Causes of WWI Nationalism and Imperialism Balkan Powder Keg – Serbia/Russia – PanSlavism Sarajevo –the Black Hand • Militarism • Mobilization System of Alliances Triple Entente – Allied Powers Triple alliance – Central Powers The Great War World War I Main Causes

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Causes of WWI• Nationalism and

Imperialism• Balkan Powder Keg

– Serbia/Russia– PanSlavism– Sarajevo –the Black Hand

• Militarism• Mobilization• System of Alliances

– Triple Entente – Allied Powers

– Triple alliance – Central Powers

The Great WarWorld War IMain Causes

MAIN Causes

• Militarism

• Alliances

• Imperialism

• Nationalism


• Military Spirit• The

Glorification of Armed Strength

Alliances• A union or agreement to cooperate between nations

• Designed to balance power in Europe

• Alliances assured total peace or total war

“The game of the day,” 1879

• The political, military, or economic domination of one country over other countries or colonies


“The game of the day,” 1879


• A love for ones country, Patriotism combined with a sense of superiority

• A uniting force• Called for

conquering the inferior nations or peoples

The Balkan Powder Keg

• Decline of the Ottoman Empire left a power vacuum in the Balkans

• Pan-Slavism– Serbia wants to unite all Slavic

people in the Balkans– The Black Hand is a Serbian

Nationalist Group working in Austria Hungary trying to break off Bosnia


•Assassination of Arch-Duke Franz Ferdinand of Austria Hungary

– The Arch-Duke is the Crown Prince of Austria Hungary

– Gavrilo Princip is the Assassin– Gavrilo Princip is a member of

the Black Hand

The Dominos begin to fall•Austria Hungary Issues a Harsh Ultimatum to Serbia•Serbia aggress with all but one demand•Austria-Hungary attacks Serbia with German consent•Russia mobilizes against Austria•Germany Attacks Russia and France•Great Britain declares War on Germany

Europe WWI - 1914