PRINT MEDIA FOUND DEAD: Some argue it’s still alive...more on the story >>>

Print Media Found Dead: Some Argue it's Still Alive. More on the Story

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There are still benefits to print media traditional marketing in a socially connected, internet-savvy world. All of the target markets for print media have not passed...yet.

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Page 1: Print Media Found Dead: Some Argue it's Still Alive. More on the Story

PRINT MEDIA FOUND DEAD:Some argue it’s still alive...more on the story >>>

Page 2: Print Media Found Dead: Some Argue it's Still Alive. More on the Story

INTRODUCTIONImagine our culture without any of this:

Magazines >> Newspapers >> Direct Mail >> Billboards

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INTRODUCTIONNew York City would something look like this:

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Message to be planned strategically, with fully integrated multi-media marketing campaign to make it stick, as all advertising makes an impression

Print media important because of mass appeal, audience reach/target customers and ease of integration

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Tangible keepsake and promotes visual effectiveness

Readership is still high, more engaging

Visibility to a broad scope of demographics


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Opportunity of greater impressions to your potential customer

Niche audiences, specific geographic locations

Catered messages executed in a timely, controlled distribution

Infographic by http://printmediacentr.com/2012/04/the-last-infographic-youll-ever-need-print-is-big/

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EASY INTEGRATIONGraphics are simple implementation to print submission

Innovative in design and use technology with QR codes, hashtags

Discounts and bonus insertions may be available

Brand recognition through consistent message, competitive advantage

Real Tweet Ad - social messages only reach those who are following you, or seek out your information. Tagging has potential reach to others, but not guaranteed.

Example graphic representation of a mock-up Print Ad - message would reach those who may not know who you are

Images from twitter.com/fullsail

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ANALYSIS“Designed by Apple in California”


AD MEDIUM: Magazines

LOCATION: Inside front cover two-page spread in each

DESIGN: Images powerful, prominently display product and text placed exactly the same size in same location

MESSAGE: “This is our signature. And it means everything.” - promotes brand representation & identity

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“ ”This is our signature. And it means everything.

- Apple, Inc.

Ad artwork pictured to the right was found in my purchased GQ and Wired Magazines.

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COMPANY: Hostess

AD MEDIUM: Billboards

LOCATION: Major cities across US

DESIGN: Large close-up of product, brand logo and colors, with a simple date in white (on most, slogan on others)

MESSAGE: “The sweetest comeback in the history of ever” - promotes brand loyalty & awareness

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“ ”The sweetest comeback in the history of ever.

- Hostess




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CONCLUSIONPrint media still alive & well >>>

Print media marketing still exists and is effective

Utilize well-planned multi-media marketing campaigns and focused strategies

Supports the brand and customers receive the message

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RESOURCESAlShaali, S. and Varshney, U. (2005). On the Usability of Mobile Commerce, Int. J. Mobile Communications, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 29-37. Retrieved July 22, 2013 from http://


Briand, P. (2011, November 23). Will Baby Boomers kill the daily newspaper? - National baby boomer | Examiner.com. Welcome to Examiner.com | Examiner.com. Retrieved July 15, 2013, from http://www.examiner.com/article/will-baby-boomers-kill-the-daily-newspaper

Decker, S. (2013, June 28). Marketing Strategy - Three Steps to a More Effective Converged Media Strategy : MarketingProfs Article. MarketingProfs: Marketing Resources and Strategies for Marketing Professionals. Retrieved July 15, 2013, from http://www.marketingprofs.com/articles/2013/11077/three-steps-to-a-more-effective-converged-media-strategy

Forbes. (2012, June 28). Print is Dead? Not so Fast. - Forbes. Information for the World's Business Leaders - Forbes.com. Retrieved July 14, 2013, from http://www.forbes.com/sites/thesba/2012/06/28/print-is-dead-not-so-fast/

Gallagher, K. Parsons, J. Foster, D. (2001). A Tale of Two Studies: Replicating "Advertising Effectiveness and Content Evaluation in Print and on the Web", Journal of Advertising Research, Jul/Aug 2001, vol. 41, Issue 4, p. 71-81. 12 Charts. Retrieved July 22, 2013 from http://web.ebscohost.com.oclc.fullsail.edu:81/ehost/detail?vid=10&sid=2bd9b367-a429-4055-a29b-20669af7ceca%40sessionmgr4&hid=20&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=bth&AN=5331616

Hunt, M. (2013, March 25). Across platforms, 7 in 10 adults access content from newspaper media each week. Newspaper Association of America. Retrieved July 15, 2013, from http://www.naa.org/News-and-Media/Press-Center/Archives/2013/7-in-10-Adults-Access-Content-From-Newspaper-Media-Each-Week.aspx

Kuang, C. (2009, July 8). Print Media Is Dying. Online Revenues Are Tiny. What If the Ads Are to Blame? | Fast Company | Business + Innovation. Fast Company | Business + Innovation. Retrieved July 15, 2013, from http://www.fastcompany.com/1306215/print-media-dying-online-revenues-are-tiny-what-if-ads-are-blame

Lapowsky, I. (2013, July 15). Inside Hostess's 'Sweetest Comeback' Campaign | Inc.com. Small Business Ideas and Resources for Entrepreneurs. Retrieved July 22, 2013, from http://www.inc.com/issie-lapowsky/inside-hostess-comeback.html

Reitman, J. (2013, July 17). Dzhokhar Tsarnaev: Jahar's World | Culture News | Rolling Stone. Rolling Stone | Music News, Politics, Reviews, Photos, Videos, Interviews and More. Retrieved July 22, 2013, from http://www.rollingstone.com/culture/news/jahars-world-20130717

Taylor, J. (2013, June). Is the Multi-Platform Whole More Powerful Than Its Separate Parts? Measuring the Sales Effects of Cross-Media Advertising. Journal of Advertising Research. Vol. 53 Issue 2, p 200-211, 12p, Retrieved July 14, 2013 from http://web.ebscohost.com.oclc.fullsail.edu:81/ehost/detail?vid=6&sid=2a9d5b80-d270-4ce5-b48a-860df94f7c62%40sessionmgr10&hid=20&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=ufh&AN=88284794

Wasserman, T. (2013, June 25). Apple Doubles Down on California Focus in Print Ad. Mashable. Retrieved July 22, 2013, from http://mashable.com/2013/06/25/apple-print-ad-california/

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Photos and images are cited within the presentation and are from various sources with the exception of the first image, owned by Amber Felgenhauer. They are cited and appear in the following orderas follows: Rolling Stone, Print Media Center, Full Sail Twitter account, Wired Magazine, GQ Magazine, LA Times, Hostess Facebook account, Chicago Business Journal and USA Today.