The masthead is big, simple but eye catching. The fact that it’s in white and everything else on the magazine is in colour makes the masthead stands out even more. This in the biggest sell line on the magazine which makes the readers feel that the topic is important. However it’s also an anchorage text because it’s stating that their at home. Other pictures, sell lines, anchorage text are all pushed to one side of the magazine. This shows the importance of the main image. The word’ Exclusive is a buzz word which is used in most magazines. This word catches the reader’s attention because it makes them feel like their apart of this secret. It’s also the only pink thing on the magazine which gets the readers eye automatically as well. The fact that everyone is smiling in this image shows joy and a friendly mode of address s to the reader. It also comes across as an example of how a family should look. Everyone is looking directly at the camera, which comes across as looking directly at the reader. It shows that their not hiding anything and that they want to let people in their lives to share their story. They put the date of the magazine which is good because readers know that their up to date. But because it’s small it doesn’t make a difference. The colour scheme yellow and blue adds a simple-ness to

Media magazine 2 obama

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The masthead is big, simple but eye catching. The fact that it’s in white and everything else on the magazine is in colour makes the masthead stands out even more.

This in the biggest sell line on the magazine which makes the readers feel that the topic is important. However it’s also an anchorage text because it’s stating that their at home.

Other pictures, sell lines, anchorage text are all pushed to one side of the magazine. This shows the importance of the main image.

The word’ Exclusive is a buzz word which is used in most magazines. This word catches the reader’s attention because it makes them feel like their apart of this secret. It’s also the only pink thing on the magazine which gets the readers eye automatically as well.

The fact that everyone is smiling in this image shows joy and a friendly mode of address s to the reader. It also comes across as an example of how a family should look.

Everyone is looking directly at the camera, which comes across as looking directly at the reader. It shows that their not hiding anything and that they want to let people in their lives to share their story.

They put the date of the magazine which is good because readers know that their up to date. But because it’s small it doesn’t make a difference.

The colour scheme yellow and blue adds a simple-ness to