£300m VAT Tax Dodge Fugitive Launches Bid to Return to Scotland

£300m VAT Tax Dodge Fugitive Launches Bid to Return to Scotland

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£300m VAT Tax Dodge Fugitive Launches Bid to Return to Scotland

Page 2: £300m VAT Tax Dodge Fugitive Launches Bid to Return to Scotland


Imran Hussain who is 34 years old and famous with the nick name of Mani. He has been on the run from HM Revenue & Customs investigators for six years over a Value Added Tax scam in which he stolen prosaically 300 million pounds from United Kingdom tax payers.

Imran Hussain

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Exclusive Fraud

Exclusive: Imran Hussain, UK’s most opulent fraud suspect is negotiating a deal to return from United Arab Emirates. He has been on the run from HMRC investigators for six years for allegedly snitching £300million in VAT.


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High Life in Dubai

Hussain has been living in Dubai after being forced out of the United Kingdom. One source stated that Hussain wants to return to UK, after being on the run since 2006, but does not want to spend 20 years in confinement. Instead, he would preferably like a deal where he can submit a large amount of money and walk off with a lighter sentence.

Imran Hussain

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Residing in Dubai

Currently residing in Dubai, Hussain owns two luxury houses, a fleet of cars and a yacht. He also travels to Europe by private jet. A close associate of Hussain stated he had has been living in Dubai for the last couple of years after realizing HMRC were not going to let up.

Imran Hussain

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Suspected of Bogus Firms

Hussain is suspected of setting up and heading hundreds of bogus European firms linked to VAT fraud, also known as carousel fraud. These gangs claim back VAT on small high-value items, such as computer chips and mobile phones, they say were imported and then exported. However, the goods never existed.

Imran Hussain

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One Source Said

One Source said: ‘’ He has everything he could wish for in the UAE, but it’s not his home and he is willing to return home as soon as possible if he can strike a “fair deal” with the authorities back home.

Imran Hussain

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Imran Hussain