www.AlphaSoftware.com 1 Richard Rabins, CEO Enabling Organizations to Prototype, Develop and Deploy Enterprise-level Mobile Business Applications FAST

Alpha Anywhere presentation at the the Always on Summit -- Building Offline Mobile apps with no added time and cost

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89% of businesses say they need their mobile apps to be able to work when there is no signal (VDC research data.) Building offline capable mobile apps is very hard and time consuming. Wired Magazine says, it can easily triple the cost. Alpha previewed Alpha Anywhere Offline at the Summit showing that offline mobile apps can be built with NO incremental time and cost (vs always connected apps.)

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  • 1. www.AlphaSoftware.com 1 Richard Rabins, CEO Enabling Organizations to Prototype, Develop and Deploy Enterprise-level Mobile Business Applications FAST

2. Introduction Video 2www.AlphaSoftware.com 3. Internal Mobile Business Applications 3www.AlphaSoftware.com Reality Desired - IDC May 2014 4. 4Mobile Applications for business are poised for growth with Mobile being a top priority for CIOs Gartner 2013 5. 5 However, until now, building these apps has been hard, time consuming and expensive because of screen real estate issues, because of the need for responsive design, because of the need to run on different devices, because of the need to adapt to a new swipe/gesture metaphor and because of connectivity issues 6. One approach to building mobile apps is using code centric platforms. They are powerful but they take a lot of time and therefore the cost of building applications tends to be very high. 6 Lots of handwritten code 7. And . They require skilled developers who are as hard to find as Waldo! 7 8. As a result of these factors, people have looked at an alternative approach - the no code approach 8 No Code 9. This approach promises rapid developmentbut 9 Fast Development 10. Because coding is not possible inevitably for serious enterprise and business applications, this approach poses the serious risk that the project cannot be completed and therefore has to be abandoned and re-attempted with code heavy platforms. 10 11. In addition, mobile applications for business involve both the back end (databases and business rules) and the front end and the vast majority of current mobile platforms are either front end or back end 11 12. As a result with these two approaches, companies are held back from getting their mobile apps built 12 13. What is the solution? There has to be a better way! 13 14. Firstly you want a platform that offers both the front end and back end. 14 15. Secondly you want a system that requires as little code as possible, but you do want to be able to code when needed 15 Low Code 16. This way you get rapid development because coding is minimized and the assurance that you can build enterprise apps because coding is possible 16 Fast Development 17. You also want a full set of tools so that everything you need is built in this further enhances productivity 17 Role Based Security Reporting Scheduling Geographic Information Services Database Connections and Web Services Complete Solution - no risk of running out of steam 18. Alpha Anywhere is that platform! 18 19. We mentioned before that there are many challenges in building mobile enterprise apps Offline is probably the single biggest and hardest challenge. 19 20. The hottest trend in mobile Suddenly, the industry woke up to the reality that we cant always get connected - ComputerWorld May 2014 The issue is not new, but as business gets more serious about building mobile apps in the real world, the issues of offline have bubbled up to the top 20 Offline The Elephant in the Room #OfflineProblems 21. Most developers have assumed that signal is always available and they dont factor offline capability into their applications 21 22. And until they have to deal with it, they also tend think that that syncing data from mobile devices to the server is easy. 22 23. It turns out, that this is a really flawed assumption on both accounts 23 24. Connectivity in the real world can be unpredictable, intermittent, non existent or slow. Which means 24 25. that mobile initiatives that dont take into account connectivity problems are unable to get off the ground 25 26. 89% of Enterprises regards offline support to be extremely or somewhat critical 26 How critical is offline support for mobile business applications? Not at all Somewhat Extremely - VDC Research 25% 11% 64% 27. ..One of the most difficult challenges developers face Many organizations specify offline access as a required feature of their app, but quickly remove that feature when the development teams responds with the estimate of what it will take to architect and build offline support. Can Triple the Cost of Development. www.AlphaSoftware.com 27 Offline Data Synchronization is 28. 1. Security and Compliance 2. Linking to Enterprise Databases 3. Conflict Resolution 4. User Control 5. Data Integrity 6. Persisting Local Data 7. Development Cost This is complicated and hard stuff. This means dealing with all these issues in an easy, fast and seamless way is highly desirable! 28 Offline Issues #OfflineProblems 29. What Do Enterprises Want? To Develop Mobile Apps Without a Time and Cost Penalty for Offline www.AlphaSoftware.com 29 30. Alpha Anywhere does this. It solves the problem at the application level, It works with existing enterprise databases. Offline capabilities are built right in 30 31. Demonstration Video 31 Here is a quick demo from Dan Bricklin, Alphas CTO demonstrating synchronization and conflict resolution in an offline application 32. Just a couple of examples of what customers say 32 Customers Over one weekend, from scratch, I built a secure loan analysis and reporting app. It's not because I am a genius, its because Alpha Anywhere is just that good. -Imran Riaz, SVP TD Bank Other products advertise themselves as Rapid Application Development, but you quickly find out that unlike Alpha Anywhere, they run out of steam before the job can be completed. -Anthony Ward, Director Development, Palace Entertainment, 33. www.AlphaSoftware.com 33 Summary Large unmet and growing need for enterprise mobile applications. Alpha Anywhere is the Solution Low Code Complete Front/Back End Offline Built Right In Rapid Development