Media presentation By Maya and Komal

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Media presentationBy Maya and Komal

Page 2: Media presentation

• Every magazine consist of a front cover. The purpose of a front cover is simply to attract the audience which the magazine targets.

• “Q“ magazine is published by Bauer Media. • Bauer Media discovered “Q “ magazine in 1986. • It has been one of the UK’s best selling music monthly

magazine. The magazine it self does not consist of a fix targeted audience, in fact it has a much broader open minded audience.

• The issue is about the most exciting people in music therefore, the magazine focuses on three significant artist of different genre.

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The front cover• The main image on the cover is a long shot of three artist. •Jay-z is positioned in front of Lady Gaga and Dave Grohl, to show his power as an artist.• Lady Gaga is dressed very sexual, shows how women are represented in the media, very pleasing for men.•There is not a lot of information on the front about the content of the magazine, which makes readers have to look inside the magazine for content of interest•The colour scheme of this magazine is red, black and white- it follows a general pattern of other magazines in the Bauer family.

Ways our audience is attracted . . .

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The order is not sequential in page order, but it is ordered under headings – makes it easier for the reader to navigate what it wants to read.

Continuous theme of red black and white. Reinforces that these colours represent Q magazine.

Icons are used for artists in the magazine and also features included.

Two different type of type faces are used. Bold, capitals for headings and less obvious fonts for the descriptions.

Jay Z is a famous artist/entrepreneur. The fact that his face is enlarged attracts the audiences attention,

This magazines portrays through the sizes of images which artist is the most important.

How accessible are audience?

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Double Page Spread

One page of the spread is used for copy, while the other is used for images.

This makes it easier for the reader to absorb each piece of information, and makes it clearer to read.

The background and language used represent the rock culture.

The colours used again, follow the theme for Q magazine. Also reminds readers of a piano – since the band is called The Black keys

A variety of formal and slang register is used.

Written in capitals, which appeals towards the eye.

This man is making eye contact with the audience.

The artist portray a long shot.

“THE BLACK KEYS” written in capitals to attract


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Advertisements• Q generate a lot of revenue from their advertisements.• There are loads of advertisements throughout the whole of the magazine. •There a full pages generally on every other page on the right hand side which is very eye catching for the reader as it is the first thing that the reader sees.• The advertisements are mostly aimed at males, for example there are 4 whole pages of advertisements for the game Halo. Halos target market are generally males so advertising in Q means that they know there is a large male audience. Q also has some pages near the end where they display there number so organisations can contact them if they want to advertise in the magazine. This shows that Q may rely a lot on there advertisements, or that they know there is a high demand for companies to advertise in Q magazine.

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The Target Market Q target a specific type of market that match their audience

profile. The market will not listen to one specific music genre, but have a general interest in all types of music. Q is targeting a niche market.

• Age group average 22 – 32• Gender: Mostly males

• Ethnicity: Any• Social class: C2 +

• Geo-demographics: more urban and city areas• Sexuality: heterosexual

• What the audience might look like?

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Key factors

162 number of pages.39 number of full pages with adverts.123 total pages of editorial.50 editorial copy