Guidelines on balance in choice of sources: a European comparison Els Diekerhof Senior lecturer Utrecht School of Journalism/ Research fellow J-lab University of Applied Sciences Utrecht The Netherlands [email protected]

Guidelines in Balance in Choices of Sources - The future of journalism Cardiff 2013

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Balance in the choice and use of sources is an international standard of quality journalism. Quality reporting implies traditionally a “presentation of conflicting possibilities”. In this pilot study balance in source selection is regarded as an operationalization of objective, impartial journalism, as a ‘ritual of objectivity’. Standard practices regarding information gathering and reporting are changing. The increasing workload of journalists might affect the search for sources with different points of view and the importance of balance. Meanwhile ‘rituals of objectivity’ seem to change into ’rituals of transparency’, at least in an online environment, where speed is more important. This might also change routines in the selection of sources. This pilot study explores if and how balance is defined, operationalized and promoted in journalism textbooks and editorial style guides & guidelines and editorial code of conducts from five European countries. The comparison of Dutch, German, Spanish, British and Finish instructions for journalists - and journalist-to- be-, on the choice of sources, shows a variety of practices, from strict rules on when to include ‘the other side’, to general recommendations to treat friends and opponents equally. This pilot study suggests that there are no significant differences between the European countries, although an internationalization of the notion of balance could not be demonstrated. The study could not - yet? - show that new digital practices of source selection are conversed to professional guidelines.

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Guidelines on balance in choice of sources: a European comparison    

Els DiekerhofSenior lecturer Utrecht School of Journalism/Research fellow J-lab University of Applied Sciences UtrechtThe Netherlands  [email protected]

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information gathering


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use and choice of sources

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Balance1) complicated issue

2) accused individuals (or institutions) must be heard

“both (or more) sides should have equal time and equal space to put their arguments”(Frost, 2000)

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bias transparency

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Cross-national analysis

Spain, Finland, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Germany

14 editorial guidelines & styleguides7 textbooks

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Which practical recommendations,guidelines, instructions and rules are given to (future) journalists regarding balance in the use and choice of sources in different European countries?

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no significant national differences

most books make no difference

complicated issue, accused person


ethical: explaining why balance is important

practical: how-to

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Editorial guidelines & stylebooks

variety, no significant national differences

public broadcasting organizations specific:

BBC: diversity

“variations between urban and rural, older and younger, poorer and wealthier, the

innovative and the status quo, etc.”

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els diekerhof

Cosmopolitan journalism practice?

New practices? Fast one-sided stories vs slow(er) balanced stories? Linking to ‘the other side’?

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[email protected]

Utrecht School of Journalism | Faculty Communication & Journalism | J * lab