For SEO And Beyond! Site Speed Optimization

Site Speed Optimization by Itamar Gero

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For SEO And Beyond!

Site Speed Optimization

• Itamar Gero, CEO @ Truelogic online solutions

• 36 years old, Israeli

• Programming since the age of 8

• Joined the army at 18

• Moved to the Philippines in 2009

[email protected]

• https://twitter.com/itamargero

SEO For E-Commerce TrueLogic Online Solutions, Inc.

Nice To Meet You

• Various disruptive algorithm changes. Got us out of comfort zone.

• Turn key solutions that replaces need for SEO, built in meta handling, open graph, schema. Reporting on under optimized pages.

• Various tools that shortens audit time and troubleshoot time.

• Google pushing user experience more and more.

• SEOs need to find more areas for improve their technical skills.

SEO Evolved

• Under appreciated ranking factor yet is 10 out of 38 factors ranked most important by Search Metrics (2015).

• Google pushing for user experience, they send us visitors and want them to get great treatment, no poor content, no dodgy links or cloaking and a darn fast site!

• Because everyone has it! As technology evolves and everyone learns to speed up their sites, the ones left behind will suffer bounce and loss of rankings.

Growing Importance Of Site Speed

Slow Site?

Site Speed Case Study• Site loaded slower than the competition (TTFB Over .5s)

• Site didn’t use CDN

• Site didn’t compress files before sending (Gzip)

Site Speed Case Study

Result – Surge In Impressions & Clicks

TTFB Counts

Source: https://moz.com/blog/how-website-speed-actually-impacts-search-ranking

• Various online tools like Pingdom.com, GTMetrix.com and Google Page Speed Insights.

• Firebug or Chrome’s network tracking tool (Ctrl+Shift+I)

How To Analyze Site Speed?

Understanding The Elements

Waterfall Chart

• Find offenders with slowest load speed (Analytics)

• Review plugins, remove unnecessary.

• Keep server, PHP, frameworks on the latest stable versions.

• Check that the server is not overloaded.

• Serve as many static files from different origin (CDN)

• Minify, Eliminate unnecessary files.

• Expiration Headers.

• Reduce image sizes all across the board and set a policy for image upload.

• GZIP Compression.

• Mod_Pagespeed.

How To Improve

Thank youVery Much!!!