Music Video: Pink - Who Knew

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Song Background

Musically, Who Knew is a pop rock song, which also comes under the genre’s of ballad and soft rock music. Lyrically, it is about losing a friend because of drugs. The song was commercially success worldwide, where it peaked in the top spot in countries including Australia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary and component charts in the United States. The song is Pink's longest chart runner on the Hot 100, spending 36 weeks before dropping out.

It features a young couple visiting a fairground. The video flashes back to the boy secretly injecting himself with drugs on a previous night while the girl is sleeping. At the carnival, when the girl is playing a game, the boy walks away. The girl realizes he's gone and follows him, but when she tries to get him to stay with her he gets violent. He then inject himself with drugs, overdosing him. His girlfriend finds him unconscious. She gives him a kiss and phones for an ambulance; after it has arrived, she walks away crying. The video is inter-cut with shots of Pink singing the song at the entrance to the fairground.

Artist- Nevada Drew

Nevada Drew is a 20 year old British born artist who signed with the British record label- Element Records. Whilst growing up in America she became inspired to become a singer/ song writer and performer by icons such as John Lennon, Avril Lavigne, Train and The Script. With this she built her own unique style of blending genres together to create music personal to her life.

Her debut single Who Knew is a song about the break down of relationships in her life due to her rise to fame. She used the common ideology of a youth life style to relate her song to the younger audience as well as the older audience as they have possibly already experienced this. She also became aware of the variety of life styles which people choose to pursue.

Although the genre being pop rock, Nevada was heavily influenced by art culture through out her life and liked the individuality of breaking conventions and making a performance her own.


We want our artist to stand out and be different. As the genre is pop-rock we don’t want her to be stereotypical of female pop artists who have been used by the media for the ‘male gaze’ as this wouldn’t fit with the style of our music video or the idea of breaking conventions.

This will also be portrayed in the narrative part of the video where the couple will be casually dressed to show the simplicity of the both the video and the artist’s style

Inspiration and Ideas

The Kooks – NaïveThis video follows a similar narrative to the one we had in mind where the girl cheats

on her boyfriend but in particular we like the way the film is shot and the use of lighting to differentiate the flash backs and to give a ‘dream like’ feel to it. Additionally we like the camera movement, especially the first shot, and how it follows the artist and manages to keep the energy of the song.Hozier – Take Me To Church

The black and white filter in this video conveys the rawness of the both the lyrics and narrative which is something we want to try to convey in ours as it shows the simplicity of the relationship between the men yet it also makes the men who find out about the relationship seem more sinister because of the raw emotions that are conveyed. Hozier said that the video ‘shows humanity at its most natural’ which is also something we want o portray in our filmBirdy

Birdy also has a really raw and simplistic style to her videos to convey the true meaning of her songs and to make sure that the media doesn’t glamorize it, which is normally something that happens a lot with woman in the media. Skinny love uses a sepia filter over it which has a similar effect to the black and white used by Hozier.

Narrative Ideas and Location

We have decided that we want the music video to be both a performance and concept video, with the general style of Nevada being slightly artistic and our simple idea is that she is going to be a mash up of Avril Lavigne and Birdy. We want the narrative to show a break up of a relationship due to differences in opinions and life style choices, essentially drifting or growing apart.

In the video Nevada will be performing the song with cuts to the narrative of a couples experience, predominantly following the guy as finally his girlfriend cheats on him, which connects the narrative to the lyrics. It will be filmed and set in London .

Our ideas for places to film will be Greenwich, Brick Lane, Hyde Park, County Hall, Carnaby Street and along the Thames (south bank). County hall has a members balcony which we can use as the performance stage, it also has the Marriott hotels grand entrance.

Camera Work

Camera Work and Editing

For the camera work we have a few ideas of shots which was shown in the slide before. We particularly like the idea of filming the artist walking along different streets in London and then during the editing cutting each shot to the beat so it gives the impression of just the background changing.

Additionally we also want to have camera movement as this is a convention of the rock genre, but also we want to use it to keep the energy of the song, especially with the shots of the couple.

A reason we liked the song was because it had a strong beat for us to edit to which we see as perhaps one of our strengths from our seven nation army preliminary task.


We will be relying on mise-en-scene and the romance of London to set the scene, using light and a variety of locations to express the atmosphere.

London has a variety of atmospheres which changes in day and night, this can relate to the relationship changes that will in turn relate to the audience as this is something everything experiences even if the relationship isn’t romantic.

Relationships will be key in themes as if it is shown well then the subtle and simplistic without glamourizing elements, which is seen in a lot of videos now days; it will be raw and simple emotions.


Lighting and editing- using as much natural lighting as we can will help convey the real raw simple nature of the song, and to help reflect the romance. Using a filter will help create an artistic and professionally finished look to the video. Upcoming artists use these sorts of editing and lighting techniques to show a simple and artistic fresh talent. For example Ed Sheeran’s The A Team had this sort of editing and lighting.

Costume- the costumes for Nevada will be focused on darker colours to reflect the pop rock genre. The couple will be wearing normal every day clothes so that it can be linked to the audience making it appropriate.