Section 3 Financing a Campaign Chapter 10 Paying For Election Campaigns

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Section 3

Financing a Campaign

Chapter 10Paying For Election Campaigns

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OUTLINE• Financing a Campaign

• Raising Money

– Federal Election Campaign Act• Federal Election Committee• Limiting Contributions• Public Funding

– PACs and Soft Money• Spending on Media• A Reluctance to Reform

– Campaign Reform• New Law Upheld and The Future

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Raising Money

• It has been so shady in the past, that now there is federal legislation enacted to regulate how and where candidates get money

• We have seen many changes in these laws over the past few years in an effort to reform the system

• Namely the FEC and Buckley v. Valeo

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Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA)

• An effort to control/regulate campaign financing (est. 1971; amend. 1974, 1976, 1979)

• What did it do?– Required public disclosure of each candidate’s

spending– Limited the amount of money that individuals or

groups could donate directly to a candidate or political party (HARD MONEY)

– Set up the FEC

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Their job is to administer all federal election laws and to monitor campaign spending

All contributions to a candidate or political party over 200 dollars needs to be reported to the FEC

“political watchdog”

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Buckley v. Valeo

• “Set the precedent”

• The Supreme Court decided that it IS constitutional to set limits on campaign contributions bc of its need to keep corruption out of elections.


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C.R.E.A.M!!!!• You are allowed to

spend as much as you want on the entire campaign (no “cap”) and you can spend as much of your own money as you want!!!!!

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Public Funding

• FECA – wanted to give us an opportunity to help these candidates get elected. How?

• The Presidential Election Campaign Fund• Check a box on your Tax Returns…and you can

donate three of your dollars to this fund that, if they qualify, can benefit candidates.

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Public vs. Private

• Most money comes from Private Sources and not Public (Pres. Camp. Elec. Fund)– Examples of Private Sources• Individual citizens• Corporations• Labor unions• Interest groups• Political Action Committes (PACs)

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Political Action Committees (PACs)

• Organizations set up by interest groups specifically to collect money to support favored candidates.

Amounts limited by FECA

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Soft money

• Political Parties can also raise “soft money” – which is unlimited amounts of money used for general purposes.– VOTER REGISTRATION CAMPAIGNS– DIRECT MAILINGS

• According to FECA - This money could come from anyone and anywhere – and there was no limit

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Spending on Media

• FECA put no limits on any media spending, TV, print, radio, etc

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Svbcwx6FZPA

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4_ypTOwo_U

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A Reluctance to Reform

• Because it was getting sloppy and shady – there was talks of “reform” in Congress….

• However, incumbents were reluctant to give up their advantage

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Campaign Reform

• In 2002 – Change came….• Congress passed the The Bipartisan Campaign

Reform Act (aka the McCain-Feingold Act)• A prohibition of national political parties,

federal officeholders, and federal candidates from raising soft money

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The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act

• It also put restrictions on Corporations, interest group, and unions running ads for (or against) candidates.

• Limited Hard Money contributions– individual candidate – 2,000– Political Party – 25,000

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New Law Upheld

• McConnell v. Federal Elections Committee

• “these limits are a violation of my free speech”

• McCain-Feingold Act - UPHELDWhy?Without limits big donors could influence

the policy makers – unfair and undemocratic

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The Future?

• Candidates need to now focus on a larger amount of smaller donations

• How do we do that? THE INTERNET

• Cheap, reaches millions