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Tom Ollerton: Social Thinking Futures

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We Are SocialWe Are Social


Think forward >





---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Robert Farndon <[email protected]>Date: 5 August 2014 23:27Subject: Whattsapp can I get my daghters whattsapp mesages with out her nowing and not touching her phone

To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>

Target Consumer: Sue, aged 38

Target Consumer: Sue, aged 38

The Innovation Ramble.com


All prediction is gambling

Think forward >

Social Thinking

“Social Thinking” is understanding how and why people communicate

“Social Thinking” + Innovation

“Social Thinking” + Innovation

= thoughts, events and actions

We Are Social

“Social Thinking” + Innovation

= thoughts, events and actions

We Are Social

Think forward >





Think forward >


What is a Trend?

A trend is a collection of innovators working separately to solve a problem.




BusinessThink forward >

Trend 1. Social Sharing

Effort Level - HIGHTime to Mainstream - 12 months


Social Sharing Examples

Why is Social Sharing objects a trend?

Social Sharing

What will happen next?

Do it

If you have a product with a high price (houses, cars, golf clubs) that can be shared then start planning how you can allow people to share your product and how to make money from this.

Think About

If your product is low priced (shoes, cutlery, cushions)

then wait for the first movers to experiment to

see if your target audience are willing to share smaller

everyday items

Skip it

If your product isn’t a ‘thing’ then you don’t

need to worry about this for now

Social Sharing Objects - What you need to do




BusinessThink forward >

Voyeurism 2.0

Effort Level - MEDIUMTime to Mainstream - 6 months


Voyeurism 2.0

Why is Voyeurism 2.0 a trend?

Voyeurism 2.0

What will happen next?

Do it

If you are brave and have the capacity to take risks then think about producing content about your product and company that tells the WHOLE truth. Any less and it may fly back in your face.

Think About

If you’ve got smaller budgets and are struggling to get cut through then a slice of radical honesty

might be just what you need.

Skip it

If your sector or company policy

prevents you from disclosing the gory

details of your business then you can pass this

one up.

Voyeurism 2.0 - What you need to do




BusinessThink forward >

Conscious Community

Effort Level - MEDIUMTime to Mainstream - 0 months


Conscious Community

Why is Conscious Community a trend?

Conscious Community

What will happen next?

Think About

If you’re slightly less than holy then think about who or what do you and your

customers both care about? Is there a problem

that you can solve together for the benefit of both

of you?

Skip it

You know who you are.

Social Sharing Objects - What you need to do

Do it

If you are an ethical business then shout it from the rooftops and build a tribe that shares your ethics.




BusinessThink forward >

Conscious Community

Effort Level - HIGHTime to Mainstream - 18 months


Community Commerce

Why is Community Commerce a trend?

Community Commerce

What will happen next?

Think About

If your brand is a small team then your capacity to

join in with Community Commerce might be a

challenge. Think about how you could partner with the businesses you’d need to

get this off the ground,

Skip it

This will take time, energy and a lot of

love for a community.. If you’

re short of any of these three then

pass on this one.

Community Commerce - What you need to do

Do it

If there is a middle ground between your brand values, your customers ethics and a problem that you can solve together then Community Commerce is a huge opportunity for brands with a big heart and big budgets.

So this is all very nice...

Social Thinking Forward: Pathway


What are the social truths are driving this


Who is nailing this trend?

Why is this trend emerging now?

Long term shifts Short term triggers

What is the audience expecting

as a result of this trend?

Which customer groups could you

apply this trend to?

Social Thinking Innovation

Red Bull Social Thinking Forward: Pathway

Conscious Community

What are the social truths are driving this


Who is nailing this trend?

Why is this trend emerging now?

Long term shifts Short term triggers

What is the audience expecting

as a result of this trend?

Which customer groups could you

apply this trend to?

Social Thinking Innovation

Red Bull Social Thinking Forward: Pathway

Conscious Community

What are the social truths are driving this


We like to be seen as doing something good.

In a western society we’re not driven by things as much as self actualisation. We’re shooting up MHON.

Who is nailing this trend?

Why is this trend emerging now?

Long term shifts Short term triggers

What is the audience expecting

as a result of this trend?

Which customer groups could you

apply this trend to?

Social Thinking Innovation

Red Bull Social Thinking Forward: Pathway

Conscious Community

What are the social truths are driving this


We like to be seen as doing something good.

In a western society we’re not driven by things as much as self actualisation. We’re shooting up MHON.

Who is nailing this trend?

Why is this trend emerging now?

Long term shifts Short term triggers

What is the audience expecting

as a result of this trend?

PatagoniaAm Ex #SBSWater Bottle you can post back

Which customer groups could you

apply this trend to?

Social Thinking Innovation

Red Bull Social Thinking Forward: Pathway

Conscious Community

What are the social truths are driving this


We like to be seen as doing something good.

In a western society we’re not driven by things as much as self actualisation. We’re shooting up MHON.

Who is nailing this trend?

Why is this trend emerging now?

Long term shifts Short term triggers

What is the audience expecting

as a result of this trend?

PatagoniaAm Ex #SBSWater Bottle you can post back

As a society we are understanding the effects of our actions on poorer countries down the supply chain.

Which customer groups could you

apply this trend to?

Social Thinking Innovation

Red Bull Social Thinking Forward: Pathway

Conscious Community

What are the social truths are driving this


We like to be seen as doing something good.

In a western society we’re not driven by things as much as self actualisation. We’re shooting up MHON.

Who is nailing this trend?

Why is this trend emerging now?

Long term shifts Short term triggers

What is the audience expecting

as a result of this trend?

PatagoniaAm Ex #SBSWater Bottle you can post back

As a society we are understanding the effects of our actions on poorer countries down the supply chain.

Companies like Tom’s shoes are creating successful business models with a conscious purpose.

Which customer groups could you

apply this trend to?

Social Thinking Innovation

Red Bull Social Thinking Forward: Pathway

Conscious Community

What are the social truths are driving this


We like to be seen as doing something good.

In a western society we’re not driven by things as much as self actualisation. We’re shooting up MHON.

Who is nailing this trend?

Why is this trend emerging now?

Long term shifts Short term triggers

What is the audience expecting

as a result of this trend?

PatagoniaAm Ex #SBSWater Bottle you can post back

As a society we are understanding the effects of our actions on poorer countries down the supply chain.

Companies like Tom’s shoes are creating successful business models with a conscious purpose.

People are expecting a ethical bang for their buck and are expecting the brand to foot the bill.

Which customer groups could you

apply this trend to?

Social Thinking Innovation

Red Bull Social Thinking Forward: Pathway

Conscious Community

What are the social truths are driving this


We like to be seen as doing something good.

In a western society we’re not driven by things as much as self actualisation. We’re shooting up MHON.

Who is nailing this trend?

Why is this trend emerging now?

Long term shifts Short term triggers

What is the audience expecting

as a result of this trend?

PatagoniaAm Ex #SBSWater Bottle you can post back

As a society we are understanding the effects of our actions on poorer countries down the supply chain.

Companies like Tom’s shoes are creating successful business models with a conscious purpose.

People are expecting a ethical bang for their buck and are expecting the brand to foot the bill.

Which customer groups could you

apply this trend to?


Social Thinking Innovation

Red Bull Social Thinking Forward: Pathway

Conscious Community

What are the social truths are driving this


We like to be seen as doing something good.

In a western society we’re not driven by things as much as self actualisation. We’re shooting up MHON.

Who is nailing this trend?

Why is this trend emerging now?

Long term shifts Short term triggers

What is the audience expecting

as a result of this trend?

PatagoniaAm Ex #SBSWater Bottle you can post back

As a society we are understanding the effects of our actions on poorer countries down the supply chain.

Companies like Tom’s shoes are creating successful business models with a conscious purpose.

People are expecting a ethical bang for their buck and are expecting the brand to foot the bill.

Recycle cans (by post) to make

prosthetics for kids / injured athletes / less able people

Which customer groups could you

apply this trend to?


[email protected]
