What is E2B Marketing & How to Use It

What is E2B Marketing?

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What is E2B Marketing & How to Use It


We all know what B2B & B2C means…

Business to Business: My company buys what you have so that we can do our jobs better

Business to Consumer: I buy what your company is selling because I want/need it.


Events toe the Line between B2B & B2C.

They sell tickets or admissions directly to consumer to enjoy the event.

They sell participation, exposure, and access to companies through sponsorships, partnerships and more.

TICKETGood for one admission

TICKETGood for one admission

TICKETGood for one admission


E2B Marketing is the specific marketing actions that events take to secure partnerships,

sponsorships, or develop relationships with businesses that will enhance their events.


What tools to Events have to market to businesses?


Media coverage of an event can be a great way to encourage businesses to partner with you on your event or to secure sponsors. It gets them in front of their target audience while also giving them a unique platform that may reach secondary markets.

1) Exposure


Events that are: Well run & have a great planning team

are reputable in the community

Make it very easy for sponsors and partners to come on board to support you. Make sure that you treat your

partners well and fulfill all expectation that you have set.

2) A Good Reputation


Stir those feelings of FOMO in your local community where businesses feel that they HAVE to be at your event.

Don’t give them an option – be the most on trend, the most attended, the most covered event in your

community. Businesses will want to get on board.

3) Don’t Get Left Behind


It can be used as proof of concept, it can enhance your sponsorship proposals, and it can be a major selling point

when securing vendors. Collect as much quantifiable data as possible, it will make selling your event to businesses a snap.

4) Data. Data. Data

Data is not Scary. Data is our friend.


E2B Marketing It is a form of B2B marketing that is ultimately meant to

enhance the B2C product – which is your event.

By establishing yourself as a leader in the event space, you can convince other businesses that they want to be

on your side.



How has your event marketed to businesses and what ways did it enhance your event?