom community membersApril 25 during an ArmyForce Structure andStationing Listening Session.

See Community on Page 4

Page 4: Mountaineer 2013 05-03

Mary Dixon, director of theDefense Manpower Data Center andmember of the Senior ExecutiveService, presented the award Tuesdayduring a ceremony at the ElkhornConference Center.

“That ID card is the gateway to theDepartment of Defense,” she said.“Without it, you won’t be able towork. Families won’t be able to accessservices. The rest of the DOD countson, depends on, these ID cards.”

Dixon praised the section for theircommitment to ensuring the “right”people are given access to cards, whilealso safeguarding against nonopera-tional cards.

“We calculated that each ID cardcosts $8 to issue,” she said. “Everytime it doesn’t work, you have to issuea new card. We spend $3 million each

year printing ID cards.”Dixon commended the efforts to

establish appointment times, reducinga customer’s wait from 40 minutes tofive minutes. She also acknowledgedthe staff’s work in educating customerson the DEERS process to alleviateconfusion and consternation.

“This site epitomizes customerservice,” she said.

Maj. Gen. Paul J. LaCamera, com-manding general, 4th Infantry Divisionand Fort Carson, attended the event,congratulating the DEERS team.

“This is a testimony to your professionalism,” he said. “Hopefullynext year we’re all here again.”

Mike Pierson, chief, ID/DEERSsection, credited his staff with earningthe award.

“I respect them all for the customer service they provide,” he said.“I’m fortunate to work with such a great team.”

Pierson said his section’s commitmentto teamwork, both internally andexternally, set them up for success.

“It’s building on services that arealready available and working withother agencies to support the customer,”he said. “That’s what we do.”

Randy Kennedy, verification officerfor DEERS, said he returned to FortCarson because of the team atmosphere.

“I had a chance to go to the EastCoast,” he said. “These guys are thereason I came back.”

Kennedy said the team carries itsfriendly, open atmosphere into the office,treating and supporting customers inthe same way.

“They’re a great bunch,” he said.“These are my greatest friends.”

“We enjoy doing our job, takingcare of Soldiers and Families,” saidVince Gabat, verification officer.“(Winning the award) is a first, so itmeans a lot.”

4 MOUNTAINEER — May 3, 2013

Turning offcomputerssaves dollars

Directorate of Public Works

Fort Carson personnel can cut the installation’selectric bill by as much as $250,000 a year bysimply turning their computers off at the end ofeach duty day.

Fort Carson’s energy use comprises a largeportion of the installation’s operations and mainte-nance budget. Utility costs average nearly $1.35million per month, underscoring the importance ofenergy efficiency in minimizing budget impacts.

As an energy conservation measure, the seniormission commander recently approved personalcomputers being turned off at the end of the dutyday. When the computers are turned on again, theyare patched with updates from the NetworkEnterprise Center and rebooted automatically, withminimal, if any, impact to users.

For more information, call the Fort CarsonEnergy Program coordinator contractor at 526-1739or the Net Zero Program outreach contractor at526-4320.

Child, Youth and School Services

Seventy-eight child care slots opened at fouron post child care centers, Child, Youth and SchoolServices officials announced April 26.

The openings — at the East, West, Monarchand Cheyenne Mountain CDCs — wereannounced just weeks after CYSS officialsannounced the temporary suspension of enrollmentsdue to staffing shortages. More slots will becomeavailable in the coming weeks as additional staff ishired and trained. Space availability fluctuatesbased on staffing and room configuration.

CYSS operates 11 facilities offering full- andpart-day, hourly and before and after school carefor children and youths ages 6 weeks to 18 years.In addition, 20 Family child care homes currentlyprovide child care services on post.

Registering with CYSS is required in order toreceive child care services, and CYSS staffencourages Families to register their children atParent Central Services even when there are no child care slots available. A child cannot beenrolled in a program unless the Family is registeredwith CYSS. During registration, Families provideinformation such as children’s ages, shot records,

health or diet special needs, physicals and emer-gency contacts. Registration in CYSS authorizeschildren to participate in full-day, part-day, Familychild care, respite care and hourly care as well asSKIESUnlimited instructional classes, youth sportsand other programs. Parents can place their childrenon a child care waiting list without registeringthem, however they must be registered in order tobe enrolled in any program.

When on-post child care is unavailable, ParentCentral Services informs Families of other available options such as Child Care Aware andArmy Child Care in Your Neighborhood.

Child Care Aware is a child care resourcecontracted by the Army to assist Army Families tofind child care at fees comparable to those chargedat Army installations. These programs also meetArmy quality standards for child care. ACCYN isa program that contracts with civilian child carefacilities and home care providers who offer childcare for Army Families at the same rate as on-postchild care providers.

CYSS Parent Central Services is located inbuilding 1518, on Prussman Boulevard, nearMcMahon Auditorium. For more information call526-1101 or 526-2151.

Child care available

CYSS announces openings

from Page 1


nomination),” he said. “It wassupposed to be a one-time event, butis now here permanently becauseof the outpouring of support.”

Designed to introduce woundedservicemembers to paralympicsports, the Warrior Games is anannual event that takes place in thespring. Since the first WarriorGames in 2010, the program hasgrown to a weeklong competitionfeaturing sitting volleyball, wheel-chair basketball, swimming,cycling, track and field, archeryand competitive shooting.

Leaders expressed concernreductions to the Soldier popula-tion and civilian jobs will have anextreme effect on the community.

“Colorado Springs has thesecond highest unemploymentrate in the state,” said DennyCripps, Colorado SpringsRegional Business Alliance. “Cutswill have a disproportionateeffect on the number of peoplefacing unemployment.”

Lt. Col. Patricia Tilson,Headquarters, Army Strategy, Plansand Policy, said she appreciatedthe community members sharingtheir feedback.

“It’s very important,” she said,adding that Secretary of the ArmyJohn McHugh takes communityinput seriously.

Leaders told Tilson thatalthough a “vocal minority” may notappreciate the military presence,many citizens appreciate service-members and their contribution tothe community.

“There’s a silent majority outthere that supports the militaryand Fort Carson,” said DeforestHamilton, former military affairscouncil chair. “I know it. Look atthe people in this room who canattest to that.”

from Page 3


Mike Pierson, left,chief, Defense

Enrollment EligibilityReporting System,

accepts theDepartment of

Defense ID/DEERSSite of the Year from

Mary Dixon, director of the

Defense ManpowerData Center and

member of theSenior Executive

Service, as Maj. Gen.Paul J. LaCamera,

commanding general, 4th Infantry

Division and FortCarson, applauds

Tuesday during a ceremony at

the ElkhornConference Center.

Page 5: Mountaineer 2013 05-03

5May 3, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER


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Blackjack Academy trains leadersStory and photo by Spc. Robert J. Holland

3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team PublicAffairs Office, 4th Infantry Division

Ninety Soldiers squeezed into the small battalionconference room, eyes focused on Command Sgt.Maj. Edwin A. Rivera as he spoke to the group aboutbeing a leader in today’s Army.

“You cut yourself short when you make the wrongdecision,” said Rivera, senior enlisted leader, 4thSquadron, 10th Cavalry Regiment, 3rd ArmoredBrigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division. “Youare it; you are the ones coming behind us; you are thefuture. You know that, right?”

Numerous “hooahs” echoedthroughout the room in response. TheSoldiers are students in the secondannual Blackjack Academy, which ranApril 15-19.

“That is why we have these classes,”Rivera said. “To teach you the basics,the fundamental skills you need tobe successful.”

Sgt. 1st Class Danny Miller, assis-tant operations sergeant, Head-quartersand Headquarters Troop, 4th Sqdn.,10th Cav. Reg., said the battalion- created training program helps developsenior specialists and newly-promotednoncommissioned officers to becomeeffective Army leaders.

“The Blackjack Academy mirrorsan NCO academy-type format,” Millersaid. “The Soldiers improve their

military and community knowledge, gain an understanding of operational processes, ways to conduct formal and informal business and how to properly interact with other Soldiers.”

The Soldiers participate in 26 different classes,ranging from properly dispatching a military vehicleto properly taking advantage of various communityprograms on Fort Carson.

Sgt. Kyle Ort, cavalry scout, Troop A, 4th Sqdn.,10th Cav. Reg., said he found the training beneficial.

“The classes are really helpful,” Ort said. “Theinstructors are teaching skills that we all need inorder to be successful leaders.”

The program is evolving, Miller said.“I think we improved this year’s academy,” he

said. “We added classes that familiarized the Soldierswith Army finance, wellness and resilience, as wellas having guest speakers from outside agencies like the Colorado State Police, the Army SubstanceAbuse Program and Army Community Service.”

Miller said the newly added classes were popularamong the Soldiers, and Ort agreed.

“For me, the best two classes were the ArmyPhysical Readiness Training Program instructionalclass and the Fort Carson Wellness Center familiar-ization class,” Ort said. “I really did not know all that

much about PRT, and the TacticalAthlete Program instructors did anamazing job at walking us throughthe proper way of doing PRT.”

Miller said a large number of thebattalion Soldiers are not aware ofthese programs, or if they were, theywere afraid to use them.

“We wanted to help our Soldiersknow what is available to them, as wellas to their Families, so that they couldbetter themselves and their Families,provide a better product at work andalso be able to lead their subordinateSoldiers more effectively,” he said.

Miller said he considered thisyear’s academy a success, and isexcited to begin developing andenhancing next year’s program, withhopes to better serve the “Blackjack”Soldiers and their Families.

Command Sgt. Maj. Edwin A. Rivera, senior enlisted leader, 4th Squadron, 10th CavalryRegiment, 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team,4th Infantry Division, addresses Soldiers duringthe second annual Blackjack Academy, April 18.

Page 6: Mountaineer 2013 05-03

6 MOUNTAINEER — May 3, 2013

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EOD educates cadets on post-blast analysisStory and photo by Andrea Sutherland

Mountaineer staff

Cadets crowded around Staff Sgt.Christopher Thompson as he gatheredmaterials into a cardboard box.

“Do you guys have your cargopockets filled with happiness?” heasked, strapping on his Kevlar.

The cadets nodded.“Then let’s go,” Thompson

said, walking down to the blastarea on Range 121.

There, f ive senior cadetsfrom the U.S. Air Force Academyworked alongside Thompson and other Soldiers with 663rdOrdnance Company, 242ndExplosive Ordnance DisposalBattalion, 71st Ordnance Group(EOD), prepping C4 charges for detonation.

“I’m excited to see this gooff,” said Cadet 1st Class DanGunderson. “It’s a lot simplerthan I thought it would be — justload the container and ignite it.”

Gunderson, along with theother cadets in the engineeringcapstone course, participated inthe hands-on demolition range aspart of a culminating project on explosive modeling and itseffects on aircraft systems, saidAir Force Maj. Scott Stanford,

instructor, Air Force Academy.“This supports our learning

objectives, and it gets all the sensesinvolved,” Stanford said, adding thatthe majority of the coursework hadbeen computer-based.

For the course, cadets researchedhow certain explosions would impact

aircraft and its functionality, composinga 50-page report on their findings.

The April 24 demolition day allowedcadets to visualize and physically studythe impacts of those explosives.

“I’ve learned a lot about what thisproblem actually entails,” said Cadet1st Class Dan Derby.

Derby said he plans to go to pilottraining after he graduates in May andthe course, coupled with the EODtraining, provided him with theknowledge of how an aircraft canoperate if hindered by explosives.

“Knowing what you can do with your equipment, that’s really

important,” he said.For EOD Soldiers, the joint

services training provided themwith an opportunity to strengthentheir skills.

“It’s good to have the youngerteam members talk through the basics and teach others,”Thompson said.

As the unit prepares for a summer deployment to Afghanistan,Thompson said the training willserve his Soldiers well.

“We have a teaching missionover there,” he said. “So the morepractice we get, the better we’ll be.”

Staff Sgt. Michael Smith, right, 663rd Ordnance Company, 242ndExplosive Ordnance Disposal Battalion,71st Ordnance Group (EOD), talks withU.S. Air Force Academy Cadet 1stClass Dan Gunderson, April 24 during a joint service exercise. EOD Soldiershosted a demolition range for thecadets to provide them with hands-on experience with explosives.

Page 7: Mountaineer 2013 05-03

May 3, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER 7

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8 MOUNTAINEER — May 3, 2013

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Soldier renders first aid following bombingBy Lt. Col. Steve Osterholzer

10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) public affairs officer

“I just took off toward the blast, climbing overfences and pushing through an official who tried tostop me. I knew I needed to help.”

Sgt. 1st Class Chris Spielhagen sprinted into theblast area that seconds before had been ripped apartby two bombs at the Boston Marathon, April 15.

He crossed the finish line about two minutes beforethe explosions tore through the finish line area, whichleft three people dead and more than 100 injured.

“I was recovering at the water point when the firstbomb went off approximately 50 meters away,” said

Spielhagen, a team sergeant in the Group SupportBattalion, 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne), “Atfirst, it sounded like a celebratory cannon had beenfired off, which I thought was rather odd.”

After turning toward the blast, Speilhagen saidhis training as a Special Forces demolition engineerinstantly told him that a bomb had just detonated.

Spielhagen provided first aid to a woman sittingwith her broken, blood-covered legs in the air and insevere shock. She was there to watch her mother runher first marathon.

“Her lower body injuries were pretty extensive,”said Spielhagen. “After assessing her overall condition,I started from the hips down. She had a severe lacerationon one leg that went nearly to the bone, a severed

Achilles tendon and her left leg was shattered into anL-shaped position.” Using first aid supplies torn from abelt of a nearby medic, he quickly treated her lacer-ation, splinted her thighs, knees and ankles together,started an IV and directed nearby personnel to bringa board to be used as a makeshift litter, he said.

“At that point, an emergency medical techniciancame up and classified her as ‘urgent surgery,’ themost critical status that civilian medics have,” he said.

The woman is currently in good condition at aBoston-area hospital. As civilian medical personnelbegan to take over the scene, Spielhagen then movedto find his wife and young daughter.

“What was very scary is that they were only 50 meters from the place where the second bombdetonated,” he recalled. “I was able to call her on my cellphone before the cell phone towers were shut down, butthe next hour was a very anxious time as I searchedfor them in the surrounding blocks. I knew she wasOK but all I could think of was to find them and getthe hell out of there in case another bomb went off.”

He eventually found them and they moved as fastas they could to get away from the scene, he said.

Spielhagen, a veteran of three combat tours, creditshis extensive training for allowing him to remain calmand give direction to others amid the chaos.

“All the medical training that I’ve gone throughjust kicked in,” he said. “The most important thingthat I could do was to keep calm and not freak out;the woman was looking to me to remain calm andreassure her that she was going to be OK.

“An hour later I was filled with disbelief at whathad just happened — all I could think of was my wifeand daughter,” Spielhagen said. “Looking back now atwhat happened, I’m glad that I had my military trainingto fall back on … it felt good that I was able to help.”

Spielhagen is being considered for a high-levelaward in recognition of his efforts.Courtesy photo

Sgt. 1st ClassChris Spielhagen,

team sergeant,General Support

Battalion, 10thSpecial Forces

Group (Airborne),poses for a photo

after finishing theBoston Marathon,

just momentsbefore two bombs

detonated nearthe finish line.

Page 9: Mountaineer 2013 05-03

9May 3, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER

Competition awards‘Best Warrior’ titles

Story and photos by Staff Sgt. Andrew Porch

2nd Armored Brigade Combat TeamPublic Affairs Office, 4th Infantry Division

Following a series of events to test anarray of soldiering skills, Staff Sgt. GeofferyGates and Spc. Phuong Diep claimed the2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 4thInfantry Division, Noncommissioned Officerand Soldier of the Year “Best Warrior”titles, respectively.

Gates and Diep rose above their peersduring the April 22-25 competition. The eventpitted Soldiers from across the brigadeagainst each other in events to include theArmy physical fitness test, oral board, writtentest, combatives tournament, urban and fieldenvironment land navigation course, six-mileruck march, M4 Carbine qualification, firstaid, reacting to direct and indirect fire andreacting to a chemical attack.

“It’s important that once they get up to(the 4th Inf. Div. competition) they have agood understanding of what the tasks will be,”said Sgt. 1st Class Spencer Polwort, brigadefire support NCO, Headquarters andHeadquarters Troop, 2nd Special Troops

Battalion, 2nd ABCT. “It allows them to practice their skills before they get up to ahigher level of competition.”

The Soldiers knew before the competitionbegan that it would take a lot of dedication to win.

“There was a lot of studying involved, andI feel pretty honored to represent the brigade,”said Diep, automated logistical specialist,Company A, 204th Brigade Support Battalion,2nd ABCT. “I have to thank my platoonsergeant for trusting me and recommendingme for the board. It feels good to win.”

Diep is already preparing for the division-level competition, but said he knows winningthe brigade competition will help him inthe long run.

“I felt like I could take a step forward andbe distinguished from all of my peers,” saidDiep. “Winning this should make a difference.I’m thinking it will be an important step inmoving forward to becoming an NCO.”

For others, the competition was a way toshow their pride and worth to the brigade.

“I have been in the brigade for a little overfive years,” said Gates, a field artillery automated tactical data system specialist. “I deployed twice, so I’m proud that I was

able to compete and win NCO of yearfor the brigade.”

The events tested Soldiers bothphysically and mentally.

“The essay on the importance of keeping standards in the Army madepeople think,” said Gates. “As for theruck, it was pretty heavy. It really pushedthem more than they had ever beenduring a unit organized ruck march.”

The challenge doesn’t stop herefor Diep and Gates, as they preparefor the division-level competitionMay 13-17. The Soldiers’ place ofduty until the competition is at thebrigade headquarters, where they willreceive guidance and mentorshipfrom all the battalion commandsergeants major in the brigade.

Spc. Phuong Diep, automated logistical specialist, Company A, 204th BrigadeSupport Battalion, 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division,plots his assigned points on a map during the 2nd ABCT NoncommissionedOfficer/Soldier of the Year “Best Warrior” Competition land navigationcourse, April 25. Diep was named 2nd ABCT Soldier of the Year.

Colorado Publishing Company

Pfc. Alexander Ybarra, right, Battery A, 3rd Battalion, 16th Field ArtilleryRegiment, 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division,applies first aid to a simulated casualty during the brigade’sNoncommissioned Officer/Soldier ofthe Year “Best Warrior” Competitionwarrior task combat testing lane.

Page 10: Mountaineer 2013 05-03

10 MOUNTAINEER — May 3, 2013

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Soldier shares talentsStory and photos by Spc. Andrew Ingram

1st Armored Brigade CombatTeam Public Affairs Office, 4th

Infantry Division

CAMP BUEHRING, Kuwait —At age 12, Marcus Boykin picked up apair of drumsticks. From that momenton, music became his life.

“I can play 12 different kinds ofinstruments, but the piano is myfavorite. The piano has a range andversatility other instruments can’t match,”said the petroleum supply specialist, ashis fingers moved nimbly over the keysof a keyboard at the Camp Buehring,Kuwait, USO building.

When Boykin is not training orconducting fuel operations with fellow

Soldiers assigned to Company A, 4thBrigade Support Battalion, 1stArmored Brigade Combat Team, 4thInfantry Division, he can usually befound at the USO, following his passionas a musician, or helping others learnhow to make music of their own.

“I started volunteering as a pianoteacher shortly after my unit arrived atCamp Buehring,” Boykin said. “I wasraised to share the talents I’ve beenblessed with, and I really enjoy helpingothers learn about music.”

He offers piano lessons to beginnersat the USO’s Camp Buehring facilitiesMondays from 6-7 p.m.

“When Marcus first came into theUSO as a patron, everybody on staffcould see he had a great presence,”said Shannon Stockman, USO dutymanager. “After hearing how talentedhe was in the music room, we askedhim if he would volunteer as a musicinstructor. His students have given usreally great feedback; I think we arelucky to have him.”

Stockman praised Boykin’s abilityto make other Soldiers and volunteersfeel at home and relaxed.

“He is a very inclusive person,” shesaid. “The whole purpose of the USO isto boost morale, and Marcus does thisvery well, through his music and just bybeing a helpful, approachable person.”

On Sundays, Boykin can be foundat the Camp Buehring Chapel, where

he volunteers his musical skills duringmultiple services.

Volunteering at the chapel shortlyafter arriving in Kuwait, Boykin becamean asset to the Camp Buehring ministryteam, said Chap. (Maj.) Matthew Stuart,brigade senior chaplain.

“Chaplains don’t deploy with achoir or band, so it is great to havevolunteers like Spc. Boykin to help usout,” Stuart said. “When he volunteered,we had no idea what this young Soldiercould do, but he is a pleasure to bearound, and a wonderful asset to thecontemporary and gospel services.”

Boykin said his parents taught himto use his talents first and foremost to serve God and the church.

“I’m very grateful for the opportu-nity to use my gifts as an active part ofthe ministry team here,” Boykin said.“My unit has been very understanding,giving me the time to work with themusic teams, practice for servicesand ensure that I can play wheneverthe chaplain needs me.”

Boykin, a third generation Soldier,said his father and grandfather influ-enced his decision to join the Army.

“They set a great example for me;gave me something to strive for,” Boykinsaid. “Both of them retired from theservice after more than 20 years. I’mnot sure I want to stay in until retirement,but their service definitely influencedmy decision to join.”

Spc. Marcus Boykin, petroleum supply specialist, Company A, 4th Brigade Support Battalion,

1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division,

plays the keyboard at the USO tent on Camp Buehring,

Kuwait, April 9.

Page 11: Mountaineer 2013 05-03

Editor’s note:This is the third of four features highlighting Fort Carson participants in the 2013 Warrior Games held May 11-16, at the U.S. Olympic Training Center

in Colorado Springs and the U.S. Air Force Academy.

11May 3, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER

The Transcript can publish your


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Mountaineer staff

Thirteen Fort Carson Soldiers were honored for the service to the nation during aretirement ceremony April 24 at the SpecialEvents Center.

Soldiers, Family and friends gathered tocelebrate the closing moments of the Soldiers’Army careers as they were presented their finalmilitary decorations and U.S. flags that had beenflown over the headquarters. The Soldiers’spouses received certificates of appreciation anda rose in recognition of their service.

Those retiring were:v Lt Col. Beth Steele, U.S. Army Garrison

Fort Carsonv 1st Sgt. Jon Martinez, 1st Battalion, 67th

Armor Regiment, 2nd Armored BrigadeCombat Team, 4th Infantry Division

v 1st Sgt. Samuel Saucedo, GroupSupport Battalion, 10th Special ForcesGroup (Airborne)

v 1st Sgt. Tommy Cabanting, 4th EngineerBattalion

v Master Sgt. Donald Cummings, 3rdSpecial Troops Battalion, 3rd ABCT,4th Inf. Div.

v Sgt. 1st Class Sammy Sain, 1st Sqdn.,10th Cav. Reg., 2nd ABCT, 4th Inf. Div.

v Sgt. 1st Class William Blizzard, 1stSqdn., 10th Cav. Reg., 2nd ABCT, 4th Inf. Div.

v Sgt. 1st Class Robert Davenport,Headquarters and Headquarters Company,4th IBCT, 4th Inf. Div.

v Sgt. 1st Class David Johansson, 1st Bn.,67th Armor Reg., 2nd ABCT, 4th Inf. Div.

v Sgt. 1st Class Troy Bohannon, 4th Eng. Bn.v Staff Sgt. Kenneth Cogdill, 43rd Special

Troops Battalion, 43rd SustainmentBrigade, 4th Inf. Div.

v Staff Sgt. William Whitecotton, 4th STB,4th IBCT, 4th Inf. Div.

v Sgt. Nathan Rayburn, USAG Fort Carson

The next Fort Carson post retirement ceremony takes place May 29 at 3:30 p.m. on Founders Field.

Soldiers hang up uniforms

Story and photo by Sgt. William Smith

4th Infantry Division Public Affairs Office

Staff Sgt. Spencer Anderson remembersthe day when two 155 mm rounds went off lessthan 10 meters outside his Humvee’s door.

“I saw a flash of light and then I woke upI guess a couple minutes later,” he said. “When Icame to, we were under a small arms attack.”

On Jan. 21, 2007, Anderson and histeam members directed suppressive firefrom where the flashes were coming.

“The whole engagement seemed like along time, but it was probably less than 10minutes,” he said. “Time seems to slow downin things like that.”

A medic with 1st Battalion, 319th FieldArtillery Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division,Anderson sustained a head injury and otherinternal injuries.

Anderson didn’t let his injuries limithim, though.

For three years, Anderson went throughcognitive therapy, developing his short-termmemory skills while in the Warrior TransitionBattalion in Germany. Last year, he earned

his spot as a flight medic with Company C,2nd General Support Aviation Battalion, 4thAviation Regiment, 4th Combat AviationBrigade, 4th Infantry Division.

From May 11-17, Anderson will representthe Army in the 2013 Warrior Games incycling, seated-volleyball and the 100- and200-meter sprint.

Designed to introduce injured service-members and veterans to paralympic sportssuch as archery, cycling, shooting, sitting-volleyball, swimming, track and field, andwheelchair basketball, the Warrior Gamesencourages wounded warriors from all of theservices to get physically active.

Anderson said that injuries are not anexcuse, but a focus point to be better at what-ever passion a person chooses after being hurt.

“Rule your injury; don’t let your injuryrule you,” said Anderson. “(Injuries) shouldbe a tool to use to further something that youwant to do. I use it to become a better cyclist.It gives me something to focus and harnessmy energy toward.”

Anderson’s outlook has been an inspiration

Staff Sgt. Spencer Anderson will compete in the 30-kilometer cyclingevent, seated-volleyball and the 100- and 200-meter sprints at the 2013Warrior Games. Anderson is a flight medic, Company C, 2nd GeneralSupport Aviation Battalion, 4th Aviation Regiment, 4th Combat AviationBrigade, 4th Infantry Division,

Warrior Games

Selflessness motivates team

See Games on Page 12

Page 12: Mountaineer 2013 05-03

12 MOUNTAINEER — May 3, 2013

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for other wounded warriors in theWarrior Transition Battalion. That,coupled with his performance, earnedhim the nomination of captain for theArmy cycling team.

“In the four years that I haveknown him, he has always led from thefront, and provided tons of motivation tothe people that are around him,” said Sgt.1st Class Keoki Smythe, Company B,WTB. “I have seen him, countless times,reach a hand out and help that personwho needs help and encouragement

to make it up a big hill during a ride orthat hand cyclist that needs that littlepush to keep going.”

Many feel that Anderson is thedefinition of team, constantly caringfor others over himself. When Soldiersfrom the newly activated 2nd GSABarrived at Fort Carson, Anderson lenthis expertise, helping them set upmedical operations procedures.

“My first impression of Andersonwas, ‘Wow,’” said 1st Sgt. RaymondCardenas, senior enlisted leader,Company C, 2nd GSAB, 4th Avn. Reg.,4th CAB, 4th Inf. Div. “He reached outto me after he found out I was going to

be stationed here. He single-handedlyset up the standard operating proceduresfor the battalion on medical operations.He did that on his own prerogative andnever took credit for it. He madesomething out of nothing.”

Smythe said that with Anderson’sleadership they will place well in the games.

“He brings an ample amount of leadership to our team as the captain,” hesaid. “Across the board, we have a reallystrong group of riders this year, andthat is because of what he does for us.”

Anderson said his goal for theWarrior Games is to put as many

Army guys on the podium as possiblefor cycling.

“I don’t care if I make the podiumor not, it makes no difference to me,”he said. “It is about the team; it is aboutmaking sure I get as many peoplefrom my team on the podium.”

Whether he places or not,Anderson’s competitive drive won’t lethim quit, no matter what.

“It doesn’t matter what your injuryor illness is, you can be productive andpart of the team, and you can overcomewhatever it is you are facing,” he said.“You can still do great things for theArmy or good things for your life.”

from Page 11


Page 13: Mountaineer 2013 05-03

13May 3, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER

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IMCOM begins gravesite accountability missionU.S. Army Installation Management Command

SAN ANTONIO — The U.S. Army InstallationManagement Command began to record headstoneimages and review interment records at 29 Army postcemeteries worldwide in April.

The nine-member IMCOM Cemetery Operationsteam will travel to 19 installations this summer toconduct a thorough review of interment records andgrave markers.

This verification initiative will validate infor-mation of more than 45,000 graves. The goal is toachieve 100-percent accountability at all IMCOMpost cemeteries.

The multifaceted process incorporates many newtechnologies, including a customized smartphoneapplication to take photos of both the front andback of each grave marker, Army Mapper to capturecoordinates of each grave marker location, and aresearch tool — developed and managed by the ArmyAnalytics Group — to validate the information. TheICO team will validate and correct, if needed, eachrecord of interment and grave marker.

During the site visits, the ICO team will traingarrison staff to use the technology tools to sustainthe accountability process into the future.

“Establishing and maintaining the highest standards of appearance and accountability will bean enduring mission at IMCOM,” said GregoryKuhr, IMCOM director of Facilities and Logistics.“This work honors all those who rest in an IMCOMcemetery. Visitors will know their loved ones aretreated with dignity and respect and are in an environment befitting their sacrifice,” he said.

The ICO team, established in 2011 at the directionof the secretary of the Army to raise the standardsof cemetery operations, is following the lead of

Arlington National Cemetery, where nearly 300,000gravesites were validated. The same business rulesand best practices applied at Arlington will also beapplied during IMCOM’s accountability project.

“We’ve been planning the accountability missionfor over six months and are now ready to execute,”said Judith Tarbox, acting ICO chief.

In addition to a comprehensive campaign planthat outlines a five-phase approach to sustainable,standardized cemetery operations, ICO also developedtraining plans and materials, standard operating procedures and common levels of service.

The goal of these efforts will be 100-percentaccountability of all those interred at IMCOM postcemeteries; an online, searchable database of intermentimages viewable by the public; and a smartphoneapplication that allows cemetery visitors to easilylocate grave locations. Gravesite information will beautomated across all Army cemeteries.

Another aspect of the mission to achieve sustainableresults is the realignment of duties and responsibilitiesof garrison staffs in the management of IMCOMcemeteries. Currently, garrison commanders determineoperations and management responsibilities at theirpost cemeteries. Once the accountability process iscomplete, standardized processes will be implementedand oversight realigned to the Department of PublicWorks within each garrison.

“The end state will be an enhanced experiencefor cemetery visitors,” said Kuhr. “The cemeteries’grounds will be improved through consistentlyapplied standards and measures, adequate fundingand sustainable operations into the future.”

The team expects to reach 100 percent account-ability at IMCOM post cemeteries by end of summer2013, with sustainability attained by mid-2014. Theonline database should be available in late 2014.

Post cemetery locations➤ Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md.➤ Carlisle Barracks, Pa.➤ Edgewood Chemical Biological

Center, Md.➤ Fort Benning, Ga.➤ Fort Bragg, N.C.➤ Fort Campbell, Ky. ➤ Fort Devens, Mass.➤ Fort Drum, N.Y. ➤ Fort Gordon, Ga.➤ Fort Huachuca, Ariz.➤ Fort Knox, Ky.➤ Fort Lawton, Wash.➤ Fort Leavenworth, Kan.➤ Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.➤ Fort Lewis, Wash. ➤ Fort Meade, Md.➤ Fort Riley, Kan.➤ Fort Sheridan, Ill.➤ Fort Sill, Okla.➤ Fort Stevens, Ore.➤ Fort Worden, Wash.➤ Presidio of Monterey, Calif.➤ Schofield Barracks, Hawaii➤ Vancouver Barracks, Wash.

Page 14: Mountaineer 2013 05-03

MOUNTAINEER — May 3, 2013


Interactive Metronome study feedback wanted —from Soldiers who participated in the Defense andVeterans Brain Injury Center study held at FortCarson from January-July 2012. Contact Nick Etten,Interactive Metronome senior adviser, at 512-992-7567 or [email protected].

Recycle incentive program — The Directorate ofPublic Works has an incentive program to prevent recyclable waste from going to the landfill.Participating battalions can earn monetary rewardsfor turning recyclable materials in to the Fort CarsonRecycle Center, building 155. Points are assigned forthe pounds of recyclable goods turned in and everyparticipating battalion receives money quarterly. Call526-5898 for more information about the program.

Points only, nondeployable unit — Reinforcementtraining units provide an opportunity for IndividualReady Reserve Soldiers who want to maintainReserve affiliation and continue their military career.Soldiers of any rank or military occupational special-ty considering leaving troop program unit assignmentcan consider the 6399th RTU as a short- or long-termoption. Benefits include earning retirement pointsand “good” years; optional monthly nonpaid drillweekends; continued military training and militaryschools; paid annual training opportunities; continuedpromotions; earning retirement points via correspon-dence courses; Servicemembers’ Group LifeInsurance; and easy transfer to TPUs if desired.Contact Chief Warrant Officer 4 Lake Gardner at720-363-0511 or [email protected].

Finance travel processing — All inbound andoutbound Temporary Lodging Expense, “Do itYourself ” Moves, servicemember and Familymember travel, travel advance pay and travel payinquiries will be handled in building 1218, room 231.Call 526-4454 or 524-2594 for more information.

First Sergeants’ Barracks Program 2020 — is locatedin building 1454 on Nelson Boulevard. The hoursof operation are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday. Theoffice assists Soldiers with room assignments andterminations. For more information call 526-9707.

Sergeant Audie Murphy Club — The Fort CarsonSergeant Audie Murphy Club meets the third Tuesdayof each month at the Family Connection Center from11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The SAMC is open to allactive members and those interested in becomingfuture SAMC members. The club was originally aU.S. Forces Command organization of elite noncom-missioned officers but is now an Armywide programfor those who meet the criteria and have proven them-selves to be outstanding NCOs through a board/leadership process. Contact SAMC president Sgt. 1stClass Dawna Brown at 526-3983 for information.

Directorate of Public Works services — DPW isresponsible for a wide variety of services on FortCarson. Services range from repair and maintenanceof facilities to equipping units with a sweeper andcleaning motor pools. Listed below are phonenumbers and points of contact for services:

• Facility repair/service orders — FortCarson Support Services service order desk can bereached at 526-5345. Use this number for emergen-cies or routine tasks and for reporting wind damage,damaged traffic signs or other facility damage.

• Refuse/trash and recycling — Call EricBailey at 719-491-0218 or email [email protected] when needing trash containers, trashis overflowing or emergency service is required.

• Facility custodial services — Call BryanDorcey at 526-6670 or email [email protected] for service needs or to report complaints.

• Elevator maintenance — Call BryanDorcey at 526-6670 or email [email protected].

• Motor pool sludge removal/disposal —Call Dennis Frost at 526-6997 or [email protected].

• Repair and utility/self-help — Call Gary

Grant at 526-5844 or email [email protected]. Use this number to obtain self-helptools and equipment or a motorized sweeper.

• Base operations contracting officerrepresentative — Call Terry Hagen at 526-9262or email [email protected] for questionson snow removal, grounds maintenance andcontractor response to service orders.

• Portable latrines — Call Jerald Just at524-0786 or email [email protected] torequest latrines, for service or to report damagedor overturned latrines.

• Signs — Call Jim Diorio, Fort CarsonSupport Services, at 896-0797 or 524-2924 oremail [email protected] to request a facility,parking or regulatory traffic sign.

The Fort Carson Trial Defense Service office — isable to help Soldiers 24/7 and is located at building1430, room 233. During duty hours, Soldiersshould call 526-4563. The 24-hour phone numberfor after hours, holidays and weekends is 526-0051.

Briefings 75th Ranger Regiment briefings — are held Tuesdays

in building 1430, room 150, from noon to 1 p.m.Soldiers must be private-sergeant first class with aminimum General Technical Score of 105; be a U.S.citizen; score 240 or higher on the Army PhysicalFitness Test; and pass a Ranger physical. Call 524-2691 or visit http://www.goarmy.com/ranger.html.

Casualty Notification/Assistance Officer training —is held May 21-23 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at VeteransChapel. Class is limited to the first 50 people. Call526-5613/5614 for details.

Retirement briefings — are held from 8 a.m. tonoon the second and third Wednesday of eachmonth at the Freedom Performing Arts Center,building 1129 at the corner of Specker Avenueand Ellis Street. The Retirement Services Officerecommends spouses accompany Soldiers to thebriefing. Call 526-2840 for more information.

ETS briefings — for enlisted personnel are held thefirst and third Wednesday of each month. Briefingsign in begins at 7 a.m. at the Soldier ReadinessBuilding, building 1042, room 244, on a first-come,first-served basis. Soldiers must be within 120 daysof their expiration term of service, but must attend nolater than 30 days prior to their ETS or start of transi-tion leave. Call 526-2240/8458 for more information.

Disposition Services — Defense Logistics AgencyDisposition Services Colorado Springs, located inbuilding 381, conducts orientations Fridays from12:30-3:30 p.m. The orientations discuss DLAprocesses to include turning in excess property,reutilizing government property, web-based toolsavailable, special handling of property and environ-mental needs. To schedule an orientation, contactArnaldo Borrerorivera at [email protected] for receiving/turn in; Mike Welsh [email protected] for reutilization/web tools; orRufus Guillory at [email protected].

Reassignment briefings — are held Tuesdays inbuilding 1129, Freedom Performing Arts Center.Sign-in for Soldiers heading overseas is at 7 a.m. andthe briefing starts at 7:30 a.m. Sign-in for personnelbeing reassigned stateside is at 1 p.m., with thebriefing starting at 1:30 p.m. Soldiers are required tobring Department of the Army Form 5118, signed bytheir physician and battalion commander, and a pento complete forms. Call 526-4730/4583 for details.

Army ROTC Green-to-Gold briefings — are heldthe first and third Tuesday of each month at noonat the education center, building 1117, room 120.

Call University of Colorado-Colorado SpringsArmy ROTC at 262-3475 for more information.

Hours of OperationCentral Issue Facility

• In-processing — Monday-Thursday from7:30-10:30 a.m.

• Initial and partial issues — Monday-Friday from 12:30-3:30 p.m.

• Cash sales/report of survey — Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

• Direct exchange and partial turn ins —Monday-Friday from 7:30-11:30 a.m.

• Full turn ins — by appointment only; call526-3321.

• Unit issues and turn ins — requireapproval, call 526-5512/6477.

Education Center hours of operation — TheMountain Post Training and Education Center,building 1117, 526-2124, hours are as follows:

• Counselor Support Center — Monday-Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Fridays 11a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

• Army Learning Center — Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

• Defense Activity for NontraditionalEducation Support and Army Personnel Testing —Monday-Friday 7:30-11:30 a.m. and 12:30-4:30 p.m.

Repair and Utility self-help — has moved to building217 and is open Monday-Friday 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Medical Activity Correspondence Departmentoffice hours — The Correspondence (Release ofInfor mation) Office in the Patient AdministrationDivision hours are Monday-Wednesday and Friday7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and closed Thursday and fed-eral holidays. Call 526-7322 or 526-7284 for details.

Work Management Branch — The DPW WorkManagement Branch, responsible for processingwork orders — Facilities Engineering WorkRequests, DA Form 4283 — is open for processingwork orders and other in-person support from 7-11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday. Afternoon customersupport is by appointment only, call 526-2900.The Work Management Branch is located inbuilding 1219.

Claims Office hours — are Monday-Friday from 9a.m. to noon and 1-4 p.m., located on the first floorof building 6222, 1633 Mekong Street. Shipmentunder Full Replacement Value claimants must submit Department of Defense Form 1840R or AfterDelivery Form 1851 for additionally discovereditems to the carrier within 75 days online. Claimantsmust log into Defense Personal Property System athttp://www.move.mil and submit the claim withinnine months directly to the carrier to receive fullreplacement value for missing or destroyed items.All other claims should be submitted to the ClaimsOffice within two years of the date of delivery ordate of incident. Call the Fort Carson ClaimsOffice at 526-1355 for more information.

Legal services — provided at the Soldier ReadinessProcessing site are for Soldiers undergoing the SRPprocess. The SRP Legal Office will only providepowers of attorney or notary services to Soldiersprocessing through the SRP. Retirees, Familymembers and Soldiers not in the SRP process canreceive legal assistance and powers of attorney atthe main legal office located at 1633 Mekong St.,building 6222, next to the Family Readiness Center.Legal assistance prepares powers of attorney andperforms notary services on a walk-in basis from8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mondays-Wednesdays andFridays, and from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursdays.

BOSS meetings are held the firstand third Thursday of each monthfrom 2-3:30 p.m. at The Foxhole. Contact Cpl. Rachael Robertson at524-2677 or visit the BOSS office in room 106 of TheHub for more information. Text “follow CarsonBOSS”to 40404 to receive updates and event information.

Fort Carson dining facilities hours of operation

DFAC Friday Saturday-Sunday Monday-ThursdayStack Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.

Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.Dinner: Closed

Closed Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m.

Wolf Breakfast: 6:45-9 a.m.Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m.

Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m.

Breakfast: 6:45-9 a.m.Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m.

Warfighter (Wilderness Road Complex)

Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.Dinner: Closed

Closed Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Dinner: Closed

LaRochelle10th SFG(A)

Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.Dinner: Closed

Closed Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.Dinner: Closed


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Story and photos by Sgt. Eric Glassey4th Infantry Division Public Affairs Office

Water droplets cascaded over a model city ascocoa and dye powder collected and ran throughstreets and canals into a basin of water representinghow rainwater can carry pollution into a city’sdrinking water.

The Directorate of Public Works EnvironmentalDepartment and the Colorado Springs UtilitiesWater Education Department provided instructionand interaction with students at Fort Carson schoolsduring Earth Week activities, April 22-26.

Presentations included the water cycle, waterconservation, recycling, effects of weather, how

the climate affects wildlife and how pollution iscaused by water runoff during rain showers.

“This particular program is called, ‘WaterWonders,’ and we cover things like the total amountof water on earth,” said Birgit Landin, instructor,CSU Water Education Department. “Only 3 percent

of water is fresh and,of that, less than 1percent is actuallyavailable for use.”

The program isintended to enhancethe school’s curricu-lum and inspire thechildren to seek ways to preserve the environment.

“All these thingsare designed to meetthe state’s standard onanything to do withwater,” Landin said.“I pull them out ofColorado Departmentof Education scienceprograms anddesigned them aroundthat. That way, teacherscan actually bring this into the schools.”

Christina Moore,fifth-grade teacher atWeikel ElementarySchool, valued the

visit and the effect it had on the students.“I enjoyed the activities, and I think they are

high quality,” Moore said. “Hopefully, they will continue the Earth Day activities, because they do a great job. You can tell there is a lot of planningand preparation that goes into their presentations.

“Even though my class has seen (the FortCarson DPW environment presentations) two yearsin a row now, they still look forward to it,” Mooresaid. “They’ll talk about it for a while, and we’ll do activities as a reflection piece, so they can bethinking about it; what they can do in our vast world and what part they can play.”

Fifth-grader Jaren Henry showed an interest in Roger Peyton’s presentation on wildlife, and theaffect the climate has, such as the displacement of the arctic fox in Colorado Springs by the red fox as the climate grows warmer. Peyton is awildlife biologist with DPW.

“My favorite thing so far is seeing the skins of the animals, and seeing how the earth’s climatecan affect animals,” Henry said. “I enjoy them, and I like learning about the earth.”

Landin said she enjoyed the students’ passion in preserving the earth’s natural resource: water.

“I love the enthusiasm of the students, and itgives me hope that there is a chance to changebehaviors in the future so that we can actually have

a sustainable living,” Landinsaid. “They’re listening andengaged; they want to makea difference and they will. I think it’s great to get thementhusiastic about protectingthe natural resources.

“This is the first yearthat we’re involved in theirEarth Day activities that I’maware of, certainly in thewater department,” she said.“It’s a real treat to be here,and the reception has beenphenomenal. The studentshave been some of the best audiences that I’ve had in a long time.”

Janine Hegeman, stormwater specialist contractor,Directorate of Public Works, uses an enviroscape modeldemonstrating the effects of rainwater as it washes pollution into rivers and lakes during an Earth Week presentation at Weikel Elementary School, April 23.

Allison Plute, water educator, Colorado Springs Utilities, helps fifth-grader Mackenzie Porcher create a cloud in a bottle using pressure at Abrams Elementary School, April 23.

Activities promote Earth Day

Fifth-graders at Weikel Elementary School examine model animal skulls April 23 following a presentation by Roger Peyton, wildlife biologist,Directorate of Public Works.

“I think it’s great to get them enthusiasticabout protectingthe naturalresources.”

— Birgit Landin

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16 MOUNTAINEER — May 3, 2013

Upcoming events

Baby shower — The annual Installation BabyShower takes place May 10 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.at the Fort Carson Special Events Center. Therewill be vendors, organizations and informationalbooths at the event. Heidi Murkoff, the author of the “What to Expect” series will be available for book signings and a question and answer session. Call 526-7486 for more information.

Job fair — Civilianjobs.com hosts a job fair May 14at the Elkhorn Conference Center from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Open to all servicemembers, veterans and Family members, attendees may pre-registeronline at http://www.civilianjobs.com/. Call 678-819-4153 or visit http://www.civilianjobs.com/for more information.

Employment Expo — Pikes Peak CommunityCollege hosts a military and veterans employmentexpo May 15-17. The college, located at 5675 S. Academy Blvd., offers free resume, interviewing and branding classes from 7:30 a.m.to 5 p.m. May 15-16 and an opportunity to meetwith potential employers May 17 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The event is open to all servicemembers,veterans and spouses. Visit http://mvee.org/ formore information and to register.

Spouse Master Resilience Trainer — Fort Carson is looking for spouses to become certifiedComprehensive Soldier and Family Fitness andMaster Resilience trainers. Applicants must beactive-duty military spouses with at least 12 monthsleft at Fort Carson and have good communicationand public speaking skills. Interviews will be held Tuesday-Wednesday and training takes place May 13-23 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Applicantsmust attend all team meetings and trainings.Applicants should contact their Soldier’s commander for more information on applying.

General announcements

Library program — Tutor.com for military Familiesoffers homework and studying help from a professional tutor, any time of day or night. Freefor K-12 students in military Families. Expert tutorsare available online 24/7 to help students in morethan 16 subjects, including math, science, Englishand social studies. Tutor.com can also help with standardized test prep, Advance Placement examsand with college essays. Visit http://www.tutor.com/military for more information.

Army Provider Level Satisfaction Survey —Patients may fill out and return the APLSS to helpminimize the impact of budget cuts on medicalcare. Evans Army Community Hospital receivesfunding based on patients seen and customer satisfaction. Positive surveys returned can bring inup to $800. Help keep providers and departmentsand clinics fully functional. Call 526-7256 formore information.

New health care system — United Health CareMilitary and Veterans became the prime TRICAREcontractor this month. As with any large scale transition, there are inevitable challenges to workthrough. If a patient is experiencing any unusualoccurrences or has questions about primary caremanager changes, network referrals, authorizedproviders, or these type issues, contact the United Health Care Military and Veterans call center at 877-988-WEST(9378).

New EFMP Location — The Exceptional FamilyMember Program at the Evans Army CommunityHospital campus is now located in room 2124 of the Woods Soldier Family Care Center. EFMPis open Monday-Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.; overseas screenings are conducted on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Contact EFMP at526-7805 for more information

Adult immunizations — Adult patients can visit their Family Medicine Clinics for all immunizations.The Allergy Clinic will no longer provide adultimmunizations. Contact your primary medicalprovider or clinic for more information

Seeking volunteers — Cub Scout Pack 264 needs volunteers for den leaders and committeemembers. No experience is needed. Training will be provided by Boy Scouts of America staff.There is always a need for new volunteers to fill positions or just help out at various activities.

Contact the Committee Chair, Johnathon Jobsonat [email protected] or the Cub Master,Robert Jepsen, [email protected] put Scout Volunteer in the subject line.

Summer youth program — The American RedCross and Evans Army Community Hospital arelooking for motivated young adults to apply forthe Summer Youth Program, which allows youngadults to volunteer within the hospital and clinicsso they can get exposure to the medical field.Applications will be available through May 8 inthe hospital Red Cross office. Interviews will beheld May 11 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Programparticipants will be selected and notified by May 17. Participants selected for the programmust be available for mandatory orientation dates that will take place May 28-31 and be current with their immunizations. Contact 526-7144 for more information.

Triple Threat expands — The Southeast FamilyCenter and Armed Services YMCA hosts TripleThreat meetings for Family members of militarypersonnel dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder. Groups meet at 6:30 p.m. Thursdayevenings at the YMCA located at 2190 Jet WingDrive in Colorado Springs. Contact Larry Palma at559-376-5389 or [email protected] for details.

Medications self-care program suspended — Due tofiscal constraints, Evans Army Community Hospitalis suspending the over-the-counter medication self-care program. All self-care classes have been cancelled pending further information, and traininginformation will be removed from the EvansPreventive Medicine Web page. Contact PreventiveMedicine at 526-8201 for more information.

New post office hours — Retail hours at the Fort Carson Post Office changed March 30. Newhours are 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday.Saturday hours remain the same.

Operation Mentor — Big Brothers Big Sisters seeks children ages 9-16 from military Families to participate in the military mentoring program,which matches children with adult volunteers whoserve as positive role models. Visit http://www.biglittlecolorado.org/ for more information.

Annual Weingarten notice — In accordance withthe requirements of 5 USC 7114(a)(3), this is toadvise bargaining unit employees that: you areentitled to union representation in meetings heldin connection with an investigation if: 1. Themeeting is conducted by one or more agency representatives. 2. The agency representatives areconducting an examination in connection with aninvestigation. 3. You are in the bargaining unit. 4.You reasonably believe that the examination mayresult in disciplinary action. 5. You request unionrepresentation. All five conditions must be met.

Flu shots — Influenza vaccinations are available atpost clinics and local pharmacies. Soldiers andFamily members older than 6 months may receive a vaccination. Visit http://www.express-scripts.com/TRICARE/pharmacy/ or call 877-363-1303 option5 for more information. Visit http://www.evans.amedd.army.mil/PM/flu(underscore)information.htm or call 526-6422 for appointment information.

Inclement weather procedures for Gate 19 — The Directorate of Emergency Services operatesGate 19 Monday-Friday from 5 a.m. to 6 p.m.,regardless of inclement weather or road conditions along Essayons Road, which is an unimproved road. Essayons Road is also used to access several ranges and training areas, so the road remains open during all conditions. In order to notify the motorists of the actual roadconditions, two “Downrange Road Conditions”status signs are now located along Butts andEssayons roads showing whether road conditionsare green, amber or red. One sign is at the intersection of Butts Road and Airfield Road, facing north, and the other is on Essayons Road just inside Gate 19, facing inbound traffic.

Clinic name changes — Two of the Family medicineclinics are in the process of changing names. IronHorse Family Medicine Clinic (located on the second floor of Evans Army Community Hospital)is changing its name to Warrior Family MedicineClinic. Evans Family Medicine Clinic (located onthe second floor of the Woods Soldier Family CareClinic) is changing its name to Iron Horse FamilyMedicine Clinic. These are only name changes.

Beneficiaries will continue to see assigned primarycare manager/team in their regular clinic location.

Automated medical referral — A new automatedreminder system is now in place for medical referrals. Beneficiaries who are referred to a civilian specialist in the network will receive a phone call from the Colorado Springs MilitaryHealth System. The call will remind patients tomake an appointment. If a patient has already madean appointment, an option will allow him to reportthat information. There is also an option to cancelthe referral. Unless acted upon, these reminderswill recur at 20, 60 and 120 days. Call 524-2637 for more information on the automated call system.

Thrift shop accepts credit cards — The FortCarson Thrift Shop is now accepting debit andcredit cards. The shop, located in building 305, is open Tuesday-Thursday from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Contact Gail Olson at 526-5966 or email [email protected] for more information or to learn about volunteer opportunities. Donations may be dropped off atthe store during normal business hours or at therecycling center located near the main exchange.

IMCOM recruits — Installation ManagementCommand is recruiting junior and mid-levelemployees to participate in a DevelopmentalAssignment Program. DAP is designed to supportfunctional and leadership training, which is one of the essential pillars of the HQ, IMCOMCampaign Plan LOE 3. Eligible applicants are IMCOM appropriated-fund employees (GS7-GS13) and nonappropriated fund employees (NAF-5 and below, in positions comparable to GS7-GS13). The DAP is based ona systematic plan specializing in developmentalassignments through various functional areas fora period of up to 60 days. The program providesmultifunctional training and assignments to strengthen the experience of employees and prepare them for broader responsibilities,improve organizational communication, anddevelop well-rounded personnel. Applications can be obtained by contacting your organization’straining coordinator or the WorkforceDevelopment Program.

Ambulance service — Fort Carson officials urgecommunity members to contact emergency personnel by calling 911 instead of driving personal vehicles to the emergency room. In theevent of a life- or limb-threatening emergency,skilled paramedics and ambulance crew will be able to administer critical care and aid.Contact the Emergency Department at 526-7111 for more information.

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17May 3, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER

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18 MOUNTAINEER — May 3, 2013


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By Devin FisherMountaineer editor

The Military Child Education Coalition hosts a free Tell Me A Story program May 19 at 2 p.m. at the Special Events Center.

Military Families have until May 16 to register for theevent, featuring guestreader Sgt. Maj. MichaelBorrelli, 4th InfantryDivision provost sergeantmajor, who will read “The Remarkable FarkleMcBride” by John Lithgow.Every Family attending willreceive a copy of the book.

“The event is geared tobuild strong parent-child connections, and foster a positive, optimistic outlook ondaily experiences” said Tracy Brown of Fort Carson’s Parent to Parent program.

Geared for children 4-12, theMilitary Child Education Coalitionlaunched the Tell Me A Story program Sept. 11, 2005, to empower military children by using

literature and their own stories in a way that fosters skills for resilience, strong peer and parentconnections, a sense of pride and accomplishment,and a caring community, Brown said.

Borrelli will read the book before Families participate in breakout sessions where facilitators talk to children about the book and help them tie the story to their personal lives and then participate in a craft project.

Brown said the book isabout a child who refuses to give up. His frustrationwith only being a small part of the orchestra is thedriving force behind hiswillingness to learn more,try more and finally findthe thing he loves.

“Parents want theirchildren to try their best and not give up,”Brown said. “We frequently say things

like ‘If at first you don’tsucceed, try, try again.’ This story

illustrates not only trying again and again, but

how persever-ance pays offin the end.”

She notedthe storieshave the capacity to opendiscussion onpotentially difficulttopics such as Family separations or the fear of moving to a new location.

This year’s book highlights the themes of love of learning, curiosity, zest, enthusiasm, open mindedness and humor, Brown said.

Brown noted reservations are required to ensurethere are enough books for everyone. Families are asked to bring blankets to sit on during the presentation. Parents with teenagers are encouragedto bring their older children along to help the youngsters with crafts.

The Parent to Parent program provides workshops for military Families in areas of transitioning children from post to post, resiliency,early literacy and math literacy. To register for the event or for more information on the Parent to Parent team, contact Brown at 706-761-6343 or email [email protected] [email protected].

Tell Me A Story empowers children

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Page 19: Mountaineer 2013 05-03

19May 3, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER

THURSDAY, MAY 30 3:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m. Doubletree by Hilton 1775 E. Cheyenne Mtn. Blvd. ,

Colorado SpringsFor more information, call 471-7080, ext. 140, or e-mail [email protected]

Join us for our main presentation (3:00-4:00 p.m.) featuring:An update on Fort Carson from senior leadership.

A community update from Dennis Hisey, Chair, El Paso County Board of County Commissioners & Chair, Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments Board of Directors

A Question and Answer Panel follows (4:00-5:00 p.m.) with:H Major General Paul J. LaCamera, Commanding General,

4th Infantry Division & Fort Carson,H Commissioner Hisey, H Major General G. Wesley Clark (ret, USAF), Chair, Peak

Military Care Network,H Terrance McWilliams, Director of Military & Veterans


Open House/Social Hour: 5:00-6:00 p.m.

Carson, the Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments, and community leaders; and learn more by visiting informational booths.

Moderator: Jennifer Horbelt, Anchor/Journalist, KOAA, News 5

Photo by Sgt. Eric Glassey

Scouting for Food

Austin Jepsen,right, and BrandonMarble, both withBoy Scout Troop164, load a truckwith food donatedby Fort Carson community members, Saturday.The Fort Carson BoyScouts gatheredmore than 4,885pounds of donatedfood during theirScouting for FoodDrive which supported Care andShare of SouthernColorado. The CubScouts from Pack264 distributedbags in the on-posthousing area, collecting themSaturday, and set upcollection boxesaround post.

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21May 3, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER20 MOUNTAINEER — May 3, 2013

Story and photos by Sgt. Grady Jones3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team Public Affairs Office,

4th Infantry Division

The two-toned, blue mat is clean and laid out, roped off from ringside seats. A time clock stands ready to display theelapsed duration of each six-minute bout. Everything is preparedas Soldiers and their Families have filled the bleachers and seats atthe Special Events Center, in anticipationof the inaugural “Pacesetters” BattalionCombatives Tournament, April 19.

By the end of the day, three winnersstood tall with bragging rights as the bestin their weight class and will represent the 3rd Battalion, 29th Field ArtilleryRegiment, 3rd Armored Brigade CombatTeam, 4th Infantry Division, at the division combatives tournament to beheld during Iron Horse Week, June 3-7.They are Spc. William Mays, Company G,heavyweight division; Staff Sgt. WilliamMcLaurin, Battery B, light heavyweightdivision; and Spc. Christian Zepeda,Battery B, lightweight division.

There were no competitors in the middleweight division.

Bout after bout, competitors grappled,wrestled and vied for the upper hand.Matches were won either from opponentstapping out from submission, or points accumulated by successfullyperforming takedowns and other technical skills.

“Basically, the tournament was broken down into lightweight,middleweight, light-heavyweight and heavyweight divisions,” said Staff Sgt. David Quintanilla, field artillery surveyor and battalion combatives trainer, Headquarters and HeadquartersBattery, 3rd Bn., 29th FA Reg.

Each competitor faced his own difficulties and challenges

during the competition. “(My opponent) was so big,” said Mays. “If he had done

anything wrong, that could have ended my whole weekend.”Endurance can also play a large part in combatives.“Controlling breathing is one of the challenges,” said Staff

Sgt. Joseph Pellegrino, military police officer and level III combatives instructor, Headquarters and Headquarters Company,3rd Special Troops Battalion, 3rd ABCT, who also helped

coach the competitors. The two-mile run is great for the

Army physical fitness test, but is notenough cardio-respiratory endurance training for combatives, Pellegrino said.

It took time and dedication for thecompetitors to prepare for the tournament.

“We’ve been training every Thursdayfor a couple of months now,” Mays said.“It’s pretty intense.”

“I’ve been training in combatives since I got into the military,” said Spc.Gabriel Wilson, medic, Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 3rd Bn., 29th FA Reg.

Training in combatives builds confidence and camaraderie, according to some of the competitors.

“It builds team cohesion and brotherhood,” said Mays “It’s about doing the sport, and a lot of fun.”

In the end, gold medals were awarded to the winners and silver medals went to the runners-up for each weight category.

“Winning was definitely motivating,” said Zepeda, a cannon crewmember. “It was a great experience.”

“It’s such an honor for me to coach these Soldiers; to see where they’ve come from to where they are right now,” said Quintanilla. “I’m very proud of them. These guys are outstanding.”

Spc. Christian Zepeda, Battery B, 3rd Battalion, 29th Field Artillery Regiment, 3rdArmored Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, receives a gold medal from Lt.Col. Derek Knuffe, commander, 3rd Bn., 29th FA Reg., after winning the lightweightdivision of the inaugural “Pacesetters” Combatives Tournament, April 19.

Pfc. Isaiah Fleming, left, and Spc. William Mays

compete for gold during the inaugural “Pacesetters”

Combatives Tournament, held in the Special Events

Center, April 19. Mays defeated Fleming to capture

first place in the heavyweight division.

“It’s such an honorfor me to coachthese Soldiers; to see where they’vecome from to wherethey are right now.”

— Staff Sgt. David Quintanilla

Sgt. Toby Barnes, top, andSpc. Curtis Woodward, both

from 3rd Battalion, 29thField Artillery Regiment, 3rd

Armored Brigade CombatTeam, 4th Infantry Division,battle in a showcase match

during the “Pacesetters”Combatives Tournament,

April 19 at the Special Events Center.

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22 MOUNTAINEER — May 3, 2013




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Coyotes thrive inpopulated areas

By Mike SimonConservation law enforcement officer

Human-coyote interactions have become an increasing concern for many Fort Carsonresidents as well as communities throughoutthe United States. Once restricted to regionswest of the Mississippi, coyotes are now foundin all areas of the United States, excludingHawaii, and Canada.

Many people wonder why coyotes thrivewhile other animals struggle to exist. Biologistscontribute their success to the decline of otherpredators — such as wolves — the remarkable ability to adapt to environments and the capacityto live in areas heavily populated by humans.

Coyotes come in a variety of sizes and colors, but are normally distinguished by theirlong pointed nose, pointed ears and general shepherd-like appearance. They are normally light gray, reddish-brown or tan with black-tipped tails. Coyotes residing in the Fort Carsonarea weigh between 20 and 35 pounds.

Their primary prey includes rabbits, miceand other rodents, but they are opportunisticfeeders and will alter their diet to include wildberries and fruit. A study of urban coyotes inthe Chicago area revealed that only 1.3 percentof the scat examined contained the remnants of domestic cats.

Coyotes seen on post that appear sickly,lethargic and have lost a lot of hair are probably suffering from mange, a skin ailment

caused by parasitic mites. The mites burrowingin the skin cause severe itching and infection.Mange is generally not transmissible tohumans, but the constant itching and poorphysical condition caused by infection reducesthe coyote’s ability to catch prey and makesthem more apt to seek food closely associatedwith human activities such as garbage or pet food left outside.

Coyotes normally pair for life and duringlate winter den in holes along steep banks,thickets, hollow logs and culverts. Pups areborn in April and May. Within eight weeks, the young are weaned and out learning to huntwith their parents. During this time period,urban coyotes will exhibit a unique protectivebehavior known as “shadowing,” whichinvolves the adult coyote getting between a perceived threat and their pups. The adult coyote then parallels the threat, keeping a safe distance until the threat has passed. Thisbehavior has been frequently observed on Fort Carson near walking trails that borderheavily vegetated areas.

Coyotes are normally nocturnal but areincreasingly seen during the day as they becomehabituated to the noise and activity associatedwith people. Conservation law enforcementofficers can target, trap and remove coyotesthat are sick or exhibiting aggressive behavior,but they’ve become a part of the urban environment nationwide and hence, peoplehave to learn to coexist with them.

Courtesy photo

Community members can help control the population of urbancoyotes on Fort Carson by following a few basic rules:• Coyotes feed on rodents that are attracted to human

garbage. Removing outdoor food sources and keeping trashinaccessible will reduce rodent and coyote activity.

• Do not intentionally feed coyotes.• Do not leave pet food or water bowls out at night.• Do not allow cats or dogs to run free.• Never approach or allow children to approach a coyote. • If confronted, don’t run. Use hazing techniques such as yelling

at the animal, banging objects together to create noise andthrowing rocks and other small objects near the coyote.Hazing techniques must be continued until the animaldeparts the area to ensure that they do not become accustomed to the hazing process.

• Report any unusual or aggressive coyote activity to theFort Carson police at 526-2333.

For more information on living with coyotes, contactthe Fort Carson Conservation Law Enforcement Program at524-5356 or 5394.

Living with coyotes

Page 22: Mountaineer 2013 05-03

23May 3, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER

Lifesaver training

Photos by Catherine Ross

Above: From left, Spc. Kimberly McFarlane, Spc. Anthony Castillo, Kisten Born and Casey Lyellspractice the Heimlich technique as part of a Red Cross CPR instructor course April 23 at theOutdoor Recreation Center. Right: Allison Boswell, assistant station manager for Fort CarsonRed Cross Station, practices the technique to clear a choking hazard from an infant duringa CPR instructor class. The American Red Cross offers CPR classes at Fort Carson once amonth. The daylong course covers infant through adult CPR, first aid and automated externaldefibrillator training. For upcoming class dates and to receive a military discount code, call526-2311 or stop by the Red Cross Fort Carson Station in building 1217 at 1675 Ellis St.


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Page 23: Mountaineer 2013 05-03

24 MOUNTAINEER — May 3, 2013

Page 24: Mountaineer 2013 05-03

25May 3, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER

Has someone in your organization recently received kudos? Contact Mountaineer staff at 526-4144 or email [email protected].

8 p.m. at the Fallen Heroes Family Center, building 6215, 6990 Mekong St. The group isopen to members of all branches of service.Contact Richard Stites at 719-598-6576 or Cheryl Sims at 719-304-9815 for details.

Spanish Bible Study meets off post. Contact

Staff Sgt. Jose Varga at 719-287-2016 for study times and location.

Jewish Lunch and Learn with Chap. (Lt. Col.)Howard Fields takes place Wednesday from noon to 1 p.m. at Provider Chapel. For more information, call 526-8263.

Chapel briefsFacebook: Search “Fort Carson Chaplains (Religious

Support Office)” for events and schedules.Vacation Bible School volunteers — Crew and

station leaders are needed June 10-14, from8:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Must be at least 16years old. Email [email protected].

Club Beyond is a program for military middleschool teens. Volunteers are welcome. Call719-355-9594 for dates and times.

Youth Ministries: Christian Youth Group forsixth- through 12th-graders meets Sundayfrom 2:30-4:30 p.m. at Soldiers’ MemorialChapel. Call 526-5744 for more information.

Military Council of Catholic Women meetsFriday from 9:30-11:30 a.m. at Soldiers’Memorial Chapel. For information, call 526-5769 or visit “Fort Carson Military Council of Catholic Women” on Facebook.

Knights of Columbus, a Catholic group for men 18 and older, meets the second and fourthTuesday of the month at Soldiers’ MemorialChapel. Call 526-5769 for more information.

Protestant Women of the Chapel meetsTuesday from 9:30 a.m. to noon at Soldiers’Memorial Chapel. Free child care is available.Email [email protected] or visit PWOC Fort Carson on Facebook for details.

Latter Day Saints Soldiers: Weekly InstituteClass (Bible study) isWednesday at 6 p.m. at Veterans MemorialChapel. Food is provided. Call 971-219-0007 or 719-433-2659 or email [email protected] formore information.

Heartbeat, a support group for battle buddies, Family members and friends whoare suicide survivors, meetsthe second Tuesday of each month from 6:30-

Chapel Schedule

ROMAN CATHOLICDay Time Service Chapel Location Contact PersonSaturday 4-45 p.m. Reconciliation Soldiers’ Nelson & Martinez Chap. Manuel/526-8583Saturday 5 p.m. Mass Soldiers’ Nelson & Martinez Chap. Manuel/526-8583Sunday 8:15-8:45 a.m. Reconciliation Soldiers’ Nelson & Martinez Chap. Manuel/526-8583Sunday 9 a.m. Mass Soldiers’ Nelson & Martinez Chap. Manuel/526-8583Sunday 10:30 a.m. Religious education Soldiers’ Nelson & Martinez Pat Treacy/524-2458Sunday 10:30 a.m. RCIA Soldiers’ Nelson & Martinez Pat Treacy/524-2458Mon-Fri 11:45 a.m. Mass Soldiers Nelson & Martinez Chap. Manuel/526-8583Mon-Fri 11:45 a.m. Mass Healer Evans Army Hospital Fr. Nwatawali/526-7347

PROTESTANTFriday 4:30 p.m. Intercessory prayer, Soldiers’ Nelson & Martinez Chap. Stuart/524-4316

Bible StudySunday 9 a.m. Protestant Healer Evans Army Hospital Chap. Gee/526-7386Sunday 9:15 a.m. Sunday School Soldiers’ Nelson & Martinez Heidi McAllister/526-5744Sunday 9:30 a.m. Sunday School Prussman Barkeley & Prussman Heidi McAllister/526-5744Sunday 10 a.m. Orthodox Service Provider Barkeley & Ellis Chap. Oanca/503-4570Sunday 11 a.m. Protestant Soldiers’ Nelson & Martinez Chap. Stuart/524-4316Sunday 11 a.m. Gospel Prussman Barkeley & Prussman Ursula Pittman/503-1104Sunday 10 a.m. Chapel NeXt Veterans Magrath & Titus Chap. Palmer/526-3888Sunday 2:30-4:30p.m. Youth ministry Soldiers’ Nelson & Martinez Heidi McAllister/526-5744Tuesday 9:30 a.m. PWOC Soldiers’ Nelson & Martinez Chap. Stuart/524-4316

JEWISHFort Carson does not offer Jewish services on post. Contact Chap. (Lt. Col.) Fields at 503-4090/4099 for Jewish service and study information

ISLAMIC SERVICESFort Carson does not offer Islamic services on post. Contact the Islamic Society at 2125 N. Chestnut, 632-3364 for information.

(FORT CARSON OPEN CIRCLE) WICCASunday 1 p.m. Provider Chapel, Building 1350, Barkeley and Ellis [email protected]


Meets once or twice monthly and upon special request. Contact Michael Hackwith or Wendy Chunn-Hackwith at 285-5240 for information.

Commentary by Chap. (Capt.)Travis Kirkman

7th Squadron, 10th CavalryRegiment, 1st Armored Brigade

Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division

As April has ended, we are drawnto reflect on a season of rebirth. Formany it is a season of new beginningsand fresh hope for glorious things tocome. For the Christian world, it is aseason of rejoicing that God redeemedall mankind from death and gave usthe possibility of endless happiness inhis presence through the gift of his son.

The story of Jesus Christ depictsthe son of God as a man who isbetrayed, denied, rejected, bound andcrucified while his followers did littleor nothing to stop it. Meanwhile hehealed the soldier who came to takehim to be judged. Jesus held his peacewhile he was questioned by the rulersof his people. He was found innocentby Pontius Pilate and was later turnedover to the leaders of his people to be crucified in order to appease thecrowd and stop a possible riot. Heendured spitting, brutal torture andcrucifixion; and he only wished thatGod would forgive those who did these things to him.

Jesus decided how he wouldrespond to those who mistreated himbased upon how he valued them aschildren of God. He believed thatthey could repent through recognitionthat they were wrong to mistreat him.He probably figured that the best way for him to help them to realizethat what they had done was wrongwas to patiently endure their mistreatment. Had Christ retaliatedor made excuses, his tormentorswould have thought that they wereright to persecute him. Since he did not retaliate or conciliate, thosewho mistreated him were left toexamine their own actions.

His mission was to restore arelationship between his persecutors(all people) and God. EverythingChrist did, including giving up hislife, was to fulfill that mission. In theend, Christ overcame the world andwas made ruler over death and conqueror of sin. It is of Jesus Christ’striumph that it was written, “O death,where is thy sting? O grave, where isthy victory? 1 Corinthians 15:55. In all of this, Christ is not a victim. Heretained the power to heal, the power to influence others with love, and thepower to redeem those that come to him.

What can all people learn from the story of Christ’s victory over hate,persecution and ultimately death?

No matter the circumstances oflife, we can choose to control ourresponse to the circumstances that arebefore us. We have the power to reactto our circumstances with our wholeselves in a way that shows how wevalue others and how we believe that

we should treat them. We need to take into consideration our values andbeliefs when confronted with difficultsituations and not just react basedupon our initial thoughts and feelings.The Apostle Paul told his fellow missionary, Timothy, to be “an example of the believers, in word, inconversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity” 1 Timothy 4:12.

“O death, whereis thy sting? Ograve, where isthy victory?

— 1 Corinthians 15:55

Choosing responses

Consider values, beliefs

Page 25: Mountaineer 2013 05-03

26 MOUNTAINEER — May 3, 2013

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Commentary by Daniel C. SmithFreedom of Information and Privacy Acts officer

Identity theft is a serious crime. It can disrupt aperson’s finances, credit history and reputation, and take time, money and patience to resolve.

Identity theft happens when someone steals a person’s personal information and uses it withouttheir permission. The rigors of military life cancompound the problems that identity theft creates.

Protecting informationHere are a few tips to protect personal

information:⌦ Read credit reports. You have a right to a

free credit report every 12 months from each ofthe three nationwide credit reporting companies.Order all three reports at once, or order onereport every four months. To order reports, go to http://annualcreditreport.com or call 877-322-8228.

⌦ Read bank, credit card and account statements. This includes the explanation ofmedical benefits from your health care plan. If a statement has mistakes or doesn’t come on time, contact the business.

⌦ Shred all documents that show personal,financial and medical information beforethrowing them away.

⌦ Don’t respond to email, text or phone messages that ask for personal information.Legitimate companies don’t ask for informationthis way. Delete such messages.

⌦ Create passwords that mix letters, numbers

and special characters. Don’t use the samepassword for more than one account.

⌦ If you shop or bank online, use websites thatprotect financial information with encryption.An encrypted site has “https” at the beginning ofthe web address; the “s” stands for secure.

⌦ Don’t send information to any website that isn’t fullyencrypted when using a public wireless network.

⌦ Use anti-virus and anti-spyware software, and afirewall on home computers.

⌦ Set computer operating system, web browser and security system to update automatically.

Active-duty alertPut an “active-duty alert” on your credit

report prior to deploying if you don’t expect to seek new credit while deployed.

The alert requires creditors to take steps to verify a person’s identity before granting credit intheir name. It lasts for a year but can be renewed.Call the fraud department of one credit reportingcompany; they must contact the other two.

When identity is stolenThe following steps should be taken in the

event your identity has been stolen:⌦ Flag credit reports. Call one of the nationwide

credit reporting companies and ask for a fraudalert to be put on your credit report; they mustcontact the other two companies. An initial fraud

alert is good for 90 days. The companies can be reached at:Equifax, 800-525-6285; Experian, 888-397-3742; andTransUnion, 800-680-7289.⌦ Order credit reports. Each

company’s credit report is slightly different, so order areport from each company.When ordering, you must answer some questions to proveidentity. Read reports carefullyto see if the information is correct. If you see mistakes or signs of fraud, contact thecredit reporting company.

⌦ Create an identity theft report. The report can help get

fraudulent information removed from the credit report, stop a company from collecting debts causedby identity theft and get information about accounts a thief opened in your name.

To create an identity theft report:⌦ File a complaint with the Federal Trade

Commission at http://www.ftc.gov/complaint orcall 877-438-4338 or TTY 866-653-4261. Thecompleted complaint is called an FTC affidavit.

⌦ Take the FTC affidavit to local police, or to the police where the theft occurred, and file apolice report. Get a copy of the police report.Contact the Privacy and Freedom of Information

Acts office at 526-2114 or [email protected] for more information on identity theft.

Identity theft

Take steps to protect information

Page 26: Mountaineer 2013 05-03

27May 3, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER

Story and photos by Walt JohnsonMountaineer staff

Iron Horse Sports and Fitness Center hasadded eight new personal trainers to its staff in a move designed to help Soldiers and their Families get the most out of physical conditioning programs offered on post.

According to Directorate of Family andMorale, Welfare and Recreation officials, the hiring is part of an effort to continually look atways to bring better processes to its customers.The officials said increasing the personal trainer staff is a great step toward helpingSoldiers and their Families achieve the fitnesslevels they desire and see customers get the full benefit of working out at post fitness facilities as personal trainers help them learn the correct and most productive way to get in better physical condition.

The eight new personal trainers — TonyClaiborne, Nick Gaines, Kay Jones, ElizabethLazich, Armando Sosa, Rebecca Stewart, JulienStoutt and Colton Wasil — are accepting clients,Soldiers, Department of Defense civilians andFamily members, looking for a personal trainer.

The trainers agree that there are two advantages they bring to the military community.

The first is the price for the service: a typical 10-session package with a trainer at anoutside facility could cost about $800, while the same package on post is$230, officials said.

“What we’re allowing people to do is to learn how totrain the correct way and get the maximum out of themselves and their training program,”Claiborne said. “We will be ableto help them understand thevalue of safely applying propertechniques in getting the mostout of their physical conditioningprogram while also teachingthem proper techniques.”

Each of the personal trainershas a varying level of experiencethat will be key to helping people get the most out of any fitness need they have,which is the second benefit,according to Stoutt.

He said the best thing abouthaving a large personal trainingteam is that if a customer has aneed that their particular trainercannot help with, they can go to the other trainers to determine the most effectiveway to achieve their goal.

See Page 29 for more information on the new trainers.


Below: Rebecca Stewart,right, Iron Horse Sports

and Fitness Center personaltrainer, goes over proper TRX training techniques

with Jessica Felton.

Above: Elizabeth Lazich, center, Iron Horse Sports

and Fitness Center personaltrainer, goes over proper

weight training techniqueswith Stacey Martinez, left, and

Carmen Hernandez.

Armando Sosa, left, Iron Horse Sportsand Fitness Center personal trainer,talks with Andre Mosby and DanielleDearmond about the abdomen trainingmachine at the facility, Saturday.

Left: Tony Claiborne, right, Iron Horse Sports and FitnessCenter personal trainer, talks to Maria Baron about the propertechniques to help her with an aerobic exercise at the TRX training room, Saturday.

Page 27: Mountaineer 2013 05-03

The Colorado Springs Sky Sox host Fort CarsonAppreciation Night May 11.

The Sky Sox play the Omaha StormChasers, the Kansas City Royals triple-A affiliate, at 6:05 p.m. at Security Service Field in Colorado Springs. Free ticket vouchers — a limit of 10 per Family — are available atInformation, Tickets and Registration.

The vouchers need to be exchanged at the Security Service Field box office, locatednear Powers Boulevard and Barnes Road. If the game is cancelled, the tickets will begood for admission to another game this year. Gates open at 5 p.m.

The Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation sponsors a footballcombine, designed to help athletes improvetheir athleticism, May 11 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Iron Horse Sports and Fitness Center complex.

The testing will be similar to what the players experience in high school, said LeviHokkala, DFMWR intramural sports office, whois running the event. He said it will also allowplayers to see where they stand, what skills theyare good at and which ones they can improve.

“The whole idea behind the combine is togive a baseline standard as it pertains to yourpower, which we will test with vertical and longjumping,” Hokkala said. “We will also test theplayers’ speed by having them run a 40-yard dash(and) test and see how well the players can movelaterally, doing the 5-10-5 drill. Each of thetests are designed to test the overall athleticismof the players and suggests ways for them toimprove from where they are at this point.”

For more information on the combine call 526-3972.

The Youth Services Center is registering athletes for its youth sports summer seasonthrough May 17.

Summer sports include track, baseball, volleyball and T-ball. Registration can be done inperson at Parent Central Services, building 1518on Prussman Blvd., or online at https://webtrac.mwr.army.mil/webtrac/carsoncyms.html. Call526-4425 for more information.

The OutdoorSwimming Poolopens for the summer season May 24.

People can“like” Fort CarsonAquatics on Facebookto keep up with thelatest information on the pool. Call 526-4093 for more information on aquatics activities.

Cheyenne ShadowsGolf Club hosts the second SergeantsMajor Academy golfevent June 13.

The four-personscramble begins at 11 a.m. with check-in; drivingrange will be open.Welcoming remarkswill be at 12:30 p.m.and the shotgun startis at 1 p.m. Therewill be an awardsceremony and dinnerat 5:30 p.m.

Entry deadlineis June 5; tournamentis limited to 144golfers. Officials said the proceeds will provide back-packs and schoolsupplies for installation students,holiday food baskets,scholarships for military Families and support of noncommissionedofficer and Soldier of the year programs.

Contact Timothy Jackson at [email protected] or [email protected] for more information.

The Military Police Regiment Association sponsors a golf tournament May 20 with an 8 a.m. shotgun start at the CheyenneShadows Golf Club.

Cost for the tournament is $35 for active-duty military and $45 for civilian and

corporate players. Prizes include trophies for winning team members, clubs for in-course contests, lunch and certificates for free golf. For more information call 526-8995.

The National Physique Committee 2013 GNCSouthern Colorado and Armed Forces Figure,Bikini Physique and Natural Bodybuildingchampionships will be held in ColoradoSprings Saturday.

The event takes place at Doherty HighSchool in Colorado Springs. Prejudging begins at 10:30 a.m. and the finals begin at 5 p.m. Visit http://www.jefftaylor.com for tickets.

The Colorado Rockies are offering military members special ticket buys this season.

The next opportunity is when the Rockiestake on the Tampa Bay Rays Friday at 6:40p.m., Saturday at 6:10 p.m. and Sunday at 2:10 p.m. Military personnel can purchase tickets in the outfield box, pavilion and upper reserved infield/outfield area for theirFamily and friends for $14 each (with a $3.50 service charge per order), a discount from the usual range of $21-$39.

The Rockies will also offer military discounts for the series with the San FranciscoGiants, May 16-18; Arizona Diamondbacks, May 20-22; and the Houston Astros, May 29-30.

Call the Rockies at 303-ROCKIES, ask for the military discount and provide referencenumber 21231001 to take advantage of the offer. This offer is not available on a walk-upbasis. Seating areas are subject to availability,limits may apply and all areas are not availablefor each game.

The BNT softball team, a team consisting of Fort Carson Soldiers that play off post in tournaments, will host a softball tournament May 11.

The tournament will be played at theMountain Post Sports Complex and will have athree game minimum. The cost for the tournamentis $200. For more information contact Andre White at [email protected].

— Compiled by Walt Johnson

28 MOUNTAINEER — May 3, 2013

BENCHOn theOn the

Photo by Walt Johnson

Tameka Dzuricky, front, Iron Horse Sports and Fitness Center Zumba instructor, leads a class of children ages 4-12 through a workout, Saturday.The youth Zumba class is a new 45-minute class offered Saturday at noon foryouths and their parents. All children taking part in the class must be accompanied by an adult for the entire class.

Youth zumba

Photo by Walt Johnson

Scout award

Arelius “Catfish” Mayes,center, Fort Carson YouthServices Center, receivesthe prestigious SilverBeaver award from thelocal chapter of the BoyScouts April 23 at thePenrose House in ColoradoSprings. According to the Boy Scouts of America website, theaward is a council-leveldistinguished serviceaward presented to registered Scouts whohave made an impact on the lives of youthsthrough service to the council.

Page 28: Mountaineer 2013 05-03

29May 3, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER

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Editor’s note: The following highlights fiveof the eight new personal trainers hired at theIron Horse Sports and Fitness Center. The otherthree will be featured at a later date.

Personal trainers bring experience to Carson

Elizabeth Lazich

Philosophy: To help people achieve theirmaximum potential in the physical and mental aspect of their fitness life. It’s important because self-esteem is a big factor in everything else that theywant to do.

Years of experience: 3Favorite moment: My friends came to me

and asked me if I would help them getstarted with a conditioning (program). It gave me a great deal of satisfactionwhen my friends came to me and said they finished a (five-kilometer) race orachieved a fitness goal.

Julian Stoutt

Philosophy:My philosophy onpersonal training is simple; do theright thing for your clients all thetime. I want tomake sure that my people have a realistic view of how they canachieve physicalconditioning that is right for them.

Years of experience: 7Favorite moment: I have so many satisfying

moments. The best moments that come to my mindis when I see someone who realizes what they are truly capable of achieving in physical fitness.


Philosophy: To see people improvetheir physical con-ditioning whether itis by weightlifting,running or whateveraspect of physicalconditioning a person wants to achieve. Years of experience: 2

Favorite moment: I trained an older gentlemen for about six weeks and then a few months later he thanked me because he said he has seen a noticeable improvement in his life.


Philosophy: To helppeople reach theirgoals in physical fitness and realizethat fitness is alifestyle and not just a fad.

Years of experience: 4

Favorite moment: I helped some of my femaleclients ... lose weight and get healthier (so) they could conceive a child. I helped themachieve a fitness level that allowed them to bring another life into the world and do something they wanted very badly.


Philosophy: Tohelp people realizewhat their fitnessgoals can be byremoving the misperceptions ofwhat fitness reallyis. I make a pointof trying to bringthe truth about fitness and how to get fit and

separate that from the myth of what physicalconditioning is.

Years of experience: 14Favorite moment: As you train people, you develop

some camaraderie (with them) and then whenyou see them become successful it’s one of the best feelings for a personal trainer.

Page 29: Mountaineer 2013 05-03

30 MOUNTAINEER — May 3, 2013

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Page 30: Mountaineer 2013 05-03

31May 3, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER

Star Wars fans, “may the force be with you” atStar Wars at the Hangar Saturday at theWings Over the Rockies Museum in Denver.Wear a favorite costume and meet with fellowStar Wars fans 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Star Wars X-wing fighter is on hand. Take trooper trainingwith storm troopers and visit the Comic BookClassroom. Admission is $11 for adults, $6 forchildren and $9 for active-duty military and veterans. Hangar 1, at the former Lowry AirForce Base, 7711 E. Academy Blvd., in Denver.Call 303-360-5328 for more information.

20th annual Hummingbird Festival is May 11, at the Starsmoor Discovery Center, 2120 N.Cheyenne Cañon Road, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.The festival is free, but donations accepted. There will be speakers, children’s activities, entertainment and refreshments. As parking islimited, attendees may park at CheyenneMountain High School, 1200 Cresta Road andride a shuttle bus to the festival. For informationcall 385-6086 or visit http://www.tfocc.org.

Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center’s 2013 theater schedule includes “The DrowsyChaperone” Thursday to June 2; and “JacquesBrel is Alive and Well and Living in Paris” June20-30. Call the box office, 634-5583 for ticketsand information. The theater is at 30 W. Dale St.

Buell Children’s Museum in Pueblo has anexhibit in which math plus toys multiplied by art equal smart fun. The “Under the Big Top:Math and Art” exhibit runs until June 1. BuellChildren’s Museum, 210 N. Santa Fe Ave., inPueblo, is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday. Admission is $4 for adults and $3 for children. For more information visithttp://www.sdc-arts.org for more information.

X Factor auditions for season three are in DenverMay 14 at the Coliseum. Auditions are open to

solo artists and vocal groups. All contestants must have been 12 or older by the beginning of 2013. Registration is May 12 starting at 8 a.m. and continuing around the clock until 11 a.m. May 14. If bringing friends and familyalong, they must also register. To audition, participants must be U.S. citizens and not currentlyunder a recording contract, have proof of age, a photo and two forms of identification. Anyoneunder 18 must be accompanied by a parent orlegal guardian who has a signed and notarizedguardianship form at registration. The Coliseumis off Interstate 70 east. For more informationvisit http://www.theXFactorUsa.com.

The Denver Museum of Nature and Science has“Mammoths and Mastodons: Titans of the IceAge” in the museum through May 27. Visitorswill be able to see fossils from the ice ageunearthed near Snowmass Village in 2010. Themuseum is at 2001 Colorado Blvd. and is open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Call 303-370-6000 fortickets for this special exhibition, $21 for adultsand $12 for juniors and students. Tickets areavailable on a timed schedule. Go online to pre-purchase tickets at http://www.DMNS.org.

The circus is coming — The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey presents “Built toAmaze” June 6-9 at the World Arena, with performances at 7 p.m. June 6-8, June 8 at 3 p.m.and June 9 at 1 and 5 p.m. Tickets are $15 and$22 and available at http://www.TicketsWest.comor call 866-464-2626. Tickets are also available atKing Soopers stores or World Arena box office.

Old Colorado City celebrates Territory Days May 25-27. The festival commemorates that Old Colorado City was the Colorado Territory’s first capital in 1861 — even if for just a few days. Join the free celebration and funMemorial Day Weekend for live music, WildWest gunfighters, fast-draw competitions, a mechanical bull and food and drink vendors. For the children, there are train rides, a pettingzoo, pony rides, gold panning and a Kids Zone.Take Colorado Avenue west from downtownColorado Springs to Old Colorado City.

Cinco de Mayo Fiesta and Car Show is Sunday at the Freedom Financial Services ExpoCenter, 3650 N. Nevada Ave., from 9:30 a.m. to

5 p.m. There will be food and market vendors, a car show, activities for children and the whole family and its free.

Fountain Creek Nature Center.holds a Family Fun Day Saturday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 320Peppergrass Lane, off Highway 85/87, near Gate 20. There’ll be activities for children ages 2 and up and for the whole family, exploring for fossils, learning about pond critters, watching puppet shows and eatingsolar oven s’mores. Call 520-6745 for more information. Family Fun Day is free for active-duty military Families with identification; $5 for anyone else. No reservations are required.

Soldier Show will be at Fort Carson May 30, at 2and 7 p.m. in McMahon Auditorium. An ArmyEntertainment Production, the theme is “Readyand Resilient.” Admission is free, first come, firstserved. Doors open an hour before the show.

A Family Fun Day at Serenity Springs Wildlife Center is May 11, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.There’ll be bounce houses, face painting and food. The wildlife center is a big cat sanctuary at 24615 Scott Road, in Calhan, east of Colorado Springs. Admission is $5 for military with identification, or $10 per person. Admission includes a tour of the facility. Call 719-347-9200 or visithttp://www.SerenitySpringsWildlife.org.

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo has opened its newexhibit, Encounter Africa, after years of construction. Four African elephants and a black rhinoceros share the new elephant barn.Seven meerkats will also be in the exhibit.Outdoor exhibits include mud wallows, dirt playgrounds, a pool and a waterfall.Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is at 4250 CheyenneMountain Zoo Road, near the Broadmoor Hotel. It is open every day 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.Admission for military Families with identificationis $14.25 for adults and $9.25 for children.

An Armed Forces Day concert, presented by theAir Force Academy Band, is in the Pikes PeakCenter May 14 at 7:30 p.m. The concert is free,but tickets must be picked up at the Pikes PeakCenter or World Arena box offices ahead of time.

— Compiled by Nel Lampe


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33May 3, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER32 MOUNTAINEER — May 3, 2013

Story and photos by Nel LampeMountaineer staff

It’s one of the highest suspensionbridges in the world, attracting 300,000 visitors from around the world every year. The Royal Gorge is west of Cañon City and a suspension bridge spans the chasm. Built in 1929, the bridge took six months to complete, but the gorge took three million years for a small trickle of water to carve acanyon from the granite.

Sometimes referred to as the “Grand Canyon of the Arkansas,” the gorge is deep — more than 900 feet — but narrow at the bottom, where theArkansas River runs.

The bridge has just one purpose: to get to the other side. But the bridge isn’tthe only attraction.

The park has attractions on both sides of the bridge, and most of them areincluded in admission. There’s a carouseland a miniature train just inside the park. A visitor center has gifts and souvenirs,along with a snack bar.

The world’s longest single-span aerial tram docks at the back of the visitor center, and visitors can choose that way to cross the gorge and return. A trip takes about 11 minutes, at about 11 miles per hour.

Also on the north rim, visitors canride the world’s steepest incline railway to the bottom of the gorge and return tothe top. The incline is 1,550 feet at a 45-degree angle. The trip takes

Places to see in thePikes Peak area.

Royal Gorge Bridge and Parkabout five minutes each way, traveling at 2.5 mph.

The Soaring Eagle Zip Line openedlast year, and is on the north side of thebridge. It’s about 1,000 feet above the river,takes four passengers at once, and is theworld’s highest zip line. There is an extracharge to ride the zip line, and riders whoare 44-47 inches tall must be accompaniedby an adult. The zip line does not operateduring severe weather or during windshigher than 40 miles per hour.

To get to the south rim and the attractions on that side, visitors may getacross the bridge by walking across, driving across or riding the free shuttle.

On windy days, the bridge sways. The bridge is 18 feet wide, and 1,270

feet long. The bridge can support morethan two million pounds.

The bridge cost $350,000 to build in 1929, but today would cost more than$15 million.

The bridge’s towers are 150 feet high and the deck has 1,270 planks on it, which rattle as cars drive over thebridge. Three hundred tons of No. 9 galvanized wire and more than 300 tons of supporting cables were used to anchor the bridge to the granite walls on both sides of the gorge.

A thousand tons of steel, manufacturedat the steel mill in Pueblo, was used inconstruction.

Once across the bridge, visit the PlazaTheater and watch the 13-minute videoabout the construction and history of thebridge and the gorge. There are historic

photographs and artifacts displayed. The Wapiti Western Wildlife Park has anassortment of native Colorado wildlife in a natural habitat and includes elk, big horn sheep and American bison (buffalo). The theater and wildlife park are included in admission, as is theMountain Man Encampment.

Special attractions are added during the summer season, such as magicians and live bands.

Active-duty military, retirees andFamilies, with military identification, will pay half price for adult and children’stickets during May. Regular admission is $26 for adults and children ages 4-11 are $20. Admission to the bridge and park includes all rides and attractionsexcept the Skycoaster, zip line and trail rides.

Mothers get in free May 12 inhonor of Mother’s Day.

To reach the Royal Gorge, takeHighway 115 south to the small townof Penrose. Take a right on U.S. 50west. Continue through Cañon Cityand go about 12 miles west, watchingfor signs marking the way to theRoyal Gorge Bridge and make a left on County Road 3A.

There are rafting and helicoptercompanies and a few tourist attractions near the road leading to the bridge.

A Royal Gorge Visitor Center is at the turnoff for the Royal GorgeBridge, at Highway 50 and CountyRoad 3A, and is open Wednesday to

Sunday, 7 a.m. to 2 p.m., serving breakfastand lunch in the country cafe. Visitors canstop at the visitor center for a meal orsnack, shop for souvenirs and buy ticketsfor entrance to the Royal Gorge Bridge and Park. Free WiFi is available.

Refreshments are sold in the park,including hamburgers, barbecue sandwiches,pizza, ice cream and funnel cakes.

The Royal Gorge Bridge is at 4218County Road 3A, and can be reached at 719-275-7507 or call 888-333-5597. It is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdaysand 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday-Sunday.

Parking lots are at the bridge entrance.If planning to drive across the bridge, letthe attendant at the entrance window know.

One of the highest suspension bridges in the world, RoyalGorge Bridge and Parkis half price for militaryFamilies during May.

Left: Visitors can ride the free shuttleacross the bridge, walkor drive across the1,270 foot-long bridge.

Above: Many visitors choose

to ride the RoyalRush Skycoaster,

that has been called the scariest

Skycoaster of all.

The Royal Gorge Route Railroad runsthrough the bottom of the gorge,alongside the Arkansas River.

Just the Facts• TRAVEL TIME — 45 minutes

• FOR AGES — anyone• TYPE — suspended bridge• FUN FACTOR — ★★★★★

(Out of 5 stars)

• WALLET DAMAGE — $$$$ = Less than $20

$ $ = $ 21 t o $ 4 0$ $ $ = $ 41 t o $ 6 0

$ $ $ $ = $ 61 t o $ 8 0(BASED ON A FAMILY OF FOUR)

Military Appreciation Month –

Right: Visitors ride the incline railway

along the 45-degreetrack to the bottomof the Royal Gorge.

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