Rugged look of Sherlock connect every day hero The fog in the background shows the period of that film. Masculine colour White font makes its stands out, the main colours of the fonts are black white and red which are masculine colours Male magazine with films aimed at the male audience The rich list signify that the films in this magazines are big budget production The main characters stand back to back This connotes that they have each others back. Sherlock Holmes has more of the cover as he is the main character The price is very small, this may be because of the expense of the magazine. This is the last thing you The train in background suggests the time period of the early 1900’s as stream trains are mainly known in this period The magazine title is bold and in white, but hides behind the main images on the cover they do this has they have a confidence in the brand of magazine Shows what else is in the magazine and they advertise exclusive interviews which attract customers

Magazine analysis (2 covers)

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Page 1: Magazine analysis (2 covers)

Rugged look of Sherlock connect every day hero

The fog in the background shows the period of that film. Masculine colour

White font makes its stands out, the main colours of the fonts are black white and red which are masculine colours

Male magazine with films aimed at the male audience

The rich list signify that the films in this magazines are big budget production

The main characters stand back to back This connotes that they have each others back. Sherlock Holmes has more of the cover as he is the main character

The price is very small, this may be because of the expense of the magazine. This is the last thing you look at

The train in background suggests the time period of the early 1900’s as stream trains are mainly known in this period

The magazine title is bold and in white, but hides behind the main images on the cover they do this has they have a confidence in the brand of magazine

Shows what else is in the magazine and they advertise exclusive interviews which attract customers

Page 2: Magazine analysis (2 covers)

The broken glass signifies that Harry Potter life is in pieces and he cant put it back together. The other sub character are in the broken glass this connotes that they are in damage

The magazine title is bold and in red , but hides behind the main images on the cover they do this has they have a confidence in the brand of magazine

The magazine has a separate banner at the bottom, with the words “must see” this draws in potential customers

Harry Potter is such a world wide name, that all they have to put on the font is the word potter and people no exactly what it is

Slogan above and below the main heading . Short and snappy and they are in bright yellow which stand out

Give you a bit of information about the inside of the magazine to draw in a different audience

The price is very small and hidden behind glass, this may be because of the expense of the magazine. This is the last thing you look at

Harry is looking rugged, with his hair messy and face dirty this suggest that harry has been in some battle .

The background is dark Blue this connotes calming. It can be strong and steadfast or light and friendly. Almost everyone likes some shade of the colour blue

The colour yellow is repeated a few times on the front cover, they do this to draws the reader to those phrases